ruint 1.7.0

Unsigned integer type with cont-generic bit length
//! Support for the [`postgres`]( crate.
#![cfg(feature = "postgres")]
#![cfg_attr(has_doc_cfg, doc(cfg(feature = "postgres")))]

use crate::{
    utils::{rem_up, trim_end_vec},
use bytes::{BufMut, BytesMut};
use postgres_types::{to_sql_checked, FromSql, IsNull, ToSql, Type, WrongType};
use std::{
    str::{from_utf8, FromStr},
use thiserror::Error;

type BoxedError = Box<dyn Error + Sync + Send + 'static>;

#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Error)]
pub enum ToSqlError {
    #[error("Uint<{0}> value too large to fit target type {1}")]
    Overflow(usize, Type),

/// Convert to Postgres types.
/// Compatible [Postgres data types][dt] are:
/// * `BOOL`, `SMALLINT`, `INTEGER`, `BIGINT` which are 1, 16, 32 and 64 bit
///   signed integers respectively.
/// * `OID` which is a 32 bit unsigned integer.
/// * `FLOAT`, `DOUBLE PRECISION` which are 32 and 64 bit floating point.
/// * `DECIMAL` and `NUMERIC`, which are variable length.
/// * `MONEY` which is a 64 bit integer with two decimals.
/// * `BYTEA`, `BIT`, `VARBIT` interpreted as a big-endian binary number.
/// * `CHAR`, `VARCHAR`, `TEXT` as `0x`-prefixed big-endian hex strings.
/// * `JSON`, `JSONB` as a hex string compatible with the Serde serialization.
/// Note: [`Uint`]s are never null, use [`Option<Uint>`] instead.
/// # Errors
/// Returns an error when trying to convert to a value that is too small to fit
/// the number. Note that this depends on the value, not the type, so a
/// [`Uint<256>`] can be stored in a `SMALLINT` column, as long as the values
/// are less than $2^{16}$.
/// # Implementation details
/// The Postgres binary formats are used in the wire-protocol and the
/// the `COPY BINARY` command, but they have very little documentation. You are
/// pointed to the source code, for example this is the implementation of the
/// the `NUMERIC` type serializer: [`numeric.c`][numeric].
/// [dt]:
/// [numeric]:
impl<const BITS: usize, const LIMBS: usize> ToSql for Uint<BITS, LIMBS> {
    fn accepts(ty: &Type) -> bool {
        matches!(*ty, |Type::BOOL| Type::CHAR
            | Type::INT2
            | Type::INT4
            | Type::INT8
            | Type::OID
            | Type::FLOAT4
            | Type::FLOAT8
            | Type::MONEY
            | Type::NUMERIC
            | Type::BYTEA
            | Type::TEXT
            | Type::VARCHAR
            | Type::JSON
            | Type::JSONB
            | Type::BIT
            | Type::VARBIT)

    // See <>
    fn to_sql(&self, ty: &Type, out: &mut BytesMut) -> Result<IsNull, BoxedError> {
        match *ty {
            // Big-endian simple types
            // Note `BufMut::put_*` methods write big-endian by default.
            Type::BOOL => out.put_u8(u8::from(bool::try_from(*self)?)),
            Type::INT2 => out.put_i16(self.try_into()?),
            Type::INT4 => out.put_i32(self.try_into()?),
            Type::OID => out.put_u32(self.try_into()?),
            Type::INT8 => out.put_i64(self.try_into()?),
            Type::FLOAT4 => out.put_f32(self.try_into()?),
            Type::FLOAT8 => out.put_f64(self.try_into()?),
            Type::MONEY => {
                // Like i64, but with two decimals.
                        .ok_or_else(|| ToSqlError::Overflow(BITS, ty.clone()))?,

            // Binary strings
            Type::BYTEA => out.put_slice(&self.to_be_bytes_vec()),
            Type::BIT | Type::VARBIT => {
                // Bit in little-endian so the the first bit is the least significant.
                // Length must be at least one bit.
                if BITS == 0 {
                    if *ty == Type::BIT {
                        // `bit(0)` is not a valid type, but varbit can be empty.
                        return Err(Box::new(WrongType::new::<Self>(ty.clone())));
                } else {
                    // Bits are output in big-endian order, but padded at the
                    // least significant end.
                    let padding = 8 - rem_up(BITS, 8);
                    let bytes = self.as_le_bytes();
                    let mut bytes = bytes.iter().rev();
                    let mut shifted = << padding;
                    for byte in bytes {
                        shifted |= if padding > 0 {
                            byte >> (8 - padding)
                        } else {
                        shifted = byte << padding;

            // Hex strings
            Type::CHAR | Type::TEXT | Type::VARCHAR => {
            Type::JSON | Type::JSONB => {
                if *ty == Type::JSONB {
                    // Version 1 of JSONB is just plain text JSON.

            // Binary coded decimal types
            // See <>
            Type::NUMERIC => {
                // Everything is done in big-endian base 1000 digits.
                const BASE: u64 = 10000;
                let mut digits: Vec<_> = self.to_base_be(BASE).collect();
                let exponent = digits.len().saturating_sub(1).try_into()?;

                // Trailing zeros are removed.
                trim_end_vec(&mut digits, &0);

                out.put_i16(digits.len().try_into()?); // Number of digits.
                out.put_i16(exponent); // Exponent of first digit.
                out.put_i16(0); // sign: 0x0000 = positive, 0x4000 = negative.
                out.put_i16(0); // dscale: Number of digits to the right of the decimal point.
                for digit in digits {
                    debug_assert!(digit < BASE);
                    #[allow(clippy::cast_possible_truncation)] // 10000 < i16::MAX
                    out.put_i16(digit as i16);

            // Unsupported types
            _ => {
                return Err(Box::new(WrongType::new::<Self>(ty.clone())));


#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Error)]
pub enum FromSqlError {
    #[error("The value is too large for the Uint type")]

    #[error("Unexpected data for type {0}")]

/// Convert from Postgres types.
/// See [`ToSql`][Self::to_sql] for details.
impl<'a, const BITS: usize, const LIMBS: usize> FromSql<'a> for Uint<BITS, LIMBS> {
    fn accepts(ty: &Type) -> bool {
        <Self as ToSql>::accepts(ty)

    fn from_sql(ty: &Type, raw: &'a [u8]) -> Result<Self, Box<dyn Error + Sync + Send>> {
        Ok(match *ty {
            Type::BOOL => match raw {
                [0] => Self::ZERO,
                [1] => Self::try_from(1)?,
                _ => return Err(Box::new(FromSqlError::ParseError(ty.clone()))),
            Type::INT2 => i16::from_be_bytes(raw.try_into()?).try_into()?,
            Type::INT4 => i32::from_be_bytes(raw.try_into()?).try_into()?,
            Type::OID => u32::from_be_bytes(raw.try_into()?).try_into()?,
            Type::INT8 => i64::from_be_bytes(raw.try_into()?).try_into()?,
            Type::FLOAT4 => f32::from_be_bytes(raw.try_into()?).try_into()?,
            Type::FLOAT8 => f64::from_be_bytes(raw.try_into()?).try_into()?,
            Type::MONEY => (i64::from_be_bytes(raw.try_into()?) / 100).try_into()?,

            // Binary strings
            Type::BYTEA => Self::try_from_be_slice(raw).ok_or(FromSqlError::Overflow)?,
            Type::BIT | Type::VARBIT => {
                // Parse header
                if raw.len() < 4 {
                    return Err(Box::new(FromSqlError::ParseError(ty.clone())));
                let len: usize = i32::from_be_bytes(raw[..4].try_into()?).try_into()?;
                let raw = &raw[4..];

                // Shift padding to the other end
                let padding = 8 - rem_up(len, 8);
                let mut raw = raw.to_owned();
                if padding > 0 {
                    for i in (1..raw.len()).rev() {
                        raw[i] = raw[i] >> padding | raw[i - 1] << (8 - padding);
                    raw[0] >>= padding;
                // Construct from bits

            // Hex strings
            Type::CHAR | Type::TEXT | Type::VARCHAR => Self::from_str(from_utf8(raw)?)?,

            // Hex strings
            Type::JSON | Type::JSONB => {
                let raw = if *ty == Type::JSONB {
                    if raw[0] == 1 {
                    } else {
                        // Unsupported version
                        return Err(Box::new(FromSqlError::ParseError(ty.clone())));
                } else {
                let str = from_utf8(raw)?;
                let str = if str.starts_with('"') && str.ends_with('"') {
                    // Stringified number
                    &str[1..str.len() - 1]
                } else {

            // Numeric types
            Type::NUMERIC => {
                // Parse header
                if raw.len() < 8 {
                    return Err(Box::new(FromSqlError::ParseError(ty.clone())));
                let digits = i16::from_be_bytes(raw[0..2].try_into()?);
                let exponent = i16::from_be_bytes(raw[2..4].try_into()?);
                let sign = i16::from_be_bytes(raw[4..6].try_into()?);
                let dscale = i16::from_be_bytes(raw[6..8].try_into()?);
                let raw = &raw[8..];
                #[allow(clippy::cast_sign_loss)] // Signs are checked
                if digits < 0
                    || exponent < 0
                    || sign != 0x0000
                    || dscale != 0
                    || digits > exponent + 1
                    || raw.len() != digits as usize * 2
                    return Err(Box::new(FromSqlError::ParseError(ty.clone())));
                let mut error = false;
                let iter = raw.chunks_exact(2).filter_map(|raw| {
                    if error {
                        return None;
                    let digit = i16::from_be_bytes(raw.try_into().unwrap());
                    if !(0..10000).contains(&digit) {
                        error = true;
                        return None;
                    #[allow(clippy::cast_sign_loss)] // Signs are checked
                    Some(digit as u64)
                // Expression can not be negative due to checks above
                let iter = iter.chain(iter::repeat(0).take((exponent + 1 - digits) as usize));

                let value = Self::from_base_be(10000, iter)?;
                if error {
                    return Err(Box::new(FromSqlError::ParseError(ty.clone())));

            // Unsupported types
            _ => return Err(Box::new(WrongType::new::<Self>(ty.clone()))),

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use crate::{const_for, nbytes, nlimbs};
    use approx::assert_ulps_eq;
    use hex_literal::hex;
    use postgres::{Client, NoTls};
    use proptest::{proptest, test_runner::Config as ProptestConfig};
    use std::{io::Read, sync::Mutex};

    fn test_basic() {
        const N: Uint<256, 4> = Uint::from_limbs([
        fn bytes(ty: Type) -> Vec<u8> {
            let mut out = BytesMut::new();
            N.to_sql(&ty, &mut out).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(bytes(Type::FLOAT4), hex!("7f800000")); // +inf
        assert_eq!(bytes(Type::FLOAT8), hex!("4fe90bdefaf2d240"));
        assert_eq!(bytes(Type::NUMERIC), hex!("0014001300000000000902760e3620f115a21c3b029709bc11e60b3e10d10d6900d123400def1c45091a147900f012f4"));
        assert_eq!(bytes(Type::CHAR), hex!("307863383565663764373936393166653739353733623161373036346331396331613938313965626462643166616161623161386563393233343434333861616634"));
        assert_eq!(bytes(Type::TEXT), hex!("307863383565663764373936393166653739353733623161373036346331396331613938313965626462643166616161623161386563393233343434333861616634"));
        assert_eq!(bytes(Type::VARCHAR), hex!("307863383565663764373936393166653739353733623161373036346331396331613938313965626462643166616161623161386563393233343434333861616634"));

    fn test_roundtrip() {
        const_for!(BITS in SIZES {
            const LIMBS: usize = nlimbs(BITS);
            type U = Uint<BITS, LIMBS>;
            proptest!(|(value: U)| {
                let mut serialized = BytesMut::new();

                if f32::from(value).is_finite() {
                    if value.to_sql(&Type::FLOAT4, &mut serialized).is_ok() {
                        // println!("testing {:?} {}", value, Type::FLOAT4);
                        let deserialized = U::from_sql(&Type::FLOAT4, &serialized).unwrap();
                        assert_ulps_eq!(f32::from(value), f32::from(deserialized), max_ulps = 4);
                if f64::from(value).is_finite() {
                    if value.to_sql(&Type::FLOAT8, &mut serialized).is_ok() {
                        // println!("testing {:?} {}", value, Type::FLOAT8);
                        let deserialized = U::from_sql(&Type::FLOAT8, &serialized).unwrap();
                        assert_ulps_eq!(f64::from(value), f64::from(deserialized), max_ulps = 4);
                for ty in &[/*Type::BOOL, Type::INT2, Type::INT4, Type::INT8, Type::OID, Type::MONEY, Type::BYTEA, Type::CHAR, Type::TEXT, Type::VARCHAR, Type::JSON, Type::JSONB, Type::NUMERIC,*/ Type::BIT, Type::VARBIT] {
                    if value.to_sql(ty, &mut serialized).is_ok() {
                        // println!("testing {:?} {}", value, ty);
                        let deserialized = U::from_sql(ty, &serialized).unwrap();
                        assert_eq!(deserialized, value);

    // Query the binary encoding of an SQL expression
    fn get_binary(client: &mut Client, expr: &str) -> Vec<u8> {
        let query = format!("COPY (SELECT {expr}) TO STDOUT WITH BINARY;");

        // See <>
        let mut reader = client.copy_out(&query).unwrap();
        let mut buf = Vec::new();
        reader.read_to_end(&mut buf).unwrap();

        // Parse header
        let buf = {
            const HEADER: &[u8] = b"PGCOPY\n\xff\r\n\0";
            assert_eq!(&buf[..11], HEADER);
            &buf[11 + 4..]

        // Skip extension headers (must be zero length)
        assert_eq!(&buf[..4], &0_u32.to_be_bytes());
        let buf = &buf[4..];

        // Tuple field count must be one
        assert_eq!(&buf[..2], &1_i16.to_be_bytes());
        let buf = &buf[2..];

        // Field length
        let len = u32::from_be_bytes(buf[..4].try_into().unwrap()) as usize;
        let buf = &buf[4..];

        // Field data
        let data = &buf[..len];
        let buf = &buf[len..];

        // Trailer must be -1_i16
        assert_eq!(&buf, &(-1_i16).to_be_bytes());


    fn test_to<const BITS: usize, const LIMBS: usize>(
        client: &Mutex<Client>,
        value: Uint<BITS, LIMBS>,
        ty: &Type,
    ) {
        println!("testing {value:?} {ty}");

        // Encode value locally
        let mut serialized = BytesMut::new();
        let result = value.to_sql(ty, &mut serialized);
        if result.is_err() {
            // Skip values that are out of range for the type
        // Skip floating point infinities
        if ty == &Type::FLOAT4 && f32::from(value).is_infinite() {
        if ty == &Type::FLOAT8 && f64::from(value).is_infinite() {
        // dbg!(hex::encode(&serialized));

        // Fetch ground truth value from Postgres
        let expr = match *ty {
            Type::BIT => format!(
                value = value,
                bits = if BITS == 0 { 1 } else { BITS },
            Type::VARBIT => format!("B'{value:b}'::varbit"),
            Type::BYTEA => format!("'\\x{value:x}'::bytea"),
            Type::CHAR => format!("'{value:#x}'::char({})", 2 + 2 * nbytes(BITS)),
            Type::TEXT | Type::VARCHAR => format!("'{value:#x}'::{}",,
            Type::JSON | Type::JSONB => format!("'\"{value:#x}\"'::{}",,
            _ => format!("{value}::{}",,
        // dbg!(&expr);
        let ground_truth = {
            let mut client = client.lock().unwrap();
            get_binary(&mut client, &expr)
        // dbg!(hex::encode(&ground_truth));

        // Compare with ground truth, for float we allow tiny rounding error
        if ty == &Type::FLOAT4 {
            let serialized = f32::from_be_bytes(serialized.as_ref().try_into().unwrap());
            let ground_truth = f32::from_be_bytes(ground_truth.try_into().unwrap());
            assert_ulps_eq!(serialized, ground_truth, max_ulps = 4);
        } else if ty == &Type::FLOAT8 {
            let serialized = f64::from_be_bytes(serialized.as_ref().try_into().unwrap());
            let ground_truth = f64::from_be_bytes(ground_truth.try_into().unwrap());
            assert_ulps_eq!(serialized, ground_truth, max_ulps = 4);
        } else {
            // Check that the value is exactly the same as the ground truth
            assert_eq!(serialized, ground_truth);

    // This test requires a live postgresql server.
    // To start a server, run:
    //     docker run -it --rm -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -p 5432:5432 postgres
    // Then run the test using:
    //    PROPTEST_CASES=1000 cargo test --all-features -- --include-ignored
    // --nocapture postgres
    fn test_postgres() {
        // docker run -it --rm -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -p 5432:5432 postgres
        let client = Client::connect("postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost", NoTls).unwrap();
        let client = Mutex::new(client);

        const_for!(BITS in SIZES {
            const LIMBS: usize = nlimbs(BITS);

            // By default generates 256 random values per bit size. Configurable
            // with the `PROPTEST_CASES` env variable.
            let mut config = ProptestConfig::default();
            // No point in running many values for small sizes
            if BITS < 4 { config.cases = 16; };

            proptest!(config, |(value: Uint<BITS, LIMBS>)| {

                // Test based on which types value will fit
                let bits = value.bit_len();
                if bits <= 1 {
                    test_to(&client, value, &Type::BOOL);
                if bits <= 15 {
                    test_to(&client, value, &Type::INT2);
                if bits <= 31 {
                    test_to(&client, value, &Type::INT4);
                if bits <= 32 {
                    test_to(&client, value, &Type::OID);
                if bits <= 50 {
                    test_to(&client, value, &Type::MONEY);
                if bits <= 63 {
                    test_to(&client, value, &Type::INT8);

                // Floating points always work, except when the exponent
                // overflows. We map that to +∞, mut SQL rejects it. This
                // is handled in the `test_to` function.
                test_to(&client, value, &Type::FLOAT4);
                test_to(&client, value, &Type::FLOAT8);

                // Types that work for any size
                for ty in &[Type::NUMERIC, Type::BIT, Type::VARBIT, Type::BYTEA, Type::CHAR, Type::TEXT, Type::VARCHAR, Type::JSON, Type::JSONB] {
                    test_to(&client, value, ty);
