rust-corosync 0.2.4

Rust bindings for corosync libraries
//! This crate provides access to the corosync libraries cpg, cfg, cmap, quorum & votequorum
//! from Rust. They are a fairly thin layer around the actual API calls but with Rust data types
//! and iterators.
//! Corosync is a low-level provider of cluster services for high-availability clusters,
//! for more information about corosync see <>
//! No more information about corosync itself will be provided here, it is expected that if
//! you feel you need access to the Corosync API calls, you know what they do :)
//! # Example
//! ```
//! extern crate rust_corosync as corosync;
//! use corosync::cmap;
//! fn main()
//! {
//!     // Open connection to corosync libcmap
//!     let handle =
//!     match cmap::initialize(cmap::Map::Icmap) {
//!         Ok(h) => {
//!             println!("cmap initialized.");
//!             h
//!         }
//!         Err(e) => {
//!             println!("Error in CMAP (Icmap) init: {}", e);
//!             return;
//!         }
//!     };
//!     // Set a numeric value (this is a generic fn)
//!     match cmap::set_number(handle, "test.test_uint32", 456)
//!     {
//!         Ok(_) => {}
//!         Err(e) => {
//!             println!("Error in CMAP set_u32: {}", e);
//!             return;
//!         }
//!     };
//!     // Get a value - this will be a Data struct
//!     match cmap::get(handle, "test.test_uint32")
//!     {
//!         Ok(v) => {
//!             println!("GOT value {}", v);
//!         }
//!         Err(e) => {
//!             println!("Error in CMAP get: {}", e);
//!             return;
//!         }
//!     };
//!     // Use an iterator
//!     match cmap::CmapIterStart::new(handle, "totem.") {
//!         Ok(cmap_iter) => {
//!             for i in cmap_iter {
//!                 println!("ITER: {:?}", i);
//!             }
//!             println!("");
//!         }
//!         Err(e) => {
//!             println!("Error in CMAP iter start: {}", e);
//!         }
//!     }
//!     // Close this connection
//!     match cmap::finalize(handle)
//!     {
//!         Ok(_) => {}
//!         Err(e) => {
//!             println!("Error in CMAP get: {}", e);
//!             return;
//!         }
//!     };
//! }

extern crate lazy_static;
extern crate bitflags;

/// cfg is the internal configuration and information library for corosync, it is
/// mainly used by internal tools but may also contain API calls useful to some applications
/// that need detailed information about or control of the operation of corosync and the cluster.
pub mod cfg;
/// cmap is the internal 'database' of corosync - though it is NOT replicated. Mostly it contains
/// a copy of the corosync.conf file and information about the running state of the daemon.
/// The cmap API provides two 'maps'. Icmap, which is as above, and Stats, which contains very detailed
/// statistics on the running system, this includes network and IPC calls.
pub mod cmap;
/// cpg is the Control Process Groups subsystem of corosync and is usually used for sending
/// messages around the cluster. All processes using CPG belong to a named group (whose members
/// they can query) and all messages are sent with delivery guarantees.
pub mod cpg;
/// Quorum provides basic information about the quorate state of the cluster with callbacks
/// when nodelists change.
pub mod quorum;
///votequorum is the main quorum provider for corosync, using this API, users can query the state
/// of nodes in the cluster, request callbacks when the nodelists change, and set up a quorum device.
pub mod votequorum;

mod sys;

use num_enum::TryFromPrimitive;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::error::Error;
use std::ffi::CString;
use std::fmt;
use std::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping;

// This needs to be kept up-to-date!
/// Error codes returned from the corosync libraries
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Copy, Clone, TryFromPrimitive)]
pub enum CsError {
    CsOk = 1,
    CsErrLibrary = 2,
    CsErrVersion = 3,
    CsErrInit = 4,
    CsErrTimeout = 5,
    CsErrTryAgain = 6,
    CsErrInvalidParam = 7,
    CsErrNoMemory = 8,
    CsErrBadHandle = 9,
    CsErrBusy = 10,
    CsErrAccess = 11,
    CsErrNotExist = 12,
    CsErrNameTooLong = 13,
    CsErrExist = 14,
    CsErrNoSpace = 15,
    CsErrInterrupt = 16,
    CsErrNameNotFound = 17,
    CsErrNoResources = 18,
    CsErrNotSupported = 19,
    CsErrBadOperation = 20,
    CsErrFailedOperation = 21,
    CsErrMessageError = 22,
    CsErrQueueFull = 23,
    CsErrQueueNotAvailable = 24,
    CsErrBadFlags = 25,
    CsErrTooBig = 26,
    CsErrNoSection = 27,
    CsErrContextNotFound = 28,
    CsErrTooManyGroups = 30,
    CsErrSecurity = 100,
    CsErrRustCompat = 998, // Set if we get a unknown return from corosync
    CsErrRustString = 999, // Set if we get a string conversion error

/// Result type returned from most corosync library calls.
/// Contains a [CsError] and possibly other data as required
pub type Result<T> = ::std::result::Result<T, CsError>;

impl fmt::Display for CsError {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        match self {
            CsError::CsOk => write!(f, "OK"),
            CsError::CsErrLibrary => write!(f, "ErrLibrary"),
            CsError::CsErrVersion => write!(f, "ErrVersion"),
            CsError::CsErrInit => write!(f, "ErrInit"),
            CsError::CsErrTimeout => write!(f, "ErrTimeout"),
            CsError::CsErrTryAgain => write!(f, "ErrTryAgain"),
            CsError::CsErrInvalidParam => write!(f, "ErrInvalidParam"),
            CsError::CsErrNoMemory => write!(f, "ErrNoMemory"),
            CsError::CsErrBadHandle => write!(f, "ErrbadHandle"),
            CsError::CsErrBusy => write!(f, "ErrBusy"),
            CsError::CsErrAccess => write!(f, "ErrAccess"),
            CsError::CsErrNotExist => write!(f, "ErrNotExist"),
            CsError::CsErrNameTooLong => write!(f, "ErrNameTooLong"),
            CsError::CsErrExist => write!(f, "ErrExist"),
            CsError::CsErrNoSpace => write!(f, "ErrNoSpace"),
            CsError::CsErrInterrupt => write!(f, "ErrInterrupt"),
            CsError::CsErrNameNotFound => write!(f, "ErrNameNotFound"),
            CsError::CsErrNoResources => write!(f, "ErrNoResources"),
            CsError::CsErrNotSupported => write!(f, "ErrNotSupported"),
            CsError::CsErrBadOperation => write!(f, "ErrBadOperation"),
            CsError::CsErrFailedOperation => write!(f, "ErrFailedOperation"),
            CsError::CsErrMessageError => write!(f, "ErrMEssageError"),
            CsError::CsErrQueueFull => write!(f, "ErrQueueFull"),
            CsError::CsErrQueueNotAvailable => write!(f, "ErrQueueNotAvailable"),
            CsError::CsErrBadFlags => write!(f, "ErrBadFlags"),
            CsError::CsErrTooBig => write!(f, "ErrTooBig"),
            CsError::CsErrNoSection => write!(f, "ErrNoSection"),
            CsError::CsErrContextNotFound => write!(f, "ErrContextNotFound"),
            CsError::CsErrTooManyGroups => write!(f, "ErrTooManyGroups"),
            CsError::CsErrSecurity => write!(f, "ErrSecurity"),
            CsError::CsErrRustCompat => write!(f, "ErrRustCompat"),
            CsError::CsErrRustString => write!(f, "ErrRustString"),

impl Error for CsError {}

// This is dependant on the num_enum crate, converts a C cs_error_t into the Rust enum
// There seems to be some debate as to whether this should be part of the language:
impl CsError {
    fn from_c(cserr: u32) -> CsError {
        match CsError::try_from(cserr) {
            Ok(e) => e,
            Err(_) => CsError::CsErrRustCompat,

/// Flags to use with dispatch functions, eg [cpg::dispatch]
/// One will dispatch a single callback (blocking) and return.
/// All will loop trying to dispatch all possible callbacks.
/// Blocking is like All but will block between callbacks.
/// OneNonBlocking will dispatch a single callback only if one is available,
/// otherwise it will return even if no callback is available.
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
// The numbers match the C enum, of course.
pub enum DispatchFlags {
    One = 1,
    All = 2,
    Blocking = 3,
    OneNonblocking = 4,

/// Flags to use with (most) tracking API calls
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
// Same here
pub enum TrackFlags {
    Current = 1,
    Changes = 2,
    ChangesOnly = 4,

/// A corosync nodeid
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct NodeId {
    id: u32,

impl fmt::Display for NodeId {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "{}",

// Conversion from a NodeId to and from u32
impl From<u32> for NodeId {
    fn from(id: u32) -> NodeId {
        NodeId { id }

impl From<NodeId> for u32 {
    fn from(nodeid: NodeId) -> u32 {

// General internal routine to copy bytes from a C array into a Rust String
fn string_from_bytes(bytes: *const ::std::os::raw::c_char, max_length: usize) -> Result<String> {
    let mut newbytes = Vec::<u8>::new();
    newbytes.resize(max_length, 0u8);

    // Get length of the string in old-fashioned style
    let mut length: usize = 0;
    let mut count = 0;
    let mut tmpbytes = bytes;
    while count < max_length || length == 0 {
        if unsafe { *tmpbytes } == 0 && length == 0 {
            length = count;
        count += 1;
        tmpbytes = unsafe { tmpbytes.offset(1) }

    // Cope with an empty string
    if length == 0 {
        return Ok(String::new());

    unsafe {
        // We need to fully copy it, not shallow copy it.
        // Messy casting on both parts of the copy here to get it to work on both signed
        // and unsigned char machines
        copy_nonoverlapping(bytes as *mut i8, newbytes.as_mut_ptr() as *mut i8, length);

    let cs = match CString::new(&newbytes[0..length]) {
        Ok(c1) => c1,
        Err(_) => return Err(CsError::CsErrRustString),

    // This is just to convert the error type
    match cs.into_string() {
        Ok(s) => Ok(s),
        Err(_) => Err(CsError::CsErrRustString),