routing 0.0.9

This is Pre alpha, and not useful, no code worth looking at.
// #<{(|  Copyright 2015 limited
//     This MaidSafe Software is licensed to you under (1) the Commercial License,
//     version 1.0 or later, or (2) The General Public License (GPL), version 3, depending on which
//     licence you accepted on initial access to the Software (the "Licences").
//     By contributing code to the MaidSafe Software, or to this project generally, you agree to be
//     bound by the terms of the MaidSafe Contributor Agreement, version 1.0, found in the root
//     directory of this project at LICENSE, COPYING and CONTRIBUTOR respectively and also
//     available at:
//     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the MaidSafe Software distributed
//     under the GPL Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS
//     OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
//     See the Licences for the specific language governing permissions and limitations relating to
//     use of the MaidSafe Software.                                                                 |)}>#
// use time;
// use cbor;
// use cbor::CborTagEncode;
// use rustc_serialize::{Decodable, Decoder, Encodable, Encoder};
// use sodiumoxide::crypto;
// use std::net;
// use sqlite3::*;
// type BootStrapContacts = Vec<Contact>;
// static MAX_LIST_SIZE: usize = 1500;
// fn array_to_vec(arr: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8> {
//     let mut vector = Vec::new();
//     for i in arr.iter() {
//         vector.push(*i);
//     }
//     vector
// }
// fn vector_as_u8_4_array(vector: Vec<u8>) -> [u8;4] {
//     let mut arr = [0u8;4];
//     for i in (0..4) {
//         arr[i] = vector[i];
//     }
//     arr
// }
// // TODO Move Contact to maidsafe_types
// pub struct Contact {
//     id: maidsafe_types::NameType,
//     endpoint_pair: (net::SocketAddrV4, net::SocketAddrV4),
//     public_key: crypto::asymmetricbox::PublicKey,
// }
// impl Contact {
//     pub fn new(id: maidsafe_types::NameType, endpoint_pair: (net::SocketAddrV4, net::SocketAddrV4), public_key: crypto::asymmetricbox::PublicKey) -> Contact {
//         Contact {
//             id: id,
//             endpoint_pair: endpoint_pair,
//             public_key: public_key
//         }
//     }
// }
// impl Encodable for Contact {
//     fn encode<E: Encoder>(&self, e: &mut E)->Result<(), E::Error> {
//         let addr_0_ip = array_to_vec(&self.endpoint_pair.0.ip().octets());
//         let addr_0_port = &self.endpoint_pair.0.port();
//         let addr_1_ip = array_to_vec(&self.endpoint_pair.1.ip().octets());
//         let addr_1_port = &self.endpoint_pair.1.port();
//         let public_key = array_to_vec(&self.public_key.0);
//         CborTagEncode::new(5483_000, &(&, addr_0_ip, addr_0_port, addr_1_ip, addr_1_port, public_key)).encode(e)
//     }
// }
// impl Decodable for Contact {
//     fn decode<D: Decoder>(d: &mut D)->Result<Contact, D::Error> {
//         try!(d.read_u64());
//         let (id, addr_0_ip_, addr_0_port, addr_1_ip_, addr_1_port, public_key) = try!(Decodable::decode(d));
//         let addr_0_ip: [u8;4] = vector_as_u8_4_array(addr_0_ip_);
//         let addr_1_ip: [u8;4] = vector_as_u8_4_array(addr_1_ip_);
//         let addr_0 = net::SocketAddrV4::new(net::Ipv4Addr::new(addr_0_ip[0], addr_0_ip[1], addr_0_ip[2], addr_0_ip[3]), addr_0_port);
//         let addr_1 = net::SocketAddrV4::new(net::Ipv4Addr::new(addr_1_ip[0], addr_1_ip[1], addr_1_ip[2], addr_1_ip[3]), addr_1_port);
//         let pub_ = crypto::asymmetricbox::PublicKey(maidsafe_types::helper::vector_as_u8_32_array(public_key));
//         Ok(Contact::new(id, (addr_0, addr_1), pub_))
//     }
// }
// impl Clone for Contact {
//     fn clone(&self) -> Contact {
//         Contact {
//             id:,
//             endpoint_pair: (self.endpoint_pair.0.clone(), self.endpoint_pair.1.clone()),
//             public_key: self.public_key.clone(),
//         }
//     }
// }
// pub struct BootStrapHandler {
//     database: Box<Database>,
//     last_updated: time::Tm,
// }
// impl BootStrapHandler {
//     pub fn new() -> BootStrapHandler {
//         let mut bootstrap = BootStrapHandler {
//             database: Box::new(open("./bootstrap.cache").unwrap()),
//             last_updated: time::now(),
//         };
//         bootstrap
//     }
//     pub fn get_max_list_size() -> usize {
//         MAX_LIST_SIZE
//     }
//     pub fn get_update_duration() -> time::Duration {
//         time::Duration::hours(4)
//     }
//     pub fn add_bootstrap_contacts(&mut self, contacts: BootStrapContacts) {
//         self.insert_bootstrap_contacts(contacts);
//         if time::now() > self.last_updated + BootStrapHandler::get_update_duration() {
//             self.check_bootstrap_contacts();
//         }
//     }
//     pub fn read_bootstrap_contacts(&self) -> BootStrapContacts {
//         let mut contacts = BootStrapContacts::new();
//         let mut cur: cursor::Cursor = self.database.prepare("select * from BOOTSTRAP_CONTACTS", &Some("")).unwrap();
//         loop {
//             let step_result = cur.step();
//             if step_result == types::ResultCode::SQLITE_DONE {
//                 break;
//             }
//             //let data = array_to_vec(cur.get_blob(0).unwrap());
//             let mut d = cbor::Decoder::from_bytes(cur.get_blob(0).unwrap());
//             contacts.push(d.decode().next().unwrap().unwrap());
//         }
//         contacts
//     }
//     pub fn replace_bootstrap_contacts(&mut self, contacts: BootStrapContacts) {
//         self.remove_bootstrap_contacts();
//         self.insert_bootstrap_contacts(contacts);
//     }
//     pub fn out_of_date(&self) -> bool {
//         time::now() > self.last_updated + BootStrapHandler::get_update_duration()
//     }
//     pub fn reset_timer(&mut self) {
//         self.last_updated = time::now();
//     }
//     fn insert_bootstrap_contacts(&mut self, contacts: BootStrapContacts) {
//         if !contacts.is_empty() {
//             for contact in contacts.iter() {
//                 let mut e = cbor::Encoder::from_memory();
//                 e.encode(&[contact]).unwrap();
//                 let mut query = self.database.prepare("INSERT INTO BOOTSTRAP_CONTACTS (CONTACT) VALUES(?)", &None).unwrap();
//                 query.bind_params(&[types::BindArg::Blob(e.into_bytes())]);
//                 query.step();
//             }
//         }
//     }
//     fn remove_bootstrap_contacts(&mut self) {
//         self.database.exec("DELETE FROM BOOTSTRAP_CONTACTS").unwrap();
//     }
//     fn check_bootstrap_contacts(&self) {
//         ;
//     }
// }
// #[cfg(test)]
// mod test {
//     use bootstrap::{Contact, BootStrapHandler};
//     use std::net;
//     use sodiumoxide;
//     use cbor;
//     use maidsafe_types;
//     use rand;
//     #[test]
//     fn serialisation_contact() {
//         let name_type = maidsafe_types::NameType([3u8; 64]);
//         let addr_1 = net::SocketAddrV4::new(net::Ipv4Addr::new(1,2,3,4), 8080);
//         let addr_2 = net::SocketAddrV4::new(net::Ipv4Addr::new(1,2,3,4), 9080);
//         let pub_key = sodiumoxide::crypto::asymmetricbox::PublicKey([20u8;32]);
//         let contact_before = Contact::new(name_type, (addr_1, addr_2), pub_key);
//         let mut e = cbor::Encoder::from_memory();
//         e.encode(&[&contact_before]).unwrap();
//         let mut d = cbor::Decoder::from_bytes(e.as_bytes());
//         let contact_after: Contact = d.decode().next().unwrap().unwrap();
//         assert!( ==;
//     }
//     #[test]
//     fn bootstrap_crud_test() {
//         use std::fs::File;
//         use std::path::Path;
//         let mut contacts = Vec::new();
//         for i in 0..10 {
//             let random_id = [rand::random::<u8>(); 64];
//             let random_addr_0 = [rand::random::<u8>(); 4];
//             let random_addr_1 = [rand::random::<u8>(); 4];
//             let port_0: u8 = rand::random::<u8>();
//             let port_1: u8 = rand::random::<u8>();
//             let addr_0 = net::SocketAddrV4::new(net::Ipv4Addr::new(random_addr_0[0], random_addr_0[1], random_addr_0[2], random_addr_0[3]), port_0 as u16);
//             let addr_1 = net::SocketAddrV4::new(net::Ipv4Addr::new(random_addr_1[0], random_addr_1[1], random_addr_1[2], random_addr_1[3]), port_1 as u16);
//             let (public_key, _) = sodiumoxide::crypto::asymmetricbox::gen_keypair();
//             let new_contact = Contact::new(maidsafe_types::NameType::new(random_id), (addr_0, addr_1), public_key);
//             contacts.push(new_contact);
//         }
//         let contacts_clone = contacts.clone();
//         let path = Path::new("./bootstrap.cache");
//         let mut bootstrap_handler = BootStrapHandler::new();
//         let file = File::open(&path);
//         file.unwrap(); // Check whether the database file is created
//         // Add Contacts
//         bootstrap_handler.add_bootstrap_contacts(contacts);
//         // Read Contacts
//         let mut read_contact = bootstrap_handler.read_bootstrap_contacts();
//         assert!(read_contact.len() == 10);
//         let empty_contact: Vec<Contact> = Vec::new();
//         // Replace Contacts
//         bootstrap_handler.replace_bootstrap_contacts(empty_contact);
//         assert_eq!(contacts_clone.len(), read_contact.len());
//         // Assert Replace
//         read_contact = bootstrap_handler.read_bootstrap_contacts();
//         assert!(read_contact.len() == 0);
//     }
// }