rquickjs-core 0.1.7

High level bindings to the QuickJS javascript engine
use crate::{Allocator, RawMemPtr};
use std::{
    alloc::{alloc, dealloc, realloc, Layout},

#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
const ALLOC_ALIGN: usize = 4;

#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
const ALLOC_ALIGN: usize = 8;

#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct Header {
    size: usize,

const HEADER_SIZE: usize = size_of::<Header>();
const HEADER_OFFSET: isize = HEADER_SIZE as _;

fn round_size(size: usize) -> usize {
    // this will be optimized by the compiler
    // to something like (size + <off>) & <mask>

/// The allocator which uses Rust global allocator
pub struct RustAllocator;

impl Allocator for RustAllocator {
    fn alloc(&mut self, size: usize) -> RawMemPtr {
        let size = round_size(size);
        let alloc_size = size + HEADER_SIZE;
        let layout = if let Ok(layout) = Layout::from_size_align(alloc_size, ALLOC_ALIGN) {
        } else {
            return null_mut();

        let ptr = unsafe { alloc(layout) };

        if ptr.is_null() {
            return null_mut();
            let header = unsafe { &mut *(ptr as *mut Header) };
            header.size = size;

        unsafe { ptr.offset(HEADER_OFFSET) }

    fn dealloc(&mut self, ptr: RawMemPtr) {
        let ptr = unsafe { ptr.offset(-HEADER_OFFSET) };
        let alloc_size = {
            let header = unsafe { &*(ptr as *const Header) };
            header.size + HEADER_SIZE
        let layout = unsafe { Layout::from_size_align_unchecked(alloc_size, ALLOC_ALIGN) };

        unsafe { dealloc(ptr, layout) };

    fn realloc(&mut self, ptr: RawMemPtr, new_size: usize) -> RawMemPtr {
        let new_size = round_size(new_size);
        let ptr = unsafe { ptr.offset(-HEADER_OFFSET) };
        let alloc_size = {
            let header = unsafe { &*(ptr as *const Header) };
            header.size + HEADER_SIZE
        let layout = unsafe { Layout::from_size_align_unchecked(alloc_size, ALLOC_ALIGN) };

        let new_alloc_size = new_size + HEADER_SIZE;

        let ptr = unsafe { realloc(ptr, layout, new_alloc_size) };

        if ptr.is_null() {
            return null_mut();
            let header = unsafe { &mut *(ptr as *mut Header) };
            header.size = new_size;

        unsafe { ptr.offset(HEADER_OFFSET) }

    fn usable_size(ptr: RawMemPtr) -> usize {
        let ptr = unsafe { ptr.offset(-HEADER_OFFSET) };
        let header = unsafe { &*(ptr as *const Header) };