ruspiro-boot 0.5.4

Bare metal boot strapper code for the Raspberry Pi 3 to conviniently start a custom kernel within the Rust environment without the need to deal with all the initial setup like stack pointers, switch to the appropriate exeption level and getting all cores kicked off for processing of code compiled from Rust.
 * Copyright (c) 2020 by the authors
 * Author: André Borrmann <>
 * License: Apache License 2.0 / MIT

//! # Core exception handling
//! Default implementation to handle exeptions that can be raised by the cores

use log::*;

/// The different exceptions that are handled by the exception vector configured during
/// the initialization phase of each core
pub enum ExceptionType {
  CurrentElSp0Sync = 0x01,
  CurrentElSp0Irq = 0x02,
  CurrentElSp0Fiq = 0x03,
  CurrentElSp0SErr = 0x04,

  CurrentElSpxSync = 0x11,
  CurrentElSpxIrq = 0x12,
  CurrentElSpxFiq = 0x13,
  CurrentElSpxSErr = 0x14,

  LowerEl64SpxSync = 0x21,
  LowerEl64SpxIrq = 0x22,
  LowerEl64SpxFiq = 0x23,
  LowerEl64SpxSErr = 0x24,

  LowerEl32SpxSync = 0x31,
  LowerEl32SpxIrq = 0x32,
  LowerEl32SpxFiq = 0x33,
  LowerEl32SpxSErr = 0x34,

  A32UndefInstruction = 0x50,
  A32SoftwareInterrupt = 0x51,
  A32PrefetchAbort = 0x52,
  A32DataAbort = 0x53,
  A32Irq = 0x54,
  A32Fiq = 0x55,

/// The default exception handler.
/// This is the entry point for any exception taken at any core. The type gives the hint on what
/// the exception is about, sync, irq, etc. This entry point is called from the ``ruspiro-boot``
/// crate when this is used for bootstrapping. Otherwise the custom bootstrapping need to properly
/// setup the exception table and call this entry point with the required input
//#[cfg(target_arch = "aarch64")]
pub unsafe extern "C" fn __exception_handler_default(
  exception: ExceptionType,
  esr: u64,
  spsr: u64,
  far: u64,
  elr: u64,
) {
  match exception {
    ExceptionType::CurrentElSpxSync => {
        "Exeption - pc: {:#x}, addr: {:#x}, spsr: {:#x}",
        elr, far, spsr
      let esr_ec = esr >> 26;
      warn!("esr_ec: {:#b}", esr_ec);
      let esr_iss = esr & 0x01FF_FFFF;
      match esr_ec {
        0b000000 => {
          panic!("Unknown Reason");
        0b010001 => {
          panic!("SVC in a32 instruction called");
        0b010010 => {
          panic!("HVC in a32 instruction called");
        0b010011 => {
          panic!("SMC in a32 instruction called");
        0b010101 => {
          panic!("SVC in a64 instruction called");
        0b010110 => {
          panic!("HVC in a64 instruction called");
        0b010111 => {
          panic!("SMC in a64 instruction called");
        0b100001 => {
          panic!("instruction abort");
        0b100100 => {
          panic!("data abort lower EL");
        0b100101 => {
          error!("Data Abort Exeption - {:#b}", esr_iss);
          if (esr_iss & (1 << 8)) == 1 << 8 {
            debug!("Cache Maintenance")
          if (esr_iss & (1 << 6)) == 1 << 6 {
          } else {
          if (esr_iss & 0x3F) == 0b000100 {
            debug!("Translation Level 0")
          if (esr_iss & 0x3F) == 0b000101 {
            debug!("Translation Level 1")
          if (esr_iss & 0x3F) == 0b000110 {
            debug!("Translation Level 2")
          if (esr_iss & 0x3F) == 0b000111 {
            debug!("Translation Level 3")
          if (esr_iss & 0x3F) == 0b100001 {
            debug!("Alignment Fault - FAR {:#x} - ELR {:#x}", far, elr)
          panic!("data abort same EL");
        0b111100 => {
          // this is a BRK instruction used for endless loops, so just silently ignore
          // and halt here
          info!("BRK instruction");
          loop {}
        _ => panic!("unhandled sync exception"),
    ExceptionType::CurrentElSp0Irq => __isr_default(),
    ExceptionType::CurrentElSp0Fiq => __isr_default(),
    ExceptionType::CurrentElSpxIrq => __isr_default(),
    ExceptionType::CurrentElSpxFiq => __isr_default(),
    _ => error!("unhandled exeption"),

/// Provide a waek linked default interrupt service routine.
/// As soon as any other crate (e.g. `ruspiro-interrupt`) is linked with this one
/// the linkage will be overruled with the proper implementation.
#[linkage = "weak"]
extern "C" fn __isr_default() {}