rubbl_casatables 0.7.0

Interfacing to the CASA table format within the Rubbl framework.
// Copyright 2017-2020 Peter Williams <> and collaborators
// Licensed under the MIT License.

use std::env;

const FILES: &[&str] = &["src/"];

fn main() {
    let mut builder = cc::Build::new();

        // This allows us to treat rubbl's modified casacore as a separate 
        // namespace, so that both vanilla casacore and rubbl can be linked
        // at the same time. 
        .define("casacore", "rubbl_casacore")

    for file in FILES {
        println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", file);

    // Because our references casatables C++ directly, we need to make
    // sure to explicitly link with it. If not, it looks like the dead code
    // elimination may cause link issues when we actually try to link
    // executables.