rusoto 0.12.1

AWS SDK for Rust
# Contributing to Rusoto

### Setting up build environment (only needed once)

Install Rust **1.3.0** or later -

Check out code from github.

`pip install --user -r codegen/requirements.txt` to install Python codegen required libraries.

If you're on OSX, you'll probably need a new version of openssl.  Run `brew install openssl`.  

If using pre-El Capitan OSX, run `brew link --force openssl`.  

For El Capitan, these environment variables need to be set whenever building the openssl crate.
This includes rebuilding Rusoto after a `cargo clean`.
They can be added to your shell profile (EG `~/.bash_profile`):

export OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR=`brew --prefix openssl`/include
export OPENSSL_LIB_DIR=`brew --prefix openssl`/lib

Set up AWS credentials: environment variables (export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY), populate the ~/.aws/credentials file, or use an
IAM instance profile on an EC2 instance.

Initialize and fetch the git submodule for botocore definitions:

`git submodule init`

`git submodule update`

Now run `cargo build` to perform the initial build.

Initial setup is now complete, the above shouldn't be needed again unless you need to update the botocore definitions from that upstream project.

### Building after initial setup

Build the project with `cargo build`.

Integration tests can be executed by running `cargo test --verbose --features aws_integration`.
This will create real AWS resources and you may be charged.

For more verbose test output, you can run `cargo test --verbose --features aws_integration -- --nocapture`.

### Rust code generation from boto core service definitions:

See [CODEGEN](codegen/