rpi-led-matrix 0.2.2

Bindings for Hzeller's RPi-RGB-Led-Matrix
/// Example showing some basic usage of the C++ library.
use clap::{crate_version, App, Arg};
use embedded_graphics::{
    fonts::{Font6x6, Text},
    pixelcolor::{BinaryColor, Rgb888},
    primitives::{Circle, Rectangle, Triangle},
    style::{PrimitiveStyle, TextStyle},
use rpi_led_matrix::{args, LedMatrix};

const DELAY: std::time::Duration = std::time::Duration::from_secs(5);

fn main() {
    let app = args::add_matrix_args(
        App::new("C++ Library Example")
            .about("shows basic usage of matrix arguments")
                Arg::from_usage("--loops=[LOOPS] 'number of cycles to spin the line'")
    let matches = app.get_matches();
    let (options, rt_options) = args::matrix_options_from_args(&matches);

    let matrix = LedMatrix::new(Some(options), Some(rt_options)).unwrap();
    let mut canvas = matrix.canvas();

    // Create styles used by the drawing operations.
    let thin_stroke = PrimitiveStyle::with_stroke(Rgb888::new(64, 0, 128), 1);
    let fill = PrimitiveStyle::with_fill(Rgb888::new(0, 128, 32));
    let text_style = TextStyle::new(Font6x6, BinaryColor::On);

    let yoffset = 10;

    // Draw a 3px wide outline around the matrix.
    // let display_size = canvas.size();
    let (width, height) = canvas.canvas_size();
        Point::new(width as i32 - 1, height as i32 - 1),
    .draw(&mut canvas)

    // Draw a triangle.
        Point::new(4, 8 + yoffset),
        Point::new(4 + 8, 8 + yoffset),
        Point::new(4 + 4, yoffset),
    .draw(&mut canvas)

    // Draw a filled square
    Rectangle::new(Point::new(52, yoffset), Point::new(16, 16))
        .draw(&mut canvas)

    // Draw a circle with a 3px wide stroke.
    Circle::new(Point::new((width) / 2, yoffset - 2), 5)
        .draw(&mut canvas)

    // Draw centered text.
    let eg_text = "EG+";
    Text::new(eg_text, Point::new(16, 16))
        .draw(&mut canvas)

    let rpi_text = "RPi";
    Text::new(rpi_text, Point::new(16, 22))
        .draw(&mut canvas)
