rpi_embedded 0.1.0

Interface for the Raspberry Pi's GPIO, I2C, PWM, SPI and UART peripherals. Forked from RPPAL
//! Interface for the accelerometer ADXL345 using I2C
//! Refer to the I2C documentation to see how it is physicaly connected.
//! The library allows the user to wakeup the accelerometer and read from it reliably
//! it also calulates the rotations (roll and pitch).
//! Interupts are currently in development and should be out soon
//! ## Basic usage
//! this example should show basic usage of the library
//! # Examples
//! let mut accel = Adxl::new();
//! accel.start();
//! accel.get_offsets();
//! accel.get_power_status();
//! println!("I2C ID: {} \t Power Status: {} \t XYZ Offsets ({}, {}, {})",accel.id, accel.power_status, accel.offsets[0],accel.offsets[1],accel.offsets[2]);
//! accel.set_power_status(8);
//! accel.get_data();
//! println!("GOT clean [ {:?} ]",accel.data);
//! println!("Got rotations[ {} , {} ]",accel.pitch , accel.roll);

#![allow(dead_code)]  //removes some warnings for the user
//use std::error::Error; //Might add in future but is useless for now

use crate::i2c::I2c;
//Dump of all the addresses and giving them the same name
//as is in the documentation for the ADXL345
const ADXL_ADD: u16 = 0x53;
//Theese addresess can be referd as COMANDS as they tell the ADXL what
//the user wants to do.
const DEVID: u8 =0;
const THRESH_TAP: u8 =29;
const OFSX: u8 =30;
const OFSY: u8 =31;
const OFSZ: u8 =32;
const DUR: u8 =33;
const LATENT: u8 =34;
const WINDOW: u8 =35;
const THRESH_ACT: u8 =36;
const THRESH_INACT: u8 =37;
const TIME_INACT: u8 =38;
const ACT_INACT_CTL: u8 =39;
const THRESH_FF: u8 =40;
const TIME_FF: u8 =41;
const TAP_AXES: u8 =42;
const ACT_TAP_STATUS: u8 =43;
const BW_RATE: u8 =44;
const POWER_CTL: u8 =45;
const INT_ENABLE: u8 =46;
const INT_MAP: u8 =47;
const INT_SOURCE: u8 =48;
const DATA_FORMAT: u8 =49;
const DATAX0: u8 =50;
const DATAX1: u8 =51;
const DATAY0: u8 =52;
const DATAY1: u8 =53;
const DATAZ0: u8 =54;
const DATAZ1: u8 =55;
const FIFO_CTL: u8 =56;
const FIFO_STATUS: u8 =57;

pub struct Adxl {
    adxl: I2c,          //this is the I2c channel from the RPPAL lib
                        //Not made public for good reasons
    pub id: u8,         //The ID from the accel, not needed but good to see the conection
    pub power_status: u8, //powerstatus, 0 is sleep and 8 is go, might upgrade to a enum
    pub offsets: [u8;3],         //X Y Z offsets, used for calibration
    pub raw_data: [u8;6],       //raw data from the accelerometer
    pub data: [i16;3],

    //currently testing theese, ignore them for now
    pub free_fall: bool,
    pub tap: bool,
    pub dtap: bool,
    pub act: bool,
    pub inact: bool,
    pub data_ready: bool,
    pub overrun: bool,
    pub watermark: bool,

    ///pitch and roll
    pub pitch: f64,
    pub roll: f64,

//This part contains all functions for the ACCELEROMETER

impl Adxl {
    /// Creates a empty struct to allow usage and starts the i2c channel
    /// Sets it to the default address which is 0x53
    /// # Example
    /// let mut adxl = Adxl::new();
    pub fn new()-> Self{
        let mut _adxl = I2c::new().expect("I2c init failed");   //Starts a new i2c communication
        _adxl.set_slave_address(ADXL_ADD).expect("SETTING SLAVE FAILED"); //Sets the addres ass ADXL_ADD
        let mut adxl = Self{
            //Null values for all except for the i2c channel
            adxl: _adxl,
            id: 0,
            power_status: 0,
            offsets: [0u8;3],
            raw_data: [0u8;6],
            data: [0i16;3],

            free_fall: false,
            tap: false,
            dtap: false,
            act: false,
            inact: false,
            data_ready: false,
            overrun: false,
            watermark: false,

            pitch: 0.0,
            roll: 0.0,

    /// Creates a empty struct to allow usage and starts the i2c channel
    /// Sets it to a adress of your choise
    /// # Example
    /// let mut adxl = Adxl::new_alt_adress(0x21);

    pub fn new_alt_adress(address:u16)-> Self{
        let mut _adxl = I2c::new().expect("I2c init failed");   //Starts a new i2c communication
        _adxl.set_slave_address(address).expect("SETTING SLAVE FAILED"); //Sets the addres address
        let mut adxl = Self{
            //Null values for all except for the i2c channel
            adxl: _adxl,
            id: 0,
            power_status: 0,
            offsets: [0u8;3],
            raw_data: [0u8;6],
            data: [0i16;3],

            free_fall: false,
            tap: false,
            dtap: false,
            act: false,
            inact: false,
            data_ready: false,
            overrun: false,
            watermark: false,

            pitch: 0.0,
            roll: 0.0,

    /// Simply gets the defult data, so the user can begin
    /// Should be used in the new function but something went wrong, needs testing
    pub fn start(&mut self){
        self.id = self.get_id(); //gets the id and saves it
        //simple check, the id value should never be 0 or the get_id failed
        if self.id == 0 {println!("Reading the id return 0, this should not happen")}
        //gets the powerstatus, this value can be anything so no checks
        self.power_status = self.get_power_status();

    ///This function sets the sampling sampling rate, some libraries do this so I included it
    /// not neccecery to use
    pub fn set_sampling(&self){
        self._write_cmd(BW_RATE,0x0A as u8);
    /// Sets the default format
    pub fn set_format(&self) {
        self._write_cmd(DATA_FORMAT, 0x08 as u8);
    ///uses the private function _read_cmd to read the current id and returns it
    pub fn get_id(&mut self) -> u8{
        self.id = self._read_cmd(DEVID); //sends 0x00 as read command saved as DEVID
    ///uses the private function _read_cmd to read the current powerstatus and returns it
    pub fn get_power_status(&mut self) -> u8{
        self.power_status = self._read_cmd(POWER_CTL);
    /// uses the private function _write_cmd to read the current id and returns it
    pub fn set_power_status(&self,cmd:u8)->(){
        let cmd2 = self._read_cmd(POWER_CTL);
        if cmd2 != cmd {println!("POWERCTL, read and write mismatch")}
    ///uses the block read function from rpi_embedded to get 6 values of data from the accelerometer
    ///The block read command reads from address DATAX0 to DATAX0 + length(self.raw_data) -1
    ///returns it to the struct
    pub fn get_data_raw(&mut self){
        self.adxl.block_read(DATAX0,&mut self.raw_data).expect("READING RAW DATA FAILED");
    ///gets the raw data, and calulates the values
    /// the raw data has a low and high byte so it needs to be combined
    pub fn get_data(&mut self){
            self.data[0] = (self.raw_data[0] as u16  +(self.raw_data[1] as u16).rotate_right(8)) as i16;
            self.data[1] = (self.raw_data[2] as u16  +(self.raw_data[3] as u16).rotate_right(8)) as i16;
            self.data[2] = (self.raw_data[4] as u16  +(self.raw_data[5] as u16).rotate_right(8)) as i16;
    ///calculates rotations from worked data.
    pub fn rotations(&mut self){
        let x = self.data[0] as f64;
        let y = self.data[1] as f64;
        let z = self.data[2] as f64;
        self.roll = y.atan2(z)*57.3;
        self.pitch = -x.atan2((y*y + z*z).sqrt())*57.3;

    ///uses the block read function from rpi_embedded to get 3 values of data from the accelerometer
    ///The block read command reads from address OFSX to OFSX + length(self.iffsets) -1
    ///returns it to the struct
    pub fn get_offsets(&mut self){
        self.adxl.block_read(OFSX,&mut self.offsets).expect("READING OFFSETS FAILED");
    /// uses the block write function from rpi_embedded to set 3 values on the accelerometer
    /// The block write command writes from address OFSX to OFSX + length(self.offsets) -1
    /// a check can be forced by doing get offsets and comparing, how ever this slows down
    /// the code so it is made up to the user
    pub fn set_offsets(&mut self, mut buffer:[u8;3]){
        self.adxl.block_write(OFSX,&mut buffer).expect("WRITING OFFSETS FAILED");
    /// Private function that reads of one register nr 'cmd' and returns the value as u8
    fn _read_cmd(&self,cmd:u8) ->u8{
        let mut buffer = [0u8;1]; //buffer of length one to get only 1 value out
        self.adxl.block_read(cmd , &mut buffer).expect("Failure in Read CMD");
    ///Private function that writes to one register nr 'cmd' and gives it the value data
    fn _write_cmd(&self,cmd:u8,data:u8){
        let mut buffer = [0u8;1];//buffer of length 1 to only get 1 value out
        buffer[0]=data;//value passed into buffer
        self.adxl.block_write(cmd ,&mut buffer).expect("Failure in write CMD");

// THis function has all the interupt thingies
impl Adxl{
    ///UNTESTED should set the tap threshold as the datasheet specifies
    pub fn set_tap_threshold(&self,cmd:f32){
        let mut out_big:f32 = cmd/0.0625;
        if out_big < 0.0      { out_big = 0.0}
        if out_big > 255.0    { out_big = 255.0}
        self._write_cmd(THRESH_TAP, out_big as u8);
    ///UNTESTED should get the tap threshold as the datasheet specifies
    pub fn get_tap_threshold(&self)->f32{
        (self._read_cmd(THRESH_TAP) as f32) *0.0625

///UNTESTED should set the tap duration as the datasheet specifies
    pub fn set_tap_duration(&self,cmd:f32){
        let mut out_big:f32 = cmd/0.000625;
        if out_big < 0.0      { out_big = 0.0}
        if out_big > 255.0    { out_big = 255.0}
        self._write_cmd(DUR, out_big as u8);
    ///UNTESTED should get the tap duration as the datasheet specifies
    pub fn get_tap_duration(&self)->f32{
        (self._read_cmd(DUR) as f32) *0.000625

    pub fn set_dtap_latency(&self,cmd:f32){
        let mut out_big:f32 = cmd/0.00125;
        if out_big < 0.0      { out_big = 0.0}
        if out_big > 255.0    { out_big = 255.0}
        self._write_cmd(LATENT, out_big as u8);
    pub fn get_dtap_latency(&self)->f32{
        (self._read_cmd(LATENT) as f32) *0.00125

    pub fn set_dtap_window(&self,cmd:f32){
        let mut out_big:f32 = cmd/0.00125;
        if out_big < 0.0      { out_big = 0.0}
        if out_big > 255.0    { out_big = 255.0}
        self._write_cmd(WINDOW, out_big as u8);
    pub fn get_dtap_window(&self)->f32{
        (self._read_cmd(WINDOW) as f32) *0.00125

    pub fn set_act_threshold(&self,cmd:f32){
        let mut out_big:f32 = cmd/0.0625;
        if out_big < 0.0      { out_big = 0.0}
        if out_big > 255.0    { out_big = 255.0}
        self._write_cmd(THRESH_ACT, out_big as u8);
    pub fn get_act_threshold(&self)->f32{
        (self._read_cmd(THRESH_ACT) as f32) *0.0625
    pub fn set_inact_threshold(&self,cmd:f32){
        let mut out_big:f32 = cmd/0.0625;
        if out_big < 0.0      { out_big = 0.0}
        if out_big > 255.0    { out_big = 255.0}
        self._write_cmd(THRESH_INACT, out_big as u8);
    pub fn get_inact_threshold(&self)->f32{
        (self._read_cmd(THRESH_INACT) as f32) *0.0625

    pub fn set_inact_time(&self,cmd:u8){

    pub fn get_inact_time(&self)->u8{

    pub fn set_ff_threshold(&self,cmd:f32){
        let mut out_big:f32 = cmd/0.0625;
        if out_big < 0.0      { out_big = 0.0}
        if out_big > 255.0    { out_big = 255.0}
        self._write_cmd(THRESH_FF, out_big as u8);
    pub fn get_ff_threshold(&self)->f32{
        (self._read_cmd(THRESH_FF) as f32) *0.0625

    pub fn set_ff_time(&self,cmd:f32){
        let mut out_big:f32 = cmd/0.005;
        if out_big < 0.0      { out_big = 0.0}
        if out_big > 255.0    { out_big = 255.0}
        self._write_cmd(TIME_FF, out_big as u8);
    pub fn get_ff_time(&self)->f32{
        (self._read_cmd(TIME_FF) as f32) *0.005

    pub fn set_act_inact(&self,cmd:u8){
    pub fn get_act_inact(&self)->u8{

    pub fn set_tap_axes(&self,cmd:u8){
    pub fn get_tap_axes(&self)->u8{

    pub fn set_int_map(&self,cmd:u8){
    pub fn get_int_map(&self)->u8{

    pub fn set_int_enable(&self,cmd:u8){
    pub fn get_int_enable(&self)->u8{

    pub fn clear_interupt(&mut self){
        let source:u8 = self._read_cmd(INT_SOURCE);

        self.data_ready = (source & 0b1000000)>0;
        self.tap = (source&0b0100000)>0;
        self.dtap = (source&0b0010000)>0;
        self.act = (source&0b0001000)>0;
        self.inact = (source&0b0000100)>0;
        self.watermark = (source&0b0000010)>0;
        self.overrun = (source&0b0000001)>0;
    pub fn clear_settings(&mut self){






