rua 0.9.9

Secure jailed AUR helper for Arch Linux
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Read;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use tar::*;
use util;
use xz2::read::XzDecoder;

pub fn tar_check(tar_file: PathBuf) {
	let tar_str = tar_file.to_str().unwrap();
	let archive = File::open(&tar_file).expect(&format!("cannot open file {}", tar_str));
	if tar_str.ends_with(".tar.xz") {
		tar_check_archive(Archive::new(XzDecoder::new(archive)), tar_str);
	} else if tar_str.ends_with(".tar") {
		tar_check_archive(Archive::new(archive), tar_str);
	} else {
		panic!("Unsupported file format for tar_check function: {}", tar_str)

fn tar_check_archive<R: Read>(mut archive: Archive<R>, path_str: &str) {
	let mut install_file = String::new();
	let mut all_files = Vec::new();
	let mut executable_files = Vec::new();
	let mut suid_files = Vec::new();
	let archive_files = archive.entries().expect(&format!("cannot open archive {}", path_str));
	for file in archive_files {
		let mut file = file.expect(&format!("cannot access tar file in {}", path_str));
		let path = {
			let path = file.header().path()
				.expect(&format!("Failed to extract tar file metadata for file in {}", path_str));
		let mode = file.header().mode().unwrap();
		let is_normal = !path.ends_with("/") && !path.starts_with(".");
		if is_normal { all_files.push(path.clone()); }
		if is_normal && (mode & 0o111 > 0) { executable_files.push(path.clone()); }
		if mode > 0o777 { suid_files.push(path.clone()); }
		if &path == ".INSTALL" {
			file.read_to_string(&mut install_file)
				.expect(&format!("Failed to read INSTALL script from tar file {}", path_str));

	let has_install = !install_file.is_empty();
	loop {
		if suid_files.is_empty() {
			eprint!("\nPackage {} has no SUID files.\n", path_str);
		} else {
			eprint!("\n!!!WARNING!!! Package {} has SUID files.\n[S]=list SUID files, ", path_str)
		if has_install { eprint!("[I]=show install file, "); };
		eprint!("[E]=list executable files, [L]=list all files, \
			[T]=run shell to inspect, [O]=ok, proceed. ");
		let string = util::console_get_line();
		if string == "s" && !suid_files.is_empty() {
			for path in &suid_files {
				eprintln!("{}", path);
		} else if string == "e" {
			for path in &executable_files {
				eprintln!("{}", path);
		} else if string == "l" {
			for path in &all_files {
				eprintln!("{}", path);
		} else if string == "i" && has_install {
			eprintln!("{}", &install_file);
		} else if string == "t" {
			eprintln!("Exit the shell with `logout` or Ctrl-D...");
			util::run_env_command("SHELL", "bash", &[]);
		} else if string == "o" {