rune 0.12.0

An embeddable dynamic programming language for Rust.
//! Debug information for units.

use crate::ast::Span;
use crate::collections::HashMap;
use crate::compile::Item;
use crate::runtime::DebugLabel;
use crate::{Hash, SourceId};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::fmt;

/// Debug information about a unit.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct DebugInfo {
    /// Debug information on each instruction.
    pub instructions: Vec<DebugInst>,
    /// Function signatures.
    pub functions: HashMap<Hash, DebugSignature>,
    /// Reverse lookup of a function.
    pub functions_rev: HashMap<usize, Hash>,

impl DebugInfo {
    /// Get debug instruction at the given instruction pointer.
    pub fn instruction_at(&self, ip: usize) -> Option<&DebugInst> {

    /// Get the function corresponding to the given instruction pointer.
    pub fn function_at(&self, ip: usize) -> Option<(Hash, &DebugSignature)> {
        let hash = *self.functions_rev.get(&ip)?;
        let signature = self.functions.get(&hash)?;
        Some((hash, signature))

/// Debug information for every instruction.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct DebugInst {
    /// The file by id the instruction belongs to.
    pub source_id: SourceId,
    /// The span of the instruction.
    pub span: Span,
    /// The comment for the line.
    pub comment: Option<Box<str>>,
    /// Label associated with the location.
    pub label: Option<DebugLabel>,

impl DebugInst {
    /// Construct a new debug instruction.
    pub fn new(
        source_id: SourceId,
        span: Span,
        comment: Option<Box<str>>,
        label: Option<DebugLabel>,
    ) -> Self {
        Self {

/// Debug information on function arguments.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum DebugArgs {
    /// An empty, with not arguments.
    /// A tuple, with the given number of arguments.
    /// A collection of named arguments.

/// A description of a function signature.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct DebugSignature {
    /// The path of the function.
    pub path: Item,
    /// The number of arguments expected in the function.
    pub args: DebugArgs,

impl DebugSignature {
    /// Construct a new function signature.
    pub fn new(path: Item, args: DebugArgs) -> Self {
        Self { path, args }

impl fmt::Display for DebugSignature {
    fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        match &self.args {
            DebugArgs::EmptyArgs => {
                write!(fmt, "{}", self.path)?;
            DebugArgs::TupleArgs(args) if *args > 0 => {
                write!(fmt, "{}(", self.path)?;

                let mut it = 0..*args;
                let last = it.next_back();

                for arg in it {
                    write!(fmt, "{}, ", arg)?;

                if let Some(arg) = last {
                    write!(fmt, "{}", arg)?;

                write!(fmt, ")")?;
            DebugArgs::Named(args) => {
                write!(fmt, "{}(", self.path)?;

                let mut it = args.iter();
                let last = it.next_back();

                for arg in it {
                    write!(fmt, "{}, ", arg)?;

                if let Some(arg) = last {
                    write!(fmt, "{}", arg)?;

                write!(fmt, ")")?;
            _ => (),
