
AEAD algorithm parameters for compute

Data context structure for AEAD encryption in CCM mode

ATECC interface configuration

ATECC I2C interface details

An ATECC slot

An ATECC slot capacity

structure that stores data for options supported by the chip

Cipher algorithm parameters for compute

Detailed ECC key attributes as stored in slot configuration

ECDH function parameters

ECDH result structure

KDF details for HKDF

KDF function parameters

KDF result structure

MAC algorithm parameters for compute

KDF details for PRF

Detailed ATECC key slot read attributes

Detailed parameters of calling the ECDSA signature function

Detailed ATECC key slot configuration

Detailed parameters of calling the ECDSA verification function


Type of AEAD algorithm

ATECC/ATSHA device types supported by CryptoAuth library

Supported ATECC interfaces

Return status for device accessing functions

Type of Cipher algorithm

Cipher operation type

Private key source for ECDH

Target where the result of the ECDH operation will be placed

Feedback mode of cipher algorithm

Designates the source of the data to hash with TempKey for Generate Digest

KDF details for HKDF. [place from which function should retrieve message for calculations]

Modes of calling the info_cmd() function

KDF algorithm to derive key

KDF details for PRF, source key length

KDF details for PRF, target length

KDF sources

KDF targets. Possibility of exporting KDF function result outside the chip depends on “chip_options.kdf_output_protection” variable

ATECC key slot types

MAC algorithm to compute

An ATECC/ATSHA device buffer to load

Allowed IO transmission states between chip and host MCU for ECDH, KDF, Verify and SecureBoot commands.

The mode of calling the ECDSA signature function

The mode of calling the ECDSA verification function

Detailed ATECC key slot write configuration


Size (in bytes) of AES data block

Standard NONCE (IV) length for AES GCM encryption (in bytes)

Size (in bytes) of AES key

Size of a configuration buffer size in ATECCx08

Minimum ATECC slot number where a public ECC key can be stored

Private key size (in bytes) for elliptic curve P256 supported by ATECC

Public key size (in bytes) for elliptic curve P256 supported by ATECC

Number of key slots in ATECC cryptochip

ATECC/ATSHA temporary key slot identifier

Size of a configuration buffer size in ATSHA 204A/206A


ECDH output data size

KDF max message size

Nonce NumIn size for random modes

Nonce NumIn size for 32-byte pass-through mode

Number of random bytes generated by atcab_random call

Chip serial number size

Size (in bytes) of SHA hash

Size (in bytes) of ECDSA signature

Place resulting SHA256 digest both in Output buffer and Message Digest Buffer

Place resulting SHA256 digest in Output buffer ONLY

Place resulting SHA256 digest both in Output buffer and TempKey



Type Definitions


ATECC interface