Module rustdb::compile

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Functions to compile parsed expressions, checking types.


  • Compile bool expression.
  • Compile ExprCall to CExpPtr<Value>, checking parameter types.
  • Calculate various attributes such as data_type, is_constant etc.
  • Compile DELETE statement.
  • Compile float expression.
  • Compile FOR statement.
  • Compile named function (if it is not already compiled ).
  • Compile int expression.
  • Compile FromExpression to CFromExpression.
  • Compile FromExpression in Set context.
  • Look for named table in database.
  • Compile a TableExpression to CTableExpression.
  • Compile UPDATE statement.
  • Compile an expression.
  • Compile WHERE clause, using table index if possible.
  • Lookup the column offset and DataType of a named column.
  • Lookup the column number and DataType of a named column.
  • Generate code to evaluate expression and push the value onto the stack.