rtag 0.3.2

Library for reading and writing a id3 metadata
# Why

To learn rust!

# Usage

This is `ID3` read and write library.

- [Add dependency]#add-dependency
- [Reding: How to read `ID3` information]#reding-how-to-read-id3-information
- [Writing: How to write `ID3` information]#writing-how-to-write-id3-information
- [Rewrite: How to rewrite all `ID3` information to version 4]#rewrite-how-to-rewrite-a-id3-information-to-version-4
- [Getting information of a frame body without property name.]#getting-information-of-a-frame-body-without-property-name

other usecases [See tests](./tests/metadata.rs).

## Add dependency

This can be used by adding `rtag` to your dependencies in your project's `Cargo.toml`

rtag = "0.3.2"
and this to your crate root:

extern crate rtag;

## Reding: How to read `ID3` information

To read a `ID3` metadata, you use a [MetadataReader](./src/metadata.rs#L50) and a [Unit](./src/metadata.rs#L36) enum. 

and the `MetadataReader` is implementing the [std::iter::Iterator](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/iter/trait.Iterator.html) trait, 
you can use [filter](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/iter/trait.Iterator.html#method.filter), [map](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/iter/trait.Iterator.html#method.map), [fold](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/iter/trait.Iterator.html#method.fold).. and so on.

### Example

// read a frame1
for m in MetadataReader::new("./test-resources/v1-v2.mp3").unwrap() {
    match m {
        Unit::FrameV1(frame) => {
            debug!("v1: {:?}", frame);
            assert_eq!("Artist", frame.artist);
            assert_eq!("!@#$", frame.comment);
            assert_eq!("1", frame.track);
            assert_eq!("137", frame.genre);
        _ => (),

// filter a frame v3 having `compression flag`
let mut i = MetadataReader::new(path).unwrap().filter(|m| match m {
    &Unit::FrameV2(FrameHeader::V23(ref header), _) => {
    _ => false,

// fold a frame v2
let new_data = MetadataReader::new(path)
    .fold(Vec::new(), |mut vec, unit| {
        if let Unit::FrameV2(frame_head, frame_body) = unit {
            let new_frame_body = if let FrameBody::TALB(ref frame) = frame_body {
                let mut new_frame = frame.clone();
                new_frame.text = "Album!".to_string();
            } else {

            vec.push(Unit::FrameV2(frame_head, new_frame_body));
        } else {


## Writing: How to write `ID3` information 

To write a `ID3` metadata, you pass [FrameHeader](./src/frame.rs#L267) and [FrameBody](./src/frame.rs#L2022) to [MetadataWriter](./src/metadata.rs#L366) via [std::vec::Vec](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/vec/struct.Vec.html).

### Example

let new_data = MetadataReader::new(path)
    .fold(Vec::new(), |mut vec, unit| {
        if let Unit::FrameV2(frame_head, frame_body) = unit {
            let new_frame_body = ...
            vec.push(Unit::FrameV2(frame_head, new_frame_body));


let _ = MetadataWriter::new(path).unwrap().write(new_data, false);

## Rewrite: How to rewrite a `ID3` information to version 4

To rewrite all the frames to version 4, it is same to above example but second parameter is `true`. 
> Note: the frame v1 information is ignored and some frames that are ignored.
> - In 2.2 'CRM', 'PIC'. 
> - In 2.3 'EQUA', 'IPLS', 'RVAD', 'TDAT', 'TIME', 'TORY', 'TRDA', 'TSIZ', 'TYER'

// collect frames having version 2
let frames = MetadataReader::new(path).unwrap().collect::<Vec<Unit>>();
// rewrite to version 4
let _ = MetadataWriter::new(path).unwrap().write(frames, true);
// read a version 4
for unit in MetadataReader::new(path).unwrap() {
    match unit {
        Unit::FrameV2(FrameHeader::V24(head), frame_body) => {
        _ => (),

## Getting information of a frame body without property name.

To read value of frame without property name, FrameBody support `to_map` and `inside`.

### Example

for unit in MetadataReader::new(path).unwrap() {
    match unit {
        Unit::FrameV2(_, ref frame_body) => {
            // 1. using to_map();
            let map = frame_body.to_map();
            //    <key1:&str>: <value1:String>
            //    ...

            // 2. using inside
            frame_body.inside(|key, value| {
                // key<&str>, value<String>

                true // if true, look inside next.

        _ => (),