rsynth 0.0.1

An easier way to create VST synths.
extern crate vst;
extern crate asprim;
extern crate num_traits;
extern crate rand;
extern crate rsynth;

use asprim::AsPrim;
use num_traits::Float;
use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};
use rsynth::synth::*;
use rsynth::voice::*;
use std::cell::Cell;
use vst::api::Events;
use vst::buffer::{AudioBuffer, Inputs, Outputs};
use vst::plugin::{Category, Info, Plugin};

const DEFAULT_SAMPLE_RATE: f64 = 48_000f64;

// The total number of samples to pre-calculate
// This is like recording a sample of white noise and then
// using it as an oscillator.  It saves on CPU overhead by
// preventing us from having to use a random function each sample.
static SAMPLE_SIZE: usize = 65536;
static AMPLIFY_MULTIPLIER: f32 = 0.2;

struct RSynthExample {
    synth: Synth<Sound>,

impl Plugin for RSynthExample {
    fn get_info(&self) -> Info {
        Info {
            name: "RSynth Example".to_string(),
            unique_id: 1234, // Used by hosts to differentiate between plugins.
            category: Category::Synth,
            inputs: 0,
            outputs: 2,

    fn init(&mut self) {
        // generate our random sample
        let mut rng = thread_rng();
        let samples: Vec<f32> = rng
        let sound = Sound {
            sample_count: samples.len(),
            white_noise: samples,
            position: Cell::new(0usize),

        let voice = VoiceBuilder::new_with_sound(sound)

        self.synth = Synth::new()
						.voices(vec![voice; 6])
						.sample_rate(DEFAULT_SAMPLE_RATE) // TODO: use host sample rate

    fn process_events(&mut self, events: &Events) {
        // send midi data, etc.

    fn process(&mut self, buffer: &mut AudioBuffer<f32>) {
        // render our audio

pub struct Sound {
    white_noise: Vec<f32>,
    sample_count: usize,
    // we use cell here for interior mutability
    position: Cell<usize>,

/// The DSP stuff goes here
impl Renderable for Sound {
    fn render_next<F: Float + AsPrim, T>(
        inputs: &mut Inputs<F>,
        outputs: &mut Outputs<F>,
        voice: &Voice<T>,
    ) where
        T: Renderable,
        // for every output
        for output in outputs.into_iter() {
            // for each value in buffer
            for (i, sample) in output.into_iter().enumerate() {
                // Increment the position of our sound sample.
                // We loop this easily by using modulo.
                    .set((self.position.get() + 1) % self.sample_count);

                // Our random function only generates from 0 - 1.  We can make
                // it distribute equally by multiplying by 2 and subtracting by 1.
                let r = 2f32 * (self.white_noise[self.position.get()]) - 1f32;

                // Set our output buffer
                *sample = *sample
                    + ((r * AMPLIFY_MULTIPLIER) * (voice.note_data.velocity as f32 / 127f32)).as_();
