rune 0.12.0

An embeddable dynamic programming language for Rust.
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//! <br>
//! An embeddable dynamic programming language for Rust.
//! ## Contributing
//! If you want to help out, there should be a number of optimization tasks
//! available in [Future Optimizations][future-optimizations]. Or have a look at
//! [Open Issues].
//! Create an issue about the optimization you want to work on and communicate that
//! you are working on it.
//! <br>
//! ## Highlights of Rune
//! * Clean [Rust integration 💻][support-rust-integration].
//! * Memory safe through [reference counting 📖][support-reference-counted].
//! * [Template literals 📖][support-templates].
//! * [Try operators 📖][support-try].
//! * [Pattern matching 📖][support-patterns].
//! * [Structs and enums 📖][support-structs] with associated data and functions.
//! * Dynamic [vectors 📖][support-dynamic-vectors], [objects 📖][support-anon-objects], and [tuples 📖][support-anon-tuples] with built-in [serde support 💻][support-serde].
//! * First-class [async support 📖][support-async].
//! * [Generators 📖][support-generators].
//! * Dynamic [instance functions 📖][support-instance-functions].
//! * [Stack isolation 📖][support-stack-isolation] between function calls.
//! * Stack-based C FFI, like Lua's (TBD).
//! <br>
//! ## Rune scripts
//! You can run Rune programs with the bundled CLI:
//! ```text
//! cargo run --bin rune -- run scripts/hello_world.rn
//! ```
//! If you want to see detailed diagnostics of your program while it's running,
//! you can use:
//! ```text
//! cargo run --bin rune -- run scripts/hello_world.rn --dump-unit --trace --dump-vm
//! ```
//! See `--help` for more information.
//! ## Running scripts from Rust
//! > You can find more examples [in the `examples` folder].
//! The following is a complete example, including rich diagnostics using
//! [`termcolor`]. It can be made much simpler if this is not needed.
//! [`termcolor`]:
//! ```rust
//! use rune::{Context, Diagnostics, FromValue, Source, Sources, Vm};
//! use rune::termcolor::{ColorChoice, StandardStream};
//! use std::sync::Arc;
//! #[tokio::main]
//! async fn main() -> rune::Result<()> {
//!     let context = Context::with_default_modules()?;
//!     let runtime = Arc::new(context.runtime());
//!     let mut sources = Sources::new();
//!     sources.insert(Source::new(
//!         "script",
//!         r#"
//!         pub fn add(a, b) {
//!             a + b
//!         }
//!         "#,
//!     ));
//!     let mut diagnostics = Diagnostics::new();
//!     let result = rune::prepare(&mut sources)
//!         .with_context(&context)
//!         .with_diagnostics(&mut diagnostics)
//!         .build();
//!     if !diagnostics.is_empty() {
//!         let mut writer = StandardStream::stderr(ColorChoice::Always);
//!         diagnostics.emit(&mut writer, &sources)?;
//!     }
//!     let unit = result?;
//!     let mut vm = Vm::new(runtime, Arc::new(unit));
//!     let output =["add"], (10i64, 20i64))?;
//!     let output = i64::from_value(output)?;
//!     println!("{}", output);
//!     Ok(())
//! }
//! ```
//! [in the `examples` folder]:
//! [future-optimizations]:
//! [Open Issues]:
//! [support-rust-integration]:
//! [support-reference-counted]:
//! [support-templates]:
//! [support-try]:
//! [support-patterns]:
//! [support-structs]:
//! [support-async]:
//! [support-generators]:
//! [support-instance-functions]:
//! [support-stack-isolation]:
//! [support-dynamic-vectors]:
//! [support-anon-objects]:
//! [support-anon-tuples]:
//! [support-serde]:

#![cfg_attr(docsrs, feature(doc_cfg))]

/// A macro that can be used to construct a [Span][crate::ast::Span] that can be
/// pattern matched over.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use rune::ast::Span;
/// use rune::span;
/// let span = Span::new(42, 84);
/// assert!(matches!(span, span!(42, 84)));
/// ```
macro_rules! span {
    ($start:expr, $end:expr) => {
        $crate::ast::Span {
            start: $crate::ast::ByteIndex($start),
            end: $crate::ast::ByteIndex($end),

/// Exported result type for convenience using [anyhow::Error] as the default
/// error type.
pub type Result<T, E = anyhow::Error> = ::std::result::Result<T, E>;

/// Boxed error type, which is an alias of [anyhow::Error].
pub type Error = anyhow::Error;

mod internal_macros;

pub mod ast;

cfg_emit! {
    pub use ::codespan_reporting::term::termcolor;

mod any;
pub use self::any::Any;

mod build;
pub use self::build::{prepare, Build, BuildError};

pub mod compile;
pub use self::compile::{Context, ContextError, InstallWith, Module, Options};

pub mod diagnostics;
pub use self::diagnostics::Diagnostics;

mod hash;
pub use self::hash::{Hash, InstFnInfo, InstFnKind, InstFnName, IntoTypeHash, Params};

mod indexing;

pub mod macros;

pub mod modules;

pub mod parse;

pub mod query;

pub mod runtime;
pub use self::runtime::{FromValue, ToValue, Unit, Value, Vm};

mod shared;

mod source;
pub use self::source::Source;

mod source_id;
pub use self::source_id::SourceId;

mod sources;
pub use self::sources::Sources;

mod worker;

cfg_workspace! {
    pub mod workspace;

pub mod testing;

// Macros used internally and re-exported.
pub(crate) use rune_macros::__internal_impl_any;

/// Internal collection re-export.
mod collections {
    pub use hashbrown::{hash_map, HashMap};
    pub use hashbrown::{hash_set, HashSet};
    pub use std::collections::{btree_map, BTreeMap};