rustfft 4.1.0

Compute FFTs of any size in O(nlogn) time, in pure Rust.


CI minimum rustc 1.31

RustFFT is a mixed-radix FFT implementation written in Rust. See the documentation for more details.

If you're looking for the experimental AVX-accelerated release, check out the SIMD branch.


// Perform a forward FFT of size 1234
use rustfft::{FFTplanner, num_complex::Complex};

let mut planner = FFTplanner::new(false);
let fft = planner.plan_fft(1234);

let mut input:  Vec<Complex<f32>> = vec![Complex{ re: 0.0, im: 0.0 }; 4096];
let mut output: Vec<Complex<f32>> = vec![Complex{ re: 0.0, im: 0.0 }; 4096];

fft.process(&mut input, &mut output);


The rustfft crate requires rustc 1.31 or greater.


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Before submitting a PR, please make sure to run cargo fmt.