rsonpath-syntax 0.2.0

A JSONPath parser.

rsonpath-syntax – JSONPath parser


MSRV License

Complete, fast, and fully spec-compliant JSONPath query parser.


Parse a query to its AST with the parse function.

let query = rsonpath_syntax::parse("$.jsonpath[*]")?;

For advanced usage consult the crate documentation.

Feature flags

There are two optional features:

  • arbitrary, which enables a dependency on the arbitrary crate to provide Arbitrary implementations on query types; this is used e.g. for fuzzing.
  • color, which enables a dependency on the owo_colors crate to provide colorful Display representations of ParseError with the colored function.


A small CLI tool, rsonpath-parse is attached. It takes one argument, a query to parse, and prints a debug representation of the result query, or an error message. This is useful for debugging.

State of the crate

This is an in-development version that supports only name, index, and wildcard selectors. However, these are fully supported, tested, and fuzzed. The planned roadmap is:

  • support slices
  • support filters (without functions)
  • support functions (including type check)
  • polish the API
  • 1.0.0 stable release