rsst 0.1.0

a commandline tool that dump articles in followed feeds into offline files.


RSSt is a commandline tool that dump articles in followed feeds into offline files when run. It aims to be the tool for RSS what OfflineIMAP has been for IMAP.


See rsst --help for all options, but generally it's this workflow:

  1. Create a config file in XDG_CONFIG_HOME/rsst/config.toml:
output_format = "html"
output_dir = "~/documents/rsst/"

example = ""

If output_dir is not given, the default one is "~/rsst". Sources listed in source section are the followed feeds, where example is the alias (used as the subdirectory name) and "" is the feed file address.

  1. Simply run rsst every time you want to check if there are new articles. RSSt will keep track of the last newest articles in $XDG_DATA_HOME/rsst, and incrementally retrieving new articles next time. You can sort files based on created/modified time to see what's new.

  2. Retrieved articles will be in the given output_dir or ~/rsst. You can read them or parse them with whatever the way you want (web browser, for example).

Installation / Compilation

Install it with whatever ways you like, for example:
cd rsst
cargo build --release

Then compiled executable will be located at target/release/rsst.
