rust-nostr-server 0.1.0

A Discord bot using GPT-4

Nostr Relay Project (Work in Progress)

This project is based on the rust-nostr implementation and serves as a Nostr relay.


Ensure that you have Docker, docker-compose, and necessary script execution permissions on your system. If you intend to build and run without Docker, you also need the sh shell and the project's build dependencies installed.

Getting Started

Here's how you can set up and run the project:

Running Without Docker

  1. Build the project: Use the provided shell script for building the project.

  2. Navigate to the output directory: The build output directory contains the compiled files and scripts.

    cd output
  3. Run the script: Execute the generated script to run the project.


Running With Docker

  1. Build the Docker image: This uses the docker-compose.yml configuration to create Docker image for the service.

    docker-compose build
  2. Start the service: This command starts the Docker service for the Nostr relay.

    docker-compose up