rust_filen 0.3.0

Rust interface for API
use std::time::Duration;

use crate::limited_exponential::LimitedExponential;
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;

const RETRY_EXP_FACTOR: u32 = 2;
const RETRY_MAX_DELAY_MILLIS: u64 = 15000;

/// 'No retries' retry settings with `RetrySettings::max_tries` set to 0.
pub static NO_RETRIES: Lazy<RetrySettings> = Lazy::new(RetrySettings::default);

/// Retry settings to retry 5 times with 1, 2, 4, 8 and 15 seconds pause between retries.
pub static STANDARD_RETRIES: Lazy<RetrySettings> = Lazy::new(|| RetrySettings {
    max_tries: 5,

/// Parameters for exponential backoff retry strategy with random jitter. Default instance performs no retries.
/// Turn any API query into retriable if needed: call `RetrySettings::call` for sync operations and
/// `RetrySettings::call_async` for futures.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
pub struct RetrySettings {
    /// Initial delay for exponential backoff.
    initial_delay: Duration,

    /// Exponential backoff factor. If set to 0, [max_delay] will always be used as a delay.
    exp_factor: u32,

    /// Max delay for exponential backoff.
    max_delay: Duration,

    /// Amount of retries to perform when something fails. If set to 0, no retries will be made.
    max_tries: usize,

impl RetrySettings {
    pub const fn new(max_tries: usize, initial_delay: Duration, exp_factor: u32, max_delay: Duration) -> Self {
        Self {

    pub(crate) fn get_exp_backoff_iterator(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = Duration> {

    /// Retry the given asynchronous operation until it succeeds, or until retry count run out.
    #[cfg(feature = "async")]
    pub async fn call_async<T, CF, OpErr>(&self, operation: CF) -> Result<T, OpErr>
        CF: fure::CreateFuture<T, OpErr> + Send,
        CF::Output: Send,
        OpErr: std::error::Error + Send,
        let exp_backoff = self.get_exp_backoff_iterator();
        let policy = fure::policies::attempts(fure::policies::backoff(exp_backoff), self.max_tries);
        fure::retry(operation, policy).await

    /// Retry the given operation synchronously until it succeeds, or until retry count run out.
    /// # Panics
    /// Will panic on `retry::Error::Internal` emitting by `operation`.
    pub fn call<O, R, OR, OpErr>(&self, operation: O) -> Result<R, OpErr>
        O: Send + FnMut() -> OR,
        OR: Into<retry::OperationResult<R, OpErr>>,
        OpErr: std::error::Error + Send,
        let policy = self.get_exp_backoff_iterator();
        let retry_result = retry::retry(policy, operation);
        retry_result.map_err(|retry_err| match retry_err {
            retry::Error::Operation { error, .. } => error,
            retry::Error::Internal(description) => {
                panic!("Sync retry internal logic failure marker: {}", description)

    /// Get a reference to the initial delay.
    pub const fn initial_delay(&self) -> &Duration {

    /// Get the exponential factor. If set to 0, `RetrySettings::max_delay` will always be used as a delay.
    pub const fn exp_factor(&self) -> u32 {

    /// Get a reference to the maximum possible delay for exponential backoff.
    pub const fn max_delay(&self) -> &Duration {

    /// Get a reference to the amount of retries to perform when something fails. If set to 0, no retries will be made.
    pub const fn max_tries(&self) -> usize {

impl Default for RetrySettings {
    /// Default instance performs no retries.
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            initial_delay: Duration::from_millis(RETRY_INITIAL_DELAY_MILLIS),
            exp_factor: RETRY_EXP_FACTOR,
            max_delay: Duration::from_millis(RETRY_MAX_DELAY_MILLIS),
            max_tries: 0,