Crate rpi_led_matrix_sys[][src]

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Rust bindings into the C++ library rpi-rgb-led-matrix.



Instead of linking to the C++ library, we make stub C functions ourselves with the same signature to enable limited testing on non-raspberry pi computers.

By default, we link dynamically to libstdc++ as the underlying C++ library requires access to the C++ standard library. However, sometimes people want to statically link so everything is bundled in a single binary. Enabling this feature changes our build behavior to statically link to libstdc++.

libstdc++.a must be “visible” to rustc when compiling. This means it is in the global linker search path, or you’ve passed it in manually, like:

RUSTFLAGS="-L /PATH/TO/LIBSTDC++/DIR/" cargo build --features="stdcpp-static-link"


rust implemented stubs of the C++ library for testing on non rpi hosts


The Rust representation of CLedMatrixOptions, which contains parameters to specify your hardware setup.

The Rust representation of CLedRuntimeOptions, which contains parameters to specify how the library behaves at runtime.


The C handle for LedCanvas.

The C handle for LedFont.

The C handle for LedMatrix.
