Struct rustc_ap_rustc_data_structures::owning_ref::OwningRef[][src]

pub struct OwningRef<O, T: ?Sized> { /* fields omitted */ }

An owning reference.

This wraps an owner O and a reference &T pointing at something reachable from O::Target while keeping the ability to move self around.

The owner is usually a pointer that points at some base type.

For more details and examples, see the module and method docs.


impl<O, T: ?Sized> OwningRef<O, T>[src]

pub fn new(o: O) -> Self where
    O: StableAddress,
    O: Deref<Target = T>, 

Creates a new owning reference from a owner initialized to the direct dereference of it.


extern crate owning_ref;
use owning_ref::OwningRef;

fn main() {
    let owning_ref = OwningRef::new(Box::new(42));
    assert_eq!(*owning_ref, 42);

pub unsafe fn new_assert_stable_address(o: O) -> Self where
    O: Deref<Target = T>, 

Like new, but doesn’t require O to implement the StableAddress trait. Instead, the caller is responsible to make the same promises as implementing the trait.

This is useful for cases where coherence rules prevents implementing the trait without adding a dependency to this crate in a third-party library.

pub fn map<F, U: ?Sized>(self, f: F) -> OwningRef<O, U> where
    O: StableAddress,
    F: FnOnce(&T) -> &U, 

Converts self into a new owning reference that points at something reachable from the previous one.

This can be a reference to a field of U, something reachable from a field of U, or even something unrelated with a 'static lifetime.


extern crate owning_ref;
use owning_ref::OwningRef;

fn main() {
    let owning_ref = OwningRef::new(Box::new([1, 2, 3, 4]));

    // create a owning reference that points at the
    // third element of the array.
    let owning_ref =|array| &array[2]);
    assert_eq!(*owning_ref, 3);

pub fn try_map<F, U: ?Sized, E>(self, f: F) -> Result<OwningRef<O, U>, E> where
    O: StableAddress,
    F: FnOnce(&T) -> Result<&U, E>, 

Tries to convert self into a new owning reference that points at something reachable from the previous one.

This can be a reference to a field of U, something reachable from a field of U, or even something unrelated with a 'static lifetime.


extern crate owning_ref;
use owning_ref::OwningRef;

fn main() {
    let owning_ref = OwningRef::new(Box::new([1, 2, 3, 4]));

    // create a owning reference that points at the
    // third element of the array.
    let owning_ref = owning_ref.try_map(|array| {
        if array[2] == 3 { Ok(&array[2]) } else { Err(()) }
    assert_eq!(*owning_ref.unwrap(), 3);

pub unsafe fn map_owner<F, P>(self, f: F) -> OwningRef<P, T> where
    O: StableAddress,
    P: StableAddress,
    F: FnOnce(O) -> P, 

Converts self into a new owning reference with a different owner type.

The new owner type needs to still contain the original owner in some way so that the reference into it remains valid. This function is marked unsafe because the user needs to manually uphold this guarantee.

pub fn map_owner_box(self) -> OwningRef<Box<O>, T>[src]

Converts self into a new owning reference where the owner is wrapped in an additional Box<O>.

This can be used to safely erase the owner of any OwningRef<O, T> to a OwningRef<Box<Erased>, T>.

pub fn erase_owner<'a>(self) -> OwningRef<O::Erased, T> where
    O: IntoErased<'a>, 

Erases the concrete base type of the owner with a trait object.

This allows mixing of owned references with different owner base types.


extern crate owning_ref;
use owning_ref::{OwningRef, Erased};

fn main() {
    // N.B., using the concrete types here for explicitness.
    // For less verbose code type aliases like `BoxRef` are provided.

    let owning_ref_a: OwningRef<Box<[i32; 4]>, [i32; 4]>
        = OwningRef::new(Box::new([1, 2, 3, 4]));

    let owning_ref_b: OwningRef<Box<Vec<(i32, bool)>>, Vec<(i32, bool)>>
        = OwningRef::new(Box::new(vec![(0, false), (1, true)]));

    let owning_ref_a: OwningRef<Box<[i32; 4]>, i32>
        =|a| &a[0]);

    let owning_ref_b: OwningRef<Box<Vec<(i32, bool)>>, i32>
        =|a| &a[1].0);

    let owning_refs: [OwningRef<Box<Erased>, i32>; 2]
        = [owning_ref_a.erase_owner(), owning_ref_b.erase_owner()];

    assert_eq!(*owning_refs[0], 1);
    assert_eq!(*owning_refs[1], 1);

pub fn erase_send_owner<'a>(self) -> OwningRef<O::Erased, T> where
    O: IntoErasedSend<'a>, 

Erases the concrete base type of the owner with a trait object which implements Send.

This allows mixing of owned references with different owner base types.

pub fn erase_send_sync_owner<'a>(self) -> OwningRef<O::Erased, T> where
    O: IntoErasedSendSync<'a>, 

Erases the concrete base type of the owner with a trait object which implements Send and Sync.

This allows mixing of owned references with different owner base types.

pub fn owner(&self) -> &O

Notable traits for &'_ mut I

impl<'_, I> Iterator for &'_ mut I where
    I: Iterator + ?Sized
type Item = <I as Iterator>::Item;

A getter for the underlying owner.

pub fn into_inner(self) -> O[src]

Discards the reference and retrieves the owner.

Trait Implementations

impl<O, T: ?Sized> AsRef<T> for OwningRef<O, T>[src]

impl<O, T: ?Sized> Borrow<T> for OwningRef<O, T>[src]

impl<O, T: ?Sized> Clone for OwningRef<O, T> where
    O: CloneStableAddress

impl<O, T: ?Sized> CloneStableDeref for OwningRef<O, T> where
    O: CloneStableAddress

impl<O, T: ?Sized> Debug for OwningRef<O, T> where
    O: Debug,
    T: Debug

impl<O, T: ?Sized> Deref for OwningRef<O, T>[src]

type Target = T

The resulting type after dereferencing.

impl<O, T: ?Sized> Eq for OwningRef<O, T> where
    T: Eq

impl<O, T: ?Sized> From<O> for OwningRef<O, T> where
    O: StableAddress,
    O: Deref<Target = T>, 

impl<O, T: ?Sized> From<OwningRefMut<O, T>> for OwningRef<O, T> where
    O: StableAddress,
    O: DerefMut<Target = T>, 

impl<O, T: ?Sized> Hash for OwningRef<O, T> where
    T: Hash

impl<O, T: ?Sized> Ord for OwningRef<O, T> where
    T: Ord

impl<O, T: ?Sized> PartialEq<OwningRef<O, T>> for OwningRef<O, T> where
    T: PartialEq

impl<O, T: ?Sized> PartialOrd<OwningRef<O, T>> for OwningRef<O, T> where
    T: PartialOrd

impl<O, T: ?Sized> Send for OwningRef<O, T> where
    O: Send,
    &'a T: Send

impl<O, T: ?Sized> StableDeref for OwningRef<O, T>[src]

impl<O, T: ?Sized> Sync for OwningRef<O, T> where
    O: Sync,
    &'a T: Sync

Auto Trait Implementations

impl<O, T: ?Sized> RefUnwindSafe for OwningRef<O, T> where
    O: RefUnwindSafe,
    T: RefUnwindSafe

impl<O, T: ?Sized> Unpin for OwningRef<O, T> where
    O: Unpin

impl<O, T: ?Sized> UnwindSafe for OwningRef<O, T> where
    O: UnwindSafe,
    T: RefUnwindSafe

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<'a, T> Captures<'a> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<Q, K> Equivalent<K> for Q where
    K: Borrow<Q> + ?Sized,
    Q: Eq + ?Sized

impl<T> Erased for T[src]

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T> Instrument for T[src]

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T> ToOwned for T where
    T: Clone

type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<V, T> VZip<V> for T where
    V: MultiLane<T>,