rpi-led-matrix-sys 0.2.1

system library for the rpi-rgb-led-matrix C++ library
//! Rust bindings into the C++ library `rpi-rgb-led-matrix`.
//! # Features
//! ## `c-stubs`
//! Instead of linking to the C++ library, we make stub C functions ourselves with the same
//! signature to enable limited testing on non-raspberry pi computers.
//! ## `stdcpp-static-link`
//! By default, we link dynamically to `libstdc++` as the underlying C++ library requires access
//! to the C++ standard library. However, sometimes people want to statically link so everything
//! is bundled in a single binary. Enabling this feature changes our build behavior to statically
//! link to `libstdc++`.
//! `libstdc++.a` must be "visible" to `rustc` when compiling. This means it is in the global linker
//! search path, or you've passed it in manually, like:
//! ```text
//! RUSTFLAGS="-L /PATH/TO/LIBSTDC++/DIR/" cargo build --features="stdcpp-static-link"
//! ```
use libc::{c_char, c_int};

#[cfg(feature = "c-stubs")]
pub mod c_stubs;

/// The C handle for `LedMatrix`.
pub enum CLedMatrix {}

/// The C handle for `LedCanvas`.
pub enum CLedCanvas {}

/// The C handle for `LedFont`.
pub enum CLedFont {}

/// The Rust representation of [`CLedMatrixOptions`], which contains parameters to specify your hardware setup.
pub struct CLedMatrixOptions {
    pub hardware_mapping: *mut c_char,
    pub rows: c_int,
    pub cols: c_int,
    pub chain_length: c_int,
    pub parallel: c_int,
    pub pwm_bits: c_int,
    pub pwm_lsb_nanoseconds: c_int,
    pub pwm_dither_bits: c_int,
    pub brightness: c_int,
    pub scan_mode: c_int,
    pub row_address_type: c_int,
    pub multiplexing: c_int,
    pub led_rgb_sequence: *mut c_char,
    pub pixel_mapper_config: *mut c_char,
    pub panel_type: *mut c_char,
    pub disable_hardware_pulsing: c_char,
    pub show_refresh_rate: c_char,
    pub inverse_colors: c_char,
    pub limit_refresh_rate_hz: c_int,

/// The Rust representation of [`CLedRuntimeOptions`], which contains parameters to specify
/// how the library behaves at runtime.
pub struct CLedRuntimeOptions {
    pub gpio_slowdown: c_int,
    pub daemon: c_int,
    pub drop_privileges: c_int,
    pub do_gpio_init: bool,

#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "c-stubs"), link(name = "rgbmatrixsys"))]
extern "C" {
    // unused C functions omitted
    pub fn led_matrix_create_from_options_and_rt_options(
        opts: *mut CLedMatrixOptions,
        rt_opts: *mut CLedRuntimeOptions,
    ) -> *mut CLedMatrix;
    pub fn led_matrix_delete(matrix: *mut CLedMatrix);
    pub fn led_matrix_get_canvas(matrix: *mut CLedMatrix) -> *mut CLedCanvas;
    pub fn led_canvas_get_size(canvas: *const CLedCanvas, width: *mut c_int, height: *mut c_int);
    pub fn led_canvas_set_pixel(canvas: *mut CLedCanvas, x: c_int, y: c_int, r: u8, g: u8, b: u8);
    pub fn led_canvas_clear(canvas: *mut CLedCanvas);
    pub fn led_canvas_fill(canvas: *mut CLedCanvas, r: u8, g: u8, b: u8);
    pub fn led_matrix_create_offscreen_canvas(matrix: *mut CLedMatrix) -> *mut CLedCanvas;
    pub fn led_matrix_swap_on_vsync(
        matrix: *mut CLedMatrix,
        canvas: *mut CLedCanvas,
    ) -> *mut CLedCanvas;
    pub fn load_font(bdf_font_file: *const c_char) -> *mut CLedFont;
    pub fn delete_font(font: *mut CLedFont);
    pub fn draw_text(
        canvas: *mut CLedCanvas,
        font: *const CLedFont,
        x: c_int,
        y: c_int,
        r: u8,
        g: u8,
        b: u8,
        utf8_text: *const c_char,
        kerning_offset: c_int,
    ) -> c_int;
    pub fn vertical_draw_text(
        canvas: *mut CLedCanvas,
        font: *const CLedFont,
        x: c_int,
        y: c_int,
        r: u8,
        g: u8,
        b: u8,
        utf8_text: *const c_char,
        kerning_offset: c_int,
    ) -> c_int;
    pub fn draw_circle(
        canvas: *mut CLedCanvas,
        x: c_int,
        y: c_int,
        radius: c_int,
        r: u8,
        g: u8,
        b: u8,
    pub fn draw_line(
        canvas: *mut CLedCanvas,
        x0: c_int,
        y0: c_int,
        x1: c_int,
        y1: c_int,
        r: u8,
        g: u8,
        b: u8,