rust_socketio 0.4.1

An implementation of a socketio client written in rust.
Documentation is a client written in the Rust Programming Language.

Example usage

use rust_socketio::{ClientBuilder, Payload, RawClient};
use serde_json::json;
use std::time::Duration;

// define a callback which is called when a payload is received
// this callback gets the payload as well as an instance of the
// socket to communicate with the server
let callback = |payload: Payload, socket: RawClient| {
match payload {
Payload::String(str) => println!("Received: {}", str),
Payload::Binary(bin_data) => println!("Received bytes: {:#?}", bin_data),
socket.emit("test", json!({"got ack": true})).expect("Server unreachable")

// get a socket that is connected to the admin namespace
let mut socket = ClientBuilder::new("http://localhost:4200/")
.on("test", callback)
.on("error", |err, _| eprintln!("Error: {:#?}", err))
.expect("Connection failed");

// emit to the "foo" event
let json_payload = json!({"token": 123});

socket.emit("foo", json_payload).expect("Server unreachable");

// define a callback, that's executed when the ack got acked
let ack_callback = |message: Payload, _: RawClient| {
println!("Yehaa! My ack got acked?");
println!("Ack data: {:#?}", message);

let json_payload = json!({"myAckData": 123});

// emit with an ack
let ack = socket
.emit_with_ack("test", json_payload, Duration::from_secs(2), ack_callback)
.expect("Server unreachable");

The main entry point for using this crate is the [ClientBuilder] which provides a way to easily configure a socket in the needed way. When the connect method is called on the builder, it returns a connected client which then could be used to emit messages to certain events. One client can only be connected to one namespace. If you need to listen to the messages in different namespaces you need to allocate multiple sockets.

Current features

This implementation now supports all of the features of the protocol mentioned here. It generally tries to make use of websockets as often as possible. This means most times only the opening request uses http and as soon as the server mentions that he is able to use websockets, an upgrade is performed. But if this upgrade is not successful or the server does not mention an upgrade possibility, http-long polling is used (as specified in the protocol specs).

Here's an overview of possible use-cases:

  • connecting to a server.
  • register callbacks for the following event types:
  • open
  • close
  • error
  • message
  • custom events like "foo", "on_payment", etc.
  • send JSON data to the server (via serde_json which provides safe handling).
  • send JSON data to the server and receive an ack.
  • send and handle Binary data.