rust-3d 0.5.2

2D/3D library written in rust
3D/2D library written in Rust.
Offering useful containers, structures and algorithms for 2D and 3D space.
Meant as basis for numeric algorithms, viewers, game engines, ...

rust-3d is still in really early stages, and is likely to change A LOT over time.
Feel free to open an issue in case you're missing something or found a bug.
Also some code might be untested, I am working on 100% test coverage, tho.
Once this is fairly well tested, I'll also add it to crates.

IsND //anything defined by a position in n-dimensional space
Is2D //anything defined by a position in 2D space
Is3D //anything defined by a position in 3D space
IsBuildable2D //2D and constructible
IsBuildable3D //3D and constructible
IsEditable2D //2D and modifiable
IsEditable3D //3D and modifiable
IsFilter2D //A filter for 2D positions
IsFilter3D //A filter for 3D positions
IsFilterPC2D //A filter for 2D point clouds
IsFilterPC3D //A filter for 3D point clouds
IsNormalized2D //normalized vectors in 2D space
IsNormalized3D //normalized vectors in 3D space
IsMoveable2D //anything movable within the 2D space
IsMoveable3D //anything movable within the 3D space
HasBoundingBox2D //having a size and position in 2D space
HasBoundingBox3D //having a size and position in 3D space
IsMesh //3-vertex mesh in 3D space
IsEditableMesh //3-vertex mesh in 3D space which is editable
IsTree3D //tree structures for 3D
IsKdTree3D //KdTree for 3D space
IsOctree //Octree
IsPlane3D //a 2D plane within 3D space
IsProjectionToPlane //something projected to a 2D plane
TransformableTo2D //something which can be transformed / projected into 2D space (for projections onto planes)
TransformableTo3D //something which can be transformed / extruded into 3D space (for extrusions from planes)
Most algorithms are defined for these traits, so feel free to implement them and use the algorithms on your own types.
Although implementations are provided as well:

Point2D //a point in 2D space
Point3D //a point in 3D space
Norm2D //normalized vector in 2D space
Norm3D //normalized vector in 3D space
Plane3D //a 2D plane in 3D space
KdTree //a kdtree in 3D space [nearest, k-nearst, in-box, in-sphere]
OcTree //an octree
Matrix4 //a 4x4 matrix with several builder methods [scale matrix, rotation matrix, translation matrix, ...]
Matrix4Pipe //a 4x4 matrix pipe to easily chain matrix operations into a single matrix
Mesh3D //a mesh in 3D space holding a 3d point cloud
PointCloud2D //a point cloud holding 2d positions
PointCloud3D //a point cloud holding 3d positions
ProjectionToPlane //a projection onto a plane
FilterBox2D //box filter for 2D space
FilterBox3D //box filter for 3D space
FilterCircle //circle filter for 2D space
FilterSphere //sphere filter for 3D space
FilterNegate2D //filter not negate any other 2D filter
FilterNegate3D //filter not negate any other 3D filter
FilterPC2D //filter which can be used for point clouds in 2D space
FilterPC3D //filter which can be used for point clouds in 3D space
FilterAndPC2D //filter combinator to get the result of applying many 2D filters in a chain
FilterAndPC3D //filter combinator to get the result of applying many 3D filters in a chain
FilterOrPC2D //filter combinator to get the result of applying many 2D filters concurrently
FilterOrPC3D //filter combinator to get the result of applying many 3D filters concurrently

rectangle //a rectangle
involut_circle //an involut circle (e.g. used for gear generation)
arc //an arc with start and end angle
ellipse //an ellipse

interpolation_bezier //

Please take a look at the tests in tests/


Feel free to open issues at any time to report bugs / request features. (but please check TODO first)
