routing 0.1.3

A specialised storage DHT.
// Copyright 2015 limited
// This Safe Network Software is licensed to you under (1) the Commercial License,
// version 1.0 or later, or (2) The General Public License (GPL), version 3, depending on which
// licence you accepted on initial access to the Software (the "Licences").
// By contributing code to the Safe Network Software, or to this project generally, you agree to be
// bound by the terms of the MaidSafe Contributor Agreement, version 1.0, found in the root
// directory of this project at LICENSE, COPYING and CONTRIBUTOR respectively and also
// available at:
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the Safe Network Software distributed
// under the GPL Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS
// OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
// Please review the Licences for the specific language governing permissions and limitations relating to
// use of the Safe Network Software.

//! The main API for routing nodes (this is where you give the network its rules)
//! The network will report **from authority your authority** and validate cryptographically any message via group consensus.
//! This means any facade you implement will set out what you deem
//! to be a valid operation. Routing will provide a valid message sender and authority that will
//! allow you to set up many decentralised services
//! The data types are encoded with Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR).
//! This allows certain tags to be available to routing, facilitating fields such as
//!, when calculating authority.
//! We use Iana tag representations
//! Please define your own for this library. These tags are non optional and your data MUST meet
//! the requirements and implement the following tags:
//! ```text
//! tag: 5483_0 -> name [u8; 64] type
//! tag: 5483_1 -> XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
//! ```

#![doc(html_logo_url = "",
       html_favicon_url = "",
              html_root_url = "")]
// #![warn(missing_docs)]
#![allow(dead_code, unused_variables, unused_features, unused_attributes)]
#![feature(custom_derive, rand, collection, std_misc, unsafe_destructor, unboxed_closures, io, core,
           thread_sleep, ip_addr, convert, scoped)]
extern crate cbor;
extern crate rand;
extern crate rustc_serialize;
extern crate sodiumoxide;
extern crate time;

extern crate crust;
extern crate lru_time_cache;
extern crate message_filter;

mod accumulator;
mod common_bits;
mod macros;
mod message_header;
mod messages;
mod frequency;
mod name_type;
mod routing_table;
mod sentinel;

pub mod client_interface;
pub mod node_interface;
pub mod routing_client;
pub mod routing_node;
pub mod sendable;
pub mod generic_sendable_type;
pub mod test_utils;
pub mod types;

use sodiumoxide::crypto;

/// NameType is a 512bit name to address elements on the DHT network.
pub use name_type::{NameType, closer_to_target};

//#[derive(RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable)]
struct SignedKey {
  sign_public_key: crypto::sign::PublicKey,
  encrypt_public_key: crypto::asymmetricbox::PublicKey,
  signature: crypto::sign::Signature, // detached signature

pub enum Action {

pub enum RoutingError {
  Success,  // vault will also return a Success to indicate a dead end

// #[test]
// fn facade_implementation() {

//   mod routing_node;
//   use node_interface::Interface;
//   use types::{DestinationAddress, Authority};
//   use NameType;

//   struct MyFacade;

//   impl Interface for MyFacade {
//     fn handle_get(&mut self, type_id: u64, our_authority: Authority, from_authority: Authority,from_address: NameType , data: Vec<u8>)->Result<Action, RoutingError> { unimplemented!(); }
//     fn handle_put(&mut self, our_authority: Authority, from_authority: Authority,
//                   from_address: NameType, dest_address: DestinationAddress, data: Vec<u8>)->Result<Action, RoutingError> { unimplemented!(); }
//     fn handle_post(&mut self, our_authority: Authority, from_authority: Authority, from_address: NameType, data: Vec<u8>)->Result<Action, RoutingError> { unimplemented!(); }
//     fn handle_get_response(&mut self, from_address: NameType , response: Result<Vec<u8>, RoutingError>) { unimplemented!() }
//     fn handle_put_response(&mut self, from_authority: Authority,from_address: NameType , response: Result<Vec<u8>, RoutingError>) { unimplemented!(); }
//     fn handle_post_response(&mut self, from_authority: Authority,from_address: NameType , response: Result<Vec<u8>, RoutingError>) { unimplemented!(); }
//     fn add_node(&mut self, node: NameType) { unimplemented!(); }
//     fn drop_node(&mut self, node: NameType) { unimplemented!(); }
//     fn handle_churn(&mut self) { unimplemented!(); }
//   }

//   let my_facade = MyFacade;

//   let my_routing = routing_node::RoutingNode::new(my_facade);
//   /* assert_eq!(999, my_routing.get_facade().handle_get_response());  */
// }