rust_readability 0.1.2

A package to assess the complexity of texts using a variety of readability formulas.
use wordsworth::syllable_counter;

use punkt::params::Standard;
use punkt::SentenceTokenizer;
use punkt::Trainer;
use punkt::TrainingData;

use unicode_segmentation::UnicodeSegmentation;

use regex::Regex;

use std::fs;

// Removing stopwords
pub fn stopword_filter(mut vec: Vec<String>, lang: &str) ->  Vec<String>{
    let s_words = stop_words::get_nltk(lang);
    for w in s_words{
            vec.retain(|word| *word != w);


pub fn stopwords_file(file: &str, lang: &str) {
    // let s_words = stop_words::get_nltk(lang);
    let file_text = file_to_string(file);
    let vec_of_words = word_list_from_string(&file_text);
    let no_stopwords = stopword_filter(vec_of_words, lang);
    let joined = no_stopwords.join(" ");
    fs::write("stopwords_removed.txt", joined).expect("Unable to write file");

pub fn stopwords_string(string: &str, lang: &str) -> String {
    let vec_of_words = word_list_from_string(string);
    let no_stopwords = stopword_filter(vec_of_words, lang);
    let joined = no_stopwords.join(" ");

pub fn word_list_from_string(string_to_analyze: &str) -> Vec<String> {
    let mut word_list: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
    let words = string_to_analyze.unicode_words();
    for w in words {


pub fn file_to_string(filename: &str) -> String {
    let string_from_file = fs::read_to_string(filename).expect("Unable to read file");

pub fn long_words(word_list: Vec<String>) -> f64 {
    let mut sum = 0;
    for word in word_list {
        if word.len() >= 6 {
            sum += 1;
    let long_words_count: f64;
    long_words_count = sum as f64;

pub fn percent_long_words(word_list: Vec<String>) -> f64 {
    let list_count = word_list.len() as i32;
    let long_words_count = long_words(word_list);
    let percent_longwords = long_words_count as f64 / list_count as f64;

pub fn character_count(string_to_analyze: &str) -> f64 {
    let re = Regex::new(r"[^\w]").unwrap();
    let result = re.replace_all(string_to_analyze, "");

    let character_count: f64;
    character_count = result.graphemes(true).count() as f64;


pub fn syllable_count_list(word_list: Vec<String>) -> Vec<i32> {
    let mut sylcount_list: Vec<i32> = Vec::new();
    for word in &word_list {

pub fn avg_syl_count(sylcount_list: Vec<i32>) -> f64 {
    let mut sum = 0;
    for w in &sylcount_list {
        sum += w;
    let avg_syls: f64;
    avg_syls = sum as f64 / sylcount_list.len() as f64;

// num of words with 2 syllables or less;
pub fn short_syl_count(word_list: Vec<String>) -> i32 {
    let sylcount_list = syllable_count_list(word_list);
    let mut short_syls = 0;
    for syl in sylcount_list {
        if syl <= 2 {
            short_syls += 1;

// num of words with 3 syls or more;
pub fn long_syl_count(word_list: Vec<String>) -> i32 {
    let sylcount_list = syllable_count_list(word_list);
    let mut long_syls = 0;
    for syl in sylcount_list {
        if syl >= 3 {
            long_syls += 1;

pub fn wordcount_list(word_list: Vec<String>) -> i32 {
    let wordcount: i32;
    wordcount = word_list.len() as i32;

pub fn split_into_sentences(doc: &str) -> Vec<String> {
    let trainer: Trainer<Standard> = Trainer::new();
    let mut data = TrainingData::new();

    trainer.train(doc, &mut data);
    let mut sent_list: Vec<String> = Vec::new();

    for s in SentenceTokenizer::<Standard>::new(doc, &data) {

pub fn sent_word_counts(doc: &str) -> Vec<usize> {
    let trainer: Trainer<Standard> = Trainer::new();
    let mut data = TrainingData::new();

    trainer.train(doc, &mut data);
    let mut sent_word_list: Vec<String> = Vec::new();

    let mut sent_wordcount_list: Vec<usize> = Vec::new();

    for s in SentenceTokenizer::<Standard>::new(doc, &data) {
    for s in sent_word_list {
        let mut temp_vec: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
        for word in s.split_whitespace() {

pub fn sent_avg_wordcount(sent_wordcount_list: Vec<usize>) -> f64 {
    let mut sum = 0;
    for w in &sent_wordcount_list {
        sum += w;
    let avg_word_length: f64;
    avg_word_length = sum as f64 / sent_wordcount_list.len() as f64;

pub fn lix(file_to_analyze: &str) -> f64 {
    //file to string
    let string_to_analyze = file_to_string(file_to_analyze);
    let all_words = word_list_from_string(&string_to_analyze);
    //num long words
    let num_long_words = percent_long_words(all_words);
    let sent_wordcount_list = sent_word_counts(&string_to_analyze);
    let avg_words_per_sentence = sent_avg_wordcount(sent_wordcount_list);
    let lix_index = num_long_words + avg_words_per_sentence;
    println!("{}", lix_index);

pub fn rix(file_to_analyze: &str) -> f64 {
    //file to string
    let string_to_analyze = file_to_string(file_to_analyze);
    let all_words = word_list_from_string(&string_to_analyze);
    //num long words
    let num_long_words = long_words(all_words);
    let num_of_sents = split_into_sentences(&string_to_analyze).len() as f64;
    let rix_index = num_long_words / num_of_sents;
    println!("{}", rix_index);

pub fn flesch(file_to_analyze: &str) -> f64 {
    //file to string
    let string_to_analyze = file_to_string(file_to_analyze);
    let sent_counts = sent_word_counts(&string_to_analyze);
    let avg_sent_length = sent_avg_wordcount(sent_counts);
    let all_words = word_list_from_string(&string_to_analyze);
    let all_syls = syllable_count_list(all_words);
    let avg_syls = avg_syl_count(all_syls);
    let flesch_index = 206.835 - (1.015 * avg_sent_length) - (84.6 * avg_syls);
    println!("{}", flesch_index);

pub fn flesch_kincaid(file_to_analyze: &str) -> f64 {
    //file to string
    let string_to_analyze = file_to_string(file_to_analyze);
    // avg_words_per_sentence
    let sent_counts = sent_word_counts(&string_to_analyze);
    let avg_sent_length = sent_avg_wordcount(sent_counts);
    // avg syls per word
    let all_words = word_list_from_string(&string_to_analyze);
    let all_syls = syllable_count_list(all_words);
    let avg_syls = avg_syl_count(all_syls);
    let flesch_kincaid_index = (0.39 * avg_sent_length) + (11.8 * avg_syls) - 15.59;
    println!("{}", flesch_kincaid_index);

pub fn coleman_liau(file_to_analyze: &str) -> f64 {
    //file to string
    let string_to_analyze = file_to_string(file_to_analyze);
    let all_words = word_list_from_string(&string_to_analyze).len() as f64;
    // characters
    let chars = character_count(&string_to_analyze);
    // sents
    let sent_count = split_into_sentences(&string_to_analyze).len() as f64;

    let coleman_liau_index =
        0.0588 * ((chars / all_words) * 100.0) - 0.296 * ((sent_count / chars) * 100.0) - 15.8;
    println!("{}", coleman_liau_index);

pub fn ari(file_to_analyze: &str) -> f64 {
    //file to string
    let string_to_analyze = file_to_string(file_to_analyze);
    let all_words = word_list_from_string(&string_to_analyze).len() as f64;
    // characters
    let chars = character_count(&string_to_analyze);
    // sents
    let sent_count = split_into_sentences(&string_to_analyze).len() as f64;

    let automated_readability_index =
        (4.71 * (chars / all_words)) + (0.5 * (all_words / sent_count)) - 21.43;
    println!("{}", automated_readability_index);

pub fn lix_string(string_to_analyze: &str) -> f64 {
    let all_words = word_list_from_string(string_to_analyze);
    //num long words
    let num_long_words = percent_long_words(all_words);
    let sent_wordcount_list = sent_word_counts(string_to_analyze);
    for x in &sent_wordcount_list {
        println!("{}", x);
    let avg_words_per_sentence = sent_avg_wordcount(sent_wordcount_list);
    let lix_index = num_long_words + avg_words_per_sentence;
    println!("{}", lix_index);

pub fn rix_string(string_to_analyze: &str) -> f64 {
    let all_words = word_list_from_string(string_to_analyze);
    //num long words
    let num_long_words = long_words(all_words);
    // let sentences
    let num_of_sents = split_into_sentences(string_to_analyze).len() as f64;
    let rix_index = num_long_words / num_of_sents;
    println!("{}", rix_index);

pub fn flesch_string(string_to_analyze: &str) -> f64 {
    let sent_counts = sent_word_counts(string_to_analyze);
    let avg_sent_length = sent_avg_wordcount(sent_counts);
    let all_words = word_list_from_string(string_to_analyze);
    let all_syls = syllable_count_list(all_words);
    let avg_syls = avg_syl_count(all_syls);
    let flesch_index = 206.835 - (1.015 * avg_sent_length) - (84.6 * avg_syls);
    println!("{}", flesch_index);

pub fn flesch_kincaid_string(string_to_analyze: &str) -> f64 {
    // avg_words_per_sentence
    let sent_counts = sent_word_counts(string_to_analyze);
    let avg_sent_length = sent_avg_wordcount(sent_counts);
    // avg syls per word
    let all_words = word_list_from_string(string_to_analyze);
    let all_syls = syllable_count_list(all_words);
    let avg_syls = avg_syl_count(all_syls);
    let flesch_kincaid_index = (0.39 * avg_sent_length) + (11.8 * avg_syls) - 15.59;
    println!("{}", flesch_kincaid_index);

pub fn coleman_liau_string(string_to_analyze: &str) -> f64 {
    let all_words = word_list_from_string(string_to_analyze).len() as f64;
    // characters
    let chars = character_count(string_to_analyze);
    // sents
    let sent_count = split_into_sentences(string_to_analyze).len() as f64;

    let coleman_liau_index =
        0.0588 * ((chars / all_words) * 100.0) - 0.296 * ((sent_count / chars) * 100.0) - 15.8;
    println!("{}", coleman_liau_index);

pub fn automated_readability_index_string(string_to_analyze: &str) -> f64 {
    let all_words = word_list_from_string(string_to_analyze).len() as f64;
    // characters
    let chars = character_count(string_to_analyze);
    // sents
    let sent_count = split_into_sentences(string_to_analyze).len() as f64;

    let automated_readability_index =
        (4.71 * (chars / all_words)) + (0.5 * (all_words / sent_count)) - 21.43;
    println!("{}", automated_readability_index);