pub fn find_directed_path<'a, G, D, W, H>(
    g: &'a G,
    src: G::Node<'a>,
    snk: G::Node<'a>,
    weights: W,
    heur: H
) -> Option<(Vec<G::Edge<'a>>, D)>where
    G: Digraph,
    G::Node<'a>: Hash,
    D: 'a + Copy + PartialOrd + Zero + Add<D, Output = D> + Sub<D, Output = D>,
    W: Fn(G::Edge<'a>) -> D,
    H: AStarHeuristic<G::Node<'a>>,
    H::Result: Add<D, Output = D>,
Expand description

Run an A*-search on a directed graph and return the path.

This is a convenience wrapper to run the search on an directed graph with the default data structures and return the resulting path from src to snk.


  • g: the graph
  • weights: the (non-negative) edge weights
  • src: the source node
  • snk: the sink node
  • heur: the lower bound heuristic

The function returns the edges on the path and its length.