rt_ref 0.2.1

Internal `Ref` types for `rt_ref` and `rt_vec`.
  • Coverage
  • 100%
    11 out of 11 items documented1 out of 1 items with examples
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  • Source code size: 56.37 kB This is the summed size of all the files inside the crates.io package for this release.
  • Documentation size: 2.15 MB This is the summed size of all files generated by rustdoc for all configured targets
  • Links
  • azriel91/rt_ref
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  • crates.io
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  • Owners
  • azriel91

♐ rt_ref

Crates.io docs.rs CI Coverage Status

Ref types with internal mutability that implement Send and Sync.

These types are shared by rt_map and rt_vec.


Add the following to Cargo.toml:

rt_ref = "0.2.1" # or
rt_ref = { version = "0.2.1", features = ["unsafe_debug"] }

In code:

use rt_ref::{Cell, Ref, RefMut};

let a = 1;

// Insert a value into a collection, wrapped with `Cell`.
let mut v = Vec::new();

let v = v; // v is now compile-time immutable.
let a = v.get(0).map(|cell| RefMut::new(cell.borrow_mut()));
a.map(|mut a| {
    *a += 2;

let a = v.get(0).map(|cell| Ref::new(cell.borrow()));
assert_eq!(Some(3), a.map(|a| *a));



The borrowed reference will use the inner type's Debug implementation when formatted.

use rt_ref::{Cell, Ref, RefMut};

let mut v = Vec::new();

#[cfg(not(feature = "unsafe_debug"))]
    r#"[Cell { flag: 0, inner: UnsafeCell { .. } }]"#,
#[cfg(feature = "unsafe_debug")]
assert_eq!(r#"[Cell { flag: 0, inner: "a" }]"#, format!("{v:?}"));


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