ruspiro-boot 0.5.4

Bare metal boot strapper code for the Raspberry Pi 3 to conviniently start a custom kernel within the Rust environment without the need to deal with all the initial setup like stack pointers, switch to the appropriate exeption level and getting all cores kicked off for processing of code compiled from Rust.
 * Copyright (c) 2020 by the authors
 * Author: André Borrmann
 * License: Apache License 2.0

//! # Panic Handler
//! Minimalistic panic handler implementation

use core::panic::PanicInfo;
use log::error;

#[cfg(all(not(test), feature = "panic"))]
fn panic(info: &PanicInfo) -> ! {
  // Panicing means we have reach a situation we are unable to recover from into a valid state.
  // Halt the panicing core and safely do nothing!
  // The error will be printed using the log crate. It requires a global logger to be configured
  // otherwise the output is just going no-where. Refer to the ruspiro-console crate which provides
  // the functionality to setup a global logger
  error!("PANIC: {}", info);
  loop {}

#[lang = "eh_personality"]
fn eh_personality() {
  // for the time beeing - nothing to be done in this function as the usecase is a bit unclear