rp-pac 6.0.0

Peripheral Access Crate (PAC) for Raspberry Pi Silicon chips.
#[doc = "Control and data interface to SAR ADC"]
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Adc {
    ptr: *mut u8,
unsafe impl Send for Adc {}
unsafe impl Sync for Adc {}
impl Adc {
    pub const unsafe fn from_ptr(ptr: *mut ()) -> Self {
        Self { ptr: ptr as _ }
    pub const fn as_ptr(&self) -> *mut () {
        self.ptr as _
    #[doc = "ADC Control and Status"]
    pub const fn cs(self) -> crate::common::Reg<regs::Cs, crate::common::RW> {
        unsafe { crate::common::Reg::from_ptr(self.ptr.add(0usize) as _) }
    #[doc = "Result of most recent ADC conversion"]
    pub const fn result(self) -> crate::common::Reg<regs::Result, crate::common::RW> {
        unsafe { crate::common::Reg::from_ptr(self.ptr.add(4usize) as _) }
    #[doc = "FIFO control and status"]
    pub const fn fcs(self) -> crate::common::Reg<regs::Fcs, crate::common::RW> {
        unsafe { crate::common::Reg::from_ptr(self.ptr.add(8usize) as _) }
    #[doc = "Conversion result FIFO"]
    pub const fn fifo(self) -> crate::common::Reg<regs::Fifo, crate::common::RW> {
        unsafe { crate::common::Reg::from_ptr(self.ptr.add(12usize) as _) }
    #[doc = "Clock divider. If non-zero, CS_START_MANY will start conversions at regular intervals rather than back-to-back. The divider is reset when either of these fields are written. Total period is 1 + INT + FRAC / 256"]
    pub const fn div(self) -> crate::common::Reg<regs::Div, crate::common::RW> {
        unsafe { crate::common::Reg::from_ptr(self.ptr.add(16usize) as _) }
    #[doc = "Raw Interrupts"]
    pub const fn intr(self) -> crate::common::Reg<regs::Int, crate::common::RW> {
        unsafe { crate::common::Reg::from_ptr(self.ptr.add(20usize) as _) }
    #[doc = "Interrupt Enable"]
    pub const fn inte(self) -> crate::common::Reg<regs::Int, crate::common::RW> {
        unsafe { crate::common::Reg::from_ptr(self.ptr.add(24usize) as _) }
    #[doc = "Interrupt Force"]
    pub const fn intf(self) -> crate::common::Reg<regs::Int, crate::common::RW> {
        unsafe { crate::common::Reg::from_ptr(self.ptr.add(28usize) as _) }
    #[doc = "Interrupt status after masking & forcing"]
    pub const fn ints(self) -> crate::common::Reg<regs::Int, crate::common::RW> {
        unsafe { crate::common::Reg::from_ptr(self.ptr.add(32usize) as _) }
pub mod regs;