ructe 0.3.14

Rust Compiled Templates, efficient type-safe templates.
//! Rust Compiled Templates is a HTML template system for Rust.
//! Ructe works by converting your templates (and static files) to
//! rust source code, which is then compiled with your project.
//! This has the benefits that:
//! 1. Many syntactical and logical errors in templates are caught
//! compile-time, rather than in a running server.
//! 2. No extra latency on the first request, since the template are
//! compiled before starting the program.
//! 3. The template files does not have to be distributed / installed.
//! Templates (and static assets) are included in the compiled
//! program, which can be a single binary.
//! The template syntax, which is inspired by
//! [Twirl](, the Scala-based
//! template engine in
//! [Play framework](,
//! is documented in [the _Template syntax_ module](Template_syntax/index.html).
//! A sample template may look like this:
//! ```html
//! @use ::Group;
//! @use templates::page_base;
//! @(title: &str, user: Option<String>, groups: &[Group])
//! @:page_base(title, &user, {
//!   <div class="group">
//!     @if groups.is_empty() {
//!       <p>No pictures.</p>
//!     }
//!     @for g in groups {
//!       <div class="item"><h2>@g.title</h2>
//!         <p><a href="@g.url"><img src="/img/"></a></p>
//!         <p>@g.count pictures</p>
//!       </div>
//!     }
//!   </div>
//! })
//! ```

extern crate base64;
extern crate lazy_static;
extern crate md5;
extern crate nom;
#[cfg(feature = "sass")]
extern crate rsass;

pub mod How_to_use_ructe;
mod spacelike;
mod errors;
mod expression;
mod templateexpression;
mod template;
pub mod Template_syntax;
pub mod Using_static_files;

use errors::get_error;
use nom::{prepare_errors, ErrorKind};
use nom::IResult::*;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::fs::{create_dir_all, read_dir, File};
use std::io::{self, Read, Write};
use std::path::Path;
use std::str::from_utf8;
use template::template;

/// Create a `statics` module inside `outdir`, containing static file data
/// for all files in `indir`.
/// This must be called *before* `compile_templates`.
pub fn compile_static_files(indir: &Path, outdir: &Path) -> io::Result<()> {
    let mut out = StaticFiles::new(outdir)?;

/// Handler for static files.
/// To just add all files in a single directory, there is a shorthand method
/// `compile_static_files`.
/// For more complex setups (static files in more than one directory,
/// generated static files, etc), use this struct.
/// Each static file will be available as a
/// [`StaticFile`](templates/statics/index.html) struct instance in
/// your `templates::statics` module.
/// Also, the const `STATICS` array in the same module will contain a
/// reference to each of those instances.
pub struct StaticFiles {
    /// Rust source file `` beeing written.
    src: File,
    /// Maps rust names to public names (foo_jpg -> foo-abc123.jpg)
    names: BTreeMap<String, String>,
    /// Maps public names to rust names (foo-abc123.jpg -> foo_jpg)
    names_r: BTreeMap<String, String>,

impl StaticFiles {
    /// Create a new set of static files.
    /// There should only be one `StaticFiles` for a set of compiled templates.
    /// The `outdir` should be the same as in the call to `compile_templates`.
    pub fn new(outdir: &Path) -> io::Result<Self> {
        let outdir = outdir.join("templates");
        let mut src = File::create(outdir.join(""))?;
        if cfg!(feature = "mime03") {
            write!(src, "extern crate mime;\nuse self::mime::Mime;\n\n")?;
            "/// A static file has a name (so its url can be recognized) \
             and the\n\
             /// actual file contents.\n\
             /// The name includes a short (48 bits as 8 base64 characters) \
             hash of\n\
             /// the content, to enable long-time caching of static \
             resourses in\n\
             /// the clients.\n\
             pub struct StaticFile {{\n    \
             pub content: &'static [u8],\n    \
             pub name: &'static str,\n"
        if cfg!(feature = "mime02") {
            write!(src, "    _mime: &'static str,\n")?;
        if cfg!(feature = "mime03") {
            write!(src, "    pub mime: &'static Mime,\n")?;
             impl StaticFile {{\n    \
             /// Get a single `StaticFile` by name, if it exists.\n    \
             pub fn get(name: &str) -> Option<&'static Self> {{\n        \
             if let Ok(pos) = STATICS.\
             binary_search_by_key(&name, |s| {{\n            \
             return Some(STATICS[pos]);\n        \
             }} else {{\n            \
             None\n        \
             }}\n    \
        if cfg!(feature = "mime02") {
                "extern crate mime;\n\
                 use self::mime::Mime;\n\n\
                 impl StaticFile {{\n    \
                 /// Get the mime type of this static file.\n    \
                 ///\n    \
                 /// Currently, this method parses a (static) string every \
                 time.\n    \
                 /// A future release of `mime` may support statically \
                 created\n    \
                 /// `Mime` structs, which will make this nicer.\n    \
                 #[allow(unused)]\n    \
                 pub fn mime(&self) -> Mime {{\n        \
                 self._mime.parse().unwrap()\n    \
        Ok(StaticFiles {
            src: src,
            names: BTreeMap::new(),
            names_r: BTreeMap::new(),

    /// Add all files from a specific directory, `indir`, as static files.
    pub fn add_files(&mut self, indir: &Path) -> io::Result<()> {
        for entry in read_dir(indir)? {
            let entry = entry?;
            if entry.file_type()?.is_file() {

    /// Add all files from a specific directory, `indir`, as static files.
    /// The `to` string is used as a directory path of the resulting
    /// urls, the file names are taken as is, without adding any hash.
    /// This is usefull for resources used by preexisting javascript
    /// packages, where it might be hard to change the used urls.
    pub fn add_files_as(&mut self, indir: &Path, to: &str) -> io::Result<()> {
        for entry in read_dir(indir)? {
            let entry = entry?;
            let file_type = entry.file_type()?;
            let to = format!("{}/{}", to, entry.file_name().to_string_lossy());
            if file_type.is_file() {
                self.add_file_as(&entry.path(), &to)?;
            } else if file_type.is_dir() {
                self.add_files_as(&entry.path(), &to)?;

    /// Add one specific file as a static file.
    /// Create a name to use in the url like `name-hash.ext` where
    /// name and ext are the name and extension from `path` and has is
    /// a few url-friendly bytes from a hash of the file content.
    pub fn add_file(&mut self, path: &Path) -> io::Result<()> {
        if let Some((name, ext)) = name_and_ext(path) {
            println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", path.to_string_lossy());
            let mut input = File::open(&path)?;
            let mut buf = Vec::new();
            input.read_to_end(&mut buf)?;
            let from_name = format!("{}_{}", name, ext);
            let to_name = format!("{}-{}.{}", name, checksum_slug(&buf), &ext);
            self.write_static_file(path, name, &buf, ext)?;
            self.names.insert(from_name.clone(), to_name.clone());
            self.names_r.insert(to_name, from_name.clone());

    /// Add one specific file as a static file.
    /// Use `to_name` in the url without adding any hash characters.
    pub fn add_file_as(
        &mut self,
        path: &Path,
        to_name: &str,
    ) -> io::Result<()> {
        if let Some((_name, ext)) = name_and_ext(path) {
            println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", path.to_string_lossy());
            let mut input = File::open(&path)?;
            let mut buf = Vec::new();
            input.read_to_end(&mut buf)?;
            let from_name = to_name
                .replace("/", "_")
                .replace("-", "_")
                .replace(".", "_");
            self.write_static_file2(path, &from_name, to_name, ext)?;
            self.names.insert(from_name.clone(), to_name.to_string());
            self.names_r.insert(to_name.to_string(), from_name.clone());

    /// Add a file by its name and content.
    /// The `path` parameter is used only to create a file name, the actual
    /// content of the static file will be the `data` parameter.
    pub fn add_file_data(
        &mut self,
        path: &Path,
        data: &[u8],
    ) -> io::Result<()> {
        if let Some((name, ext)) = name_and_ext(path) {
            let from_name = format!("{}_{}", name, ext);
            let to_name = format!("{}-{}.{}", name, checksum_slug(data), &ext);
            self.write_static_buf(path, name, data, ext)?;
            self.names.insert(from_name.clone(), to_name.clone());
            self.names_r.insert(to_name, from_name.clone());

    /// Compile a sass file and add the resulting css.
    /// If `src` is `"somefile.sass"`, then that file will be copiled
    /// with rsass (using the `Comressed` output style).
    /// The result will be addes as if if was an existing
    /// `"somefile.css"` file.
    /// This method is only available when ructe is built with the
    /// "sass" feature.
    #[cfg(feature = "sass")]
    pub fn add_sass_file(&mut self, src: &Path) -> io::Result<()> {
        use rsass::*;
        use std::sync::Arc;
        let mut scope = GlobalScope::new();

        // TODO Find any referenced files!
        println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", src.to_string_lossy());

        let existing_statics = Arc::new(self.get_names().clone());
                vec![("name".into(), sass::Value::Null)],
                Arc::new(move |s| match s.get("name") {
                    css::Value::Literal(name, _) => {
                        let name = name.replace('-', "_").replace('.', "_");
                        for (n, v) in existing_statics.as_ref() {
                            if name == *n {
                                return Ok(css::Value::Literal(
                            "Static file {} not found",
                    name => Err(Error::badarg("string", &name)),

        let file_context = FileContext::new();
        let (file_context, src) = file_context.file(src);
        let scss = parse_scss_file(&src).unwrap();
        let style = OutputStyle::Compressed;
        let css = style.write_root(&scss, &mut scope, &file_context).unwrap();
        self.add_file_data(&src.with_extension("css"), &css)

    fn write_static_file(
        &mut self,
        path: &Path,
        name: &str,
        content: &[u8],
        suffix: &str,
    ) -> io::Result<()> {
            "\n/// From {path:?}\n\
             pub static {name}_{suf}: StaticFile = StaticFile {{\n  \
             content: include_bytes!({path:?}),\n  \
             name: \"{name}-{hash}.{suf}\",\n\
            path = path,
            name = name,
            hash = checksum_slug(content),
            suf = suffix,
            mime = mime_arg(suffix),

    fn write_static_file2(
        &mut self,
        path: &Path,
        name: &str,
        as_name: &str,
        suffix: &str,
    ) -> io::Result<()> {
            "\n/// From {path:?}\n\
             pub static {name}: StaticFile = StaticFile {{\n  \
             content: include_bytes!({path:?}),\n  \
             name: \"{as_name}\",\n\
            path = path,
            name = name,
            as_name = as_name,
            mime = mime_arg(suffix),

    fn write_static_buf(
        &mut self,
        path: &Path,
        name: &str,
        content: &[u8],
        suffix: &str,
    ) -> io::Result<()> {
            "\n/// From {path:?}\n\
             pub static {name}_{suf}: StaticFile = StaticFile {{\n  \
             content: &{content:?},\n  \
             name: \"{name}-{hash}.{suf}\",\n\
            path = path,
            name = name,
            content = content,
            hash = checksum_slug(content),
            suf = suffix,
            mime = mime_arg(suffix),

    /// Get a mapping of names, from without hash to with.
    /// ````
    /// # use ructe::StaticFiles;
    /// # use std::path::PathBuf;
    /// # use std::vec::Vec;
    /// # let p = PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"))
    /// #     .join("target").join("test-tmp");
    /// let mut statics = StaticFiles::new(&p).unwrap();
    /// statics.add_file_data("black.css".as_ref(), b"body{color:black}\n");
    /// statics.add_file_data("blue.css".as_ref(), b"body{color:blue}\n");
    /// assert_eq!(statics.get_names().iter()
    ///                .map(|(a, b)| format!("{} -> {}", a, b))
    ///                .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
    ///            vec!["black_css -> black-r3rltVhW.css".to_string(),
    ///                 "blue_css -> blue-GZGxfXag.css".to_string()])
    /// ````
    pub fn get_names(&self) -> &BTreeMap<String, String> {

#[cfg(not(feature = "mime02"))]
#[cfg(not(feature = "mime03"))]
fn mime_arg(_: &str) -> String {
#[cfg(feature = "mime02")]
fn mime_arg(suffix: &str) -> String {
    format!("_mime: {:?},\n", mime_from_suffix(suffix))

#[cfg(feature = "mime02")]
fn mime_from_suffix(suffix: &str) -> &'static str {
    // TODO This is just enough for some examples.  Need more types.
    // Should probably look at content as well.
    match suffix.to_lowercase().as_ref() {
        "css" => "text/css",
        "eot" => "application/",
        "jpg" | "jpeg" => "image/jpeg",
        "js" => "application/javascript",
        "png" => "image/png",
        "woff" => "application/font-woff",
        _ => "Application/OctetStream",

#[cfg(feature = "mime03")]
fn mime_arg(suffix: &str) -> String {
    format!("mime: &mime::{},\n", mime_from_suffix(suffix))

#[cfg(feature = "mime03")]
fn mime_from_suffix(suffix: &str) -> &'static str {
    // TODO This is just enough for some examples.  Need more types.
    // Should probably look at content as well.
    // This is limited to the constants that is defined in mime 0.3.
    match suffix.to_lowercase().as_ref() {
        "bmp" => "IMAGE_BMP",
        "css" => "TEXT_CSS",
        "gif" => "IMAGE_GIF",
        "jpg" | "jpeg" => "IMAGE_JPEG",
        "js" => "TEXT_JAVASCRIPT",
        "json" => "APPLICATION_JSON",
        "png" => "IMAGE_PNG",

impl Drop for StaticFiles {
    /// Write the ending of the statics source code, declaring the
    /// `STATICS` variable.
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        // Ignore a possible write failure, rather than a panic in drop.
        let _ = write!(
            "\npub static STATICS: &'static [&'static StaticFile] \
             = &[{}];\n",
                .map(|s| format!("&{}", s.1))
                .join(", "),

fn name_and_ext(path: &Path) -> Option<(&str, &str)> {
    if let (Some(name), Some(ext)) = (path.file_name(), path.extension()) {
        if let (Some(name), Some(ext)) = (name.to_str(), ext.to_str()) {
            return Some((&name[ - ext.len() - 1], ext));

/// A short and url-safe checksum string from string data.
fn checksum_slug(data: &[u8]) -> String {
    base64::encode_config(&md5::compute(data)[..6], base64::URL_SAFE)

/// Create a `templates` module in `outdir` containing rust code for
/// all templates found in `indir`.
pub fn compile_templates(indir: &Path, outdir: &Path) -> io::Result<()> {
    File::create(outdir.join("")).and_then(|mut f| {
            "pub mod templates {{\n\
             use std::io::{{self, Write}};\n\
             use std::fmt::Display;\n\n",

        let outdir = outdir.join("templates");

        handle_entries(&mut f, indir, &outdir)?;

        if outdir.join("").exists() {
            write!(f, "pub mod statics;\n")?;


fn handle_entries(
    f: &mut Write,
    indir: &Path,
    outdir: &Path,
) -> io::Result<()> {
    println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", indir.to_string_lossy());
    let suffix = ".rs.html";
    for entry in read_dir(indir)? {
        let entry = entry?;
        let path = entry.path();
        if entry.file_type()?.is_dir() {
            if let Some(filename) = entry.file_name().to_str() {
                let outdir = outdir.join(filename);
                    .and_then(|mut f| handle_entries(&mut f, &path, &outdir))?;
                write!(f, "pub mod {name};\n\n", name = filename)?;
        } else if let Some(filename) = entry.file_name().to_str() {
            if filename.ends_with(suffix) {
                println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", path.to_string_lossy());
                let name = &filename[..filename.len() - suffix.len()];
                if handle_template(name, &path, outdir)? {
                        "mod template_{name};\n\
                         pub use self::template_{name}::{name};\n\n",
                        name = name,

fn handle_template(
    name: &str,
    path: &Path,
    outdir: &Path,
) -> io::Result<bool> {
    let mut input = File::open(path)?;
    let mut buf = Vec::new();
    input.read_to_end(&mut buf)?;
    match template(&buf) {
        Done(_, t) => {
            let fname = outdir.join(format!("template_{}.rs", name));
            File::create(fname).and_then(|mut f| t.write_rust(&mut f, name))?;
        result => {
            println!("cargo:warning=Template parse error in {:?}:", path);
            show_errors(&mut io::stdout(), &buf, result, "cargo:warning=");

fn show_errors<E>(
    out: &mut Write,
    buf: &[u8],
    result: nom::IResult<&[u8], E>,
    prefix: &str,
) {
    if let Some(errors) = prepare_errors(buf, result) {
        for &(ref kind, ref from, ref _to) in &errors {
            show_error(out, buf, *from, &get_message(kind), prefix);

fn get_message(err: &ErrorKind) -> String {
    match err {
        &ErrorKind::Custom(n) => match get_error(n) {
            Some(msg) => msg,
            None => format!("Unknown error #{}", n),
        err => format!("{:?}", err),

fn show_error(
    out: &mut Write,
    buf: &[u8],
    pos: usize,
    msg: &str,
    prefix: &str,
) {
    let mut line_start = buf[0..pos].rsplitn(2, |c| *c == b'\n');
    let _ =;
    let line_start =|bytes| bytes.len() + 1).unwrap_or(0);
    let line = buf[line_start..]
        .splitn(2, |c| *c == b'\n')
        .and_then(|s| from_utf8(s).ok())
        .unwrap_or("(Failed to display line)");
    let line_no = what_line(buf, line_start);
    let pos_in_line =
        from_utf8(&buf[line_start..pos]).unwrap().chars().count() + 1;
         {prefix}     {:>pos$} {}",
        pos = pos_in_line,
        prefix = prefix,

fn what_line(buf: &[u8], pos: usize) -> usize {
    1 + buf[0..pos].iter().filter(|c| **c == b'\n').count()

/// The module containing your generated template code will also
/// contain everything from here.
/// The name `ructe::templates` should never be used.  Instead, you
/// should use the module templates created when compiling your
/// templates.
pub mod templates {
    use std::fmt::Display;
    use std::io::{self, Write};

    /// Documentation mock.  The real Mime type comes from the `mime` crate.
    pub type Mime = u8; // mock

    /// A static file has a name (so its url can be recognized) and the
    /// actual file contents.
    /// The content-type (mime type) of the file is available as a
    /// static field when building ructe with the `mime03` feature or
    /// as the return value of a method when building ructe with the
    /// `mime02` feature (in `mime` version 0.2.x, a Mime cannot be
    /// defined as a part of a const static value.
    pub struct StaticFile {
        /// The actual static file contents.
        pub content: &'static [u8],
        /// The file name as used in a url, including a short (48 bits
        /// as 8 base64 characters) hash of the content, to enable
        /// long-time caching of static resourses in the clients.
        pub name: &'static str,
        /// The Mime type of this static file, as defined in the mime
        /// crate version 0.3.x.
        #[cfg(feature = "mime03")]
        pub mime: &'static Mime,

    impl StaticFile {
        /// Get the mime type of this static file.
        /// Currently, this method parses a (static) string every time.
        /// A future release of `mime` may support statically created
        /// `Mime` structs, which will make this nicer.
        #[cfg(feature = "mime02")]
        pub fn mime(&self) -> Mime {


    fn encoded() {
        let mut buf = Vec::new();
        "a < b".to_html(&mut buf).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(b"a &lt; b", &buf[..]);
    fn raw_html() {
        let mut buf = Vec::new();
        Html("a<b>c</b>").to_html(&mut buf).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(b"a<b>c</b>", &buf[..]);