rua 0.9.9

Secure jailed AUR helper for Arch Linux
use libalpm::Alpm;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::path::Path;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::process::Command;
use util;

pub fn is_package_installed(alpm: &Alpm, name: &str) -> bool {
		.expect("Failed to access libalpm.find_satisfier")
		.map_or(false, |sat| sat.install_date().is_some())

pub fn is_package_installable(alpm: &Alpm, name: &str) -> bool {
	alpm.find_satisfier(name).expect("Failed to access libalpm.find_satisfier").is_some()

pub fn get_repository_list() -> Vec<String> {
	let cmd = Command::new("pacman-conf").arg("--repo-list").output()
		.expect("cannot get repository list: pacman-conf --repo-list");
	let output = String::from_utf8(cmd.stdout).unwrap();
	output.lines().map(|s| s.to_owned()).collect()

fn ensure_packages_installed(
	mut packages: HashMap<String, PathBuf>,
	base_args: &[&str],
	alpm: &Alpm
) {
	while !packages.is_empty() {
			let mut list = packages.iter().map(|(_name, path)| path.to_str().unwrap()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
			eprintln!("Packages need to be installed:");
			eprintln!("\n    pacman {} --needed {}\n", base_args.join(" "), list.join(" "));
			eprint!("Enter S to `sudo` install it, or install manually and press M when done. ");
			let string = util::console_get_line();
			if string == "s" {
			} else if string == "m" {
		packages.retain(|name, _| !is_package_installed(alpm, name));

pub fn ensure_aur_packages_installed(packages: HashMap<String, PathBuf>,
	is_dependency: bool,
	alpm: &Alpm
) {
	if is_dependency {
		ensure_packages_installed(packages, &["-U", "--asdeps"], alpm);
	} else {
		ensure_packages_installed(packages, &["-U"], alpm);

pub fn ensure_pacman_packages_installed(packages: HashSet<String>, alpm_db: &Alpm) {
	let mut map: HashMap<String, PathBuf> = HashMap::new();
	for package in packages {
		let path = Path::new(&package).to_path_buf();
		map.insert(package, path);
	ensure_packages_installed(map, &["-S", "--asdeps"], alpm_db);

// let's commit this to git and clean up later, so it'll stay in history (if will ever be needed)
//pub fn is_package_installable(package: &str) -> bool {
//	Command::new("pacman").arg("-Sddp").arg(&package)
//		.stdout(Stdio::null()).stderr(Stdio::null()).status()
//		.expect(&format!("Failed to determine if package {} is installable", package))
//		.success()