Struct rug::complex::SmallComplex [] [src]

pub struct SmallComplex { /* fields omitted */ }

A small complex number that does not require any memory allocation.

This can be useful when you have real and imaginary numbers that are primitive integers or floats and you need a reference to a Complex. The SmallComplex will have a precision according to the type of the primitive used to set its value.

  • i8, u8: the SmallComplex will have eight bits of precision.
  • i16, u16: the SmallComplex will have 16 bits of precision.
  • i32, u32: the SmallComplex will have 32 bits of precision.
  • i64, u64: the SmallComplex will have 64 bits of precision.
  • f32: the SmallComplex will have 24 bits of precision.
  • f64: the SmallComplex will have 53 bits of precision.

The SmallComplex type can be coerced to a Complex, as it implements Deref with a Complex target.


use rug::Complex;
use rug::complex::SmallComplex;
// `a` requires a heap allocation
let mut a = Complex::with_val(53, (1, 2));
// `b` can reside on the stack
let b = SmallComplex::from((-10f64, -20.5f64));
a += &*b;
assert_eq!(*a.real(), -9);
assert_eq!(*a.imag(), -18.5);


impl SmallComplex


Creates a SmallComplex with value 0.


use rug::complex::SmallComplex;
let c = SmallComplex::new();
// Use c as if it were Complex.
assert_eq!(*c.real(), 0.0);
assert_eq!(*c.imag(), 0.0);

Methods from Deref<Target = Complex>


Returns the precision of the real and imaginary parts.


use rug::Complex;
let r = Complex::new((24, 53));
assert_eq!(r.prec(), (24, 53));


Returns a string representation of the value for the specified radix rounding to the nearest.

The exponent is encoded in decimal. If the number of digits is not specified, the output string will have enough precision such that reading it again will give the exact same number.


use rug::Complex;
let c1 = Complex::with_val(53, 0);
assert_eq!(c1.to_string_radix(10, None), "(0.0 0.0)");
let c2 = Complex::with_val(12, (15, 5));
assert_eq!(c2.to_string_radix(16, None), "(f.000 5.000)");
let c3 = Complex::with_val(53, (10, -4));
assert_eq!(c3.to_string_radix(10, Some(3)), "(1.00e1 -4.00)");
assert_eq!(c3.to_string_radix(5, Some(3)), "(2.00e1 -4.00)");


Panics if radix is less than 2 or greater than 36.


Returns a string representation of the value for the specified radix applying the specified rounding method.

The exponent is encoded in decimal. If the number of digits is not specified, the output string will have enough precision such that reading it again will give the exact same number.


use rug::Complex;
use rug::float::Round;
let c = Complex::with_val(10, 10.4);
let down = (Round::Down, Round::Down);
let nearest = (Round::Nearest, Round::Nearest);
let up = (Round::Up, Round::Up);
let nd = c.to_string_radix_round(10, None, down);
assert_eq!(nd, "(1.0406e1 0.0)");
let nu = c.to_string_radix_round(10, None, up);
assert_eq!(nu, "(1.0407e1 0.0)");
let sd = c.to_string_radix_round(10, Some(2), down);
assert_eq!(sd, "(1.0e1 0.0)");
let sn = c.to_string_radix_round(10, Some(2), nearest);
assert_eq!(sn, "(1.0e1 0.0)");
let su = c.to_string_radix_round(10, Some(2), up);
assert_eq!(su, "(1.1e1 0.0)");


Panics if radix is less than 2 or greater than 36.


Borrows the real part as a Float.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (12.5, -20.75));
assert_eq!(*c.real(), 12.5)


Borrows the imaginary part as a Float.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (12.5, -20.75));
assert_eq!(*c.imag(), -20.75)


Borrows the real and imaginary parts.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (12.5, -20.75));
assert_eq!(c, (12.5, -20.75));
let (re, im) = c.as_real_imag();
assert_eq!(*re, 12.5);
assert_eq!(*im, -20.75);


Consumes and converts the value into real and imaginary Float values.

This function reuses the allocated memory and does not allocate any new memory.

use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (12.5, -20.75));
let (real, imag) = c.into_real_imag();
assert_eq!(real, 12.5);
assert_eq!(imag, -20.75);


Borrows a negated copy of the Complex number.

The returned object implements Deref with a Complex target. This method performs a shallow copy and negates it, and negation does not change the allocated data.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (4.2, -2.3));
let neg_c = c.as_neg();
assert_eq!(*neg_c, (-4.2, 2.3));
// methods taking &self can be used on the returned object
let reneg_c = neg_c.as_neg();
assert_eq!(*reneg_c, (4.2, -2.3));
assert_eq!(*reneg_c, c);


Borrows a conjugate copy of the Complex number.

The returned object implements Deref with a Complex target. This method performs a shallow copy and negates its imaginary part, and negation does not change the allocated data.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (4.2, -2.3));
let conj_c = c.as_conj();
assert_eq!(*conj_c, (4.2, 2.3));
// methods taking &self can be used on the returned object
let reconj_c = conj_c.as_conj();
assert_eq!(*reconj_c, (4.2, -2.3));
assert_eq!(*reconj_c, c);


Borrows a rotated copy of the Complex number.

The returned object implements Deref with a Complex target. This method operates by performing some shallow copying; unlike the mul_i method and friends, this method swaps the precision of the real and imaginary parts if they have unequal precisions.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (4.2, -2.3));
let mul_i_c = c.as_mul_i(false);
assert_eq!(*mul_i_c, (2.3, 4.2));
// methods taking &self can be used on the returned object
let mul_ii_c = mul_i_c.as_mul_i(false);
assert_eq!(*mul_ii_c, (-4.2, 2.3));
let mul_1_c = mul_i_c.as_mul_i(true);
assert_eq!(*mul_1_c, (4.2, -2.3));
assert_eq!(*mul_1_c, c);


Borrows the Complex as an ordered complex number of type OrdComplex.


use rug::Complex;
use rug::float::Special;
use std::cmp::Ordering;

let nan_c = Complex::with_val(53, (Special::Nan, Special::Nan));
let nan = nan_c.as_ord();
assert_eq!(nan.cmp(nan), Ordering::Equal);

let one_neg0_c = Complex::with_val(53, (1, Special::NegZero));
let one_neg0 = one_neg0_c.as_ord();
let one_pos0_c = Complex::with_val(53, (1, Special::Zero));
let one_pos0 = one_pos0_c.as_ord();
assert_eq!(one_neg0.cmp(one_pos0), Ordering::Less);

let zero_inf_s = (Special::Zero, Special::Infinity);
let zero_inf_c = Complex::with_val(53, zero_inf_s);
let zero_inf = zero_inf_c.as_ord();
assert_eq!(one_pos0.cmp(zero_inf), Ordering::Greater);


Computes a projection onto the Riemann sphere, rounding to the nearest.

If no parts of the number are infinite, the result is unchanged. If any part is infinite, the real part of the result is set to +∞ and the imaginary part of the result is set to 0 with the same sign as the imaginary part of the input.


use rug::Complex;
use std::f64;
let c1 = Complex::with_val(53, (1.5, 2.5));
let proj1 = c1.proj();
assert_eq!(proj1, (1.5, 2.5));
let c2 = Complex::with_val(53, (f64::NAN, f64::NEG_INFINITY));
let proj2 = c2.proj();
assert_eq!(proj2, (f64::INFINITY, 0.0));
// imaginary was negative, so now it is minus zero


Computes the projection onto the Riemann sphere.

If no parts of the number are infinite, the result is unchanged. If any part is infinite, the real part of the result is set to +∞ and the imaginary part of the result is set to 0 with the same sign as the imaginary part of the input.


use rug::Complex;
use std::f64;
let c1 = Complex::with_val(53, (f64::INFINITY, 50));
let proj1 = Complex::with_val(53, c1.proj_ref());
assert_eq!(proj1, (f64::INFINITY, 0.0));
let c2 = Complex::with_val(53, (f64::NAN, f64::NEG_INFINITY));
let proj2 = Complex::with_val(53, c2.proj_ref());
assert_eq!(proj2, (f64::INFINITY, 0.0));
// imaginary was negative, so now it is minus zero


Computes the square, rounding to the nearest.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (1, -2));
// (1 - 2i) squared is (-3 - 4i)
let square = c.square();
assert_eq!(square, (-3, -4));


Computes the square.


use rug::Complex;
use rug::float::Round;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (1.25, 1.25));
// (1.25 + 1.25i) squared is (0 + 3.125i).
let r = c.square_ref();
// With 4 bits of precision, 3.125 is rounded down to 3.
let round = (Round::Down, Round::Down);
let (square, dir) = Complex::with_val_round(4, r, round);
assert_eq!(square, (0, 3));
assert_eq!(dir, (Ordering::Equal, Ordering::Less));


Computes the square root, rounding to the nearest.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (-1, 0));
// square root of (-1 + 0i) is (0 + i)
let sqrt = c.sqrt();
assert_eq!(sqrt, (0, 1));


Computes the square root.


use rug::Complex;
use rug::float::Round;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (2, 2.25));
// Square root of (2 + 2.25i) is (1.5828 + 0.7108i).
let r = c.sqrt_ref();
// Nearest with 4 bits of precision: (1.625 + 0.6875i)
let nearest = (Round::Nearest, Round::Nearest);
let (sqrt, dir) = Complex::with_val_round(4, r, nearest);
assert_eq!(sqrt, (1.625, 0.6875));
assert_eq!(dir, (Ordering::Greater, Ordering::Less));


Computes the complex conjugate.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (1.5, 2.5));
let conj = c.conj();
assert_eq!(conj, (1.5, -2.5));


Computes the complex conjugate.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (1.5, 2.5));
let conj = Complex::with_val(53, c.conj_ref());
assert_eq!(conj, (1.5, -2.5));


Computes the absolute value and returns it as a Float with the precision of the real part.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (30, 40));
let f = c.abs();
assert_eq!(f, 50);


Computes the absolute value.


use rug::{Complex, Float};
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (30, 40));
let f = Float::with_val(53, c.abs_ref());
assert_eq!(f, 50);


Computes the argument, rounding to the nearest.

The argument is returned as a Float with the precision of the real part.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (4, 3));
let f = c.arg();
assert_eq!(f, 0.75_f64.atan());

Special values are handled like atan2 in IEEE 754-2008.

use rug::{Assign, Complex, Float};
use rug::float::Special;
use std::f64;
// f has precision 53, just like f64, so PI constants match.
let mut arg = Float::new(53);
let mut zero = Complex::new(53);
zero.assign((Special::Zero, Special::Zero));
assert!(arg.is_zero() && arg.is_sign_positive());
zero.assign((Special::Zero, Special::NegZero));
assert!(arg.is_zero() && arg.is_sign_negative());
zero.assign((Special::NegZero, Special::Zero));
assert_eq!(arg, f64::consts::PI);
zero.assign((Special::NegZero, Special::NegZero));
assert_eq!(arg, -f64::consts::PI);


Computes the argument.


use rug::{Assign, Complex, Float};
use std::f64;
// f has precision 53, just like f64, so PI constants match.
let mut arg = Float::new(53);
let c_pos = Complex::with_val(53, 1);
let c_neg = Complex::with_val(53, -1.3);
assert_eq!(arg, f64::consts::PI);
let c_pi_4 = Complex::with_val(53, (1.333, 1.333));
assert_eq!(arg, f64::consts::FRAC_PI_4);


Multiplies the complex number by ±i, rounding to the nearest.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (13, 24));
let rot1 = c.mul_i(false);
assert_eq!(rot1, (-24, 13));
let rot2 = rot1.mul_i(false);
assert_eq!(rot2, (-13, -24));
let rot2_less1 = rot2.mul_i(true);
assert_eq!(rot2_less1, (-24, 13));


Multiplies the complex number by ±i.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (13, 24));
let rotated = Complex::with_val(53, c.mul_i_ref(false));
assert_eq!(rotated, (-24, 13));


Computes the reciprocal, rounding to the nearest.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (1, 1));
// 1/(1 + i) = (0.5 - 0.5i)
let recip = c.recip();
assert_eq!(recip, (0.5, -0.5));


Computes the reciprocal.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (1, 1));
// 1/(1 + i) = (0.5 - 0.5i)
let recip = Complex::with_val(53, c.recip_ref());
assert_eq!(recip, (0.5, -0.5));


Computes the norm, that is the square of the absolute value, rounding it to the nearest.

The norm is returned as a Float with the precision of the real part.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (3, 4));
let f = c.norm();
assert_eq!(f, 25);


Computes the norm, that is the square of the absolute value.


use rug::{Complex, Float};
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (3, 4));
let f = Float::with_val(53, c.norm_ref());
assert_eq!(f, 25);


Computes the natural logarithm, rounding to the nearest.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (1.5, -0.5));
let ln = c.ln();
let expected = Complex::with_val(53, (0.4581, -0.3218));
assert!((ln - expected).abs() < 0.0001);


Computes the natural logarithm;


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (1.5, -0.5));
let ln = Complex::with_val(53, c.ln_ref());
let expected = Complex::with_val(53, (0.4581, -0.3218));
assert!((ln - expected).abs() < 0.0001);


Computes the logarithm to base 10, rounding to the nearest.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (1.5, -0.5));
let log10 = c.log10();
let expected = Complex::with_val(53, (0.1990, -0.1397));
assert!((log10 - expected).abs() < 0.0001);


Computes the logarithm to base 10.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (1.5, -0.5));
let log10 = Complex::with_val(53, c.log10_ref());
let expected = Complex::with_val(53, (0.1990, -0.1397));
assert!((log10 - expected).abs() < 0.0001);


Computes the exponential, rounding to the nearest.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (0.5, -0.75));
let exp = c.exp();
let expected = Complex::with_val(53, (1.2064, -1.1238));
assert!((exp - expected).abs() < 0.0001);


Computes the exponential.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (0.5, -0.75));
let exp = Complex::with_val(53, c.exp_ref());
let expected = Complex::with_val(53, (1.2064, -1.1238));
assert!((exp - expected).abs() < 0.0001);


Computes the sine, rounding to the nearest.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (1, 1));
let sin = c.sin();
let expected = Complex::with_val(53, (1.2985, 0.6350));
assert!((sin - expected).abs() < 0.0001);


Computes the sine.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (1, 1));
let sin = Complex::with_val(53, c.sin_ref());
let expected = Complex::with_val(53, (1.2985, 0.6350));
assert!((sin - expected).abs() < 0.0001);


Computes the cosine, rounding to the nearest.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (1, 1));
let cos = c.cos();
let expected = Complex::with_val(53, (0.8337, -0.9889));
assert!((cos - expected).abs() < 0.0001);


Computes the cosine.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (1, 1));
let cos = Complex::with_val(53, c.cos_ref());
let expected = Complex::with_val(53, (0.8337, -0.9889));
assert!((cos - expected).abs() < 0.0001);


Computes the sine and cosine of self, rounding to the nearest.

The sine keeps the precision of self while the cosine keeps the precision of cos.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (1, 1));
let (sin, cos) = c.sin_cos(Complex::new(53));
let expected_sin = Complex::with_val(53, (1.2985, 0.6350));
let expected_cos = Complex::with_val(53, (0.8337, -0.9889));
assert!((sin - expected_sin).abs() < 0.0001);
assert!((cos - expected_cos).abs() < 0.0001);


Computes the sine and cosine.


use rug::{Assign, Complex};
use rug::float::{AssignRound, Round};
use std::cmp::Ordering;
let phase = Complex::with_val(53, (1, 1));
let sin_cos = phase.sin_cos_ref();

let (mut sin, mut cos) = (Complex::new(53), Complex::new(53));
(&mut sin, &mut cos).assign(sin_cos);
let expected_sin = Complex::with_val(53, (1.2985, 0.6350));
let expected_cos = Complex::with_val(53, (0.8337, -0.9889));
assert!((sin - expected_sin).abs() < 0.0001);
assert!((cos - expected_cos).abs() < 0.0001);

// using 4 significant bits: sin = (1.25 + 0.625i)
// using 4 significant bits: cos = (0.8125 - i)
let (mut sin_4, mut cos_4) = (Complex::new(4), Complex::new(4));
let (dir_sin, dir_cos) = (&mut sin_4, &mut cos_4)
    .assign_round(sin_cos, (Round::Nearest, Round::Nearest));
assert_eq!(sin_4, (1.25, 0.625));
assert_eq!(dir_sin, (Ordering::Less, Ordering::Less));
assert_eq!(cos_4, (0.8125, -1));
assert_eq!(dir_cos, (Ordering::Less, Ordering::Less));


Computes the tangent, rounding to the nearest.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (1, 1));
let tan = c.tan();
let expected = Complex::with_val(53, (0.2718, 1.0839));
assert!((tan - expected).abs() < 0.0001);


Computes the tangent.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (1, 1));
let tan = Complex::with_val(53, c.tan_ref());
let expected = Complex::with_val(53, (0.2718, 1.0839));
assert!((tan - expected).abs() < 0.0001);


Computes the hyperbolic sine, rounding to the nearest.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (1, 1));
let sinh = c.sinh();
let expected = Complex::with_val(53, (0.6350, 1.2985));
assert!((sinh - expected).abs() < 0.0001);


Computes the hyperbolic sine.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (1, 1));
let sinh = Complex::with_val(53, c.sinh_ref());
let expected = Complex::with_val(53, (0.6350, 1.2985));
assert!((sinh - expected).abs() < 0.0001);


Computes the hyperbolic cosine, rounding to the nearest.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (1, 1));
let cosh = c.cosh();
let expected = Complex::with_val(53, (0.8337, 0.9889));
assert!((cosh - expected).abs() < 0.0001);


Computes the hyperbolic cosine.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (1, 1));
let cosh = Complex::with_val(53, c.cosh_ref());
let expected = Complex::with_val(53, (0.8337, 0.9889));
assert!((cosh - expected).abs() < 0.0001);


Computes the hyperbolic tangent, rounding to the nearest.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (1, 1));
let tanh = c.tanh();
let expected = Complex::with_val(53, (1.0839, 0.2718));
assert!((tanh - expected).abs() < 0.0001);


Computes the hyperbolic tangent.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (1, 1));
let tanh = Complex::with_val(53, c.tanh_ref());
let expected = Complex::with_val(53, (1.0839, 0.2718));
assert!((tanh - expected).abs() < 0.0001);


Computes the inverse sine, rounding to the nearest.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (1, 1));
let asin = c.asin();
let expected = Complex::with_val(53, (0.6662, 1.0613));
assert!((asin - expected).abs() < 0.0001);


Computes the inverse sine.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (1, 1));
let asin = Complex::with_val(53, c.asin_ref());
let expected = Complex::with_val(53, (0.6662, 1.0613));
assert!((asin - expected).abs() < 0.0001);


Computes the inverse cosine, rounding to the nearest.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (1, 1));
let acos = c.acos();
let expected = Complex::with_val(53, (0.9046, -1.0613));
assert!((acos - expected).abs() < 0.0001);


Computes the inverse cosine.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (1, 1));
let acos = Complex::with_val(53, c.acos_ref());
let expected = Complex::with_val(53, (0.9046, -1.0613));
assert!((acos - expected).abs() < 0.0001);


Computes the inverse tangent, rounding to the nearest.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (1, 1));
let atan = c.atan();
let expected = Complex::with_val(53, (1.0172, 0.4024));
assert!((atan - expected).abs() < 0.0001);


Computes the inverse tangent.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (1, 1));
let atan = Complex::with_val(53, c.atan_ref());
let expected = Complex::with_val(53, (1.0172, 0.4024));
assert!((atan - expected).abs() < 0.0001);


Computes the inverse hyperbolic sine, rounding to the nearest.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (1, 1));
let asinh = c.asinh();
let expected = Complex::with_val(53, (1.0613, 0.6662));
assert!((asinh - expected).abs() < 0.0001);


Computes the inverse hyperboic sine.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (1, 1));
let asinh = Complex::with_val(53, c.asinh_ref());
let expected = Complex::with_val(53, (1.0613, 0.6662));
assert!((asinh - expected).abs() < 0.0001);


Computes the inverse hyperbolic cosine, rounding to the nearest.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (1, 1));
let acosh = c.acosh();
let expected = Complex::with_val(53, (1.0613, 0.9046));
assert!((acosh - expected).abs() < 0.0001);


Computes the inverse hyperbolic cosine.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (1, 1));
let acosh = Complex::with_val(53, c.acosh_ref());
let expected = Complex::with_val(53, (1.0613, 0.9046));
assert!((acosh - expected).abs() < 0.0001);


Computes the inverse hyperbolic tangent, rounding to the nearest.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (1, 1));
let atanh = c.atanh();
let expected = Complex::with_val(53, (0.4024, 1.0172));
assert!((atanh - expected).abs() < 0.0001);


Computes the inverse hyperbolic tangent.


use rug::Complex;
let c = Complex::with_val(53, (1, 1));
let atanh = Complex::with_val(53, c.atanh_ref());
let expected = Complex::with_val(53, (0.4024, 1.0172));
assert!((atanh - expected).abs() < 0.0001);

Trait Implementations

impl Default for SmallComplex


Returns the "default value" for a type. Read more

impl Deref for SmallComplex

The resulting type after dereferencing.


Dereferences the value.

impl<T> From<T> for SmallComplex where
    SmallComplex: Assign<T>, 


Performs the conversion.

impl Assign<i8> for SmallComplex


Peforms the assignement. Read more

impl Assign<i16> for SmallComplex


Peforms the assignement. Read more

impl Assign<i32> for SmallComplex


Peforms the assignement. Read more

impl Assign<i64> for SmallComplex


Peforms the assignement. Read more

impl Assign<u8> for SmallComplex


Peforms the assignement. Read more

impl Assign<u16> for SmallComplex


Peforms the assignement. Read more

impl Assign<u32> for SmallComplex


Peforms the assignement. Read more

impl Assign<u64> for SmallComplex


Peforms the assignement. Read more

impl Assign<(i8, i8)> for SmallComplex


Peforms the assignement. Read more

impl Assign<(i16, i16)> for SmallComplex


Peforms the assignement. Read more

impl Assign<(i32, i32)> for SmallComplex


Peforms the assignement. Read more

impl Assign<(i64, i64)> for SmallComplex


Peforms the assignement. Read more

impl Assign<(i8, u8)> for SmallComplex


Peforms the assignement. Read more

impl Assign<(i16, u16)> for SmallComplex


Peforms the assignement. Read more

impl Assign<(i32, u32)> for SmallComplex


Peforms the assignement. Read more

impl Assign<(i64, u64)> for SmallComplex


Peforms the assignement. Read more

impl Assign<(u8, i8)> for SmallComplex


Peforms the assignement. Read more

impl Assign<(u16, i16)> for SmallComplex


Peforms the assignement. Read more

impl Assign<(u32, i32)> for SmallComplex


Peforms the assignement. Read more

impl Assign<(u64, i64)> for SmallComplex


Peforms the assignement. Read more

impl Assign<(u8, u8)> for SmallComplex


Peforms the assignement. Read more

impl Assign<(u16, u16)> for SmallComplex


Peforms the assignement. Read more

impl Assign<(u32, u32)> for SmallComplex


Peforms the assignement. Read more

impl Assign<(u64, u64)> for SmallComplex


Peforms the assignement. Read more

impl Assign<f32> for SmallComplex


Peforms the assignement. Read more

impl Assign<f64> for SmallComplex


Peforms the assignement. Read more

impl Assign<(f32, f32)> for SmallComplex


Peforms the assignement. Read more

impl Assign<(f64, f64)> for SmallComplex


Peforms the assignement. Read more