routerify 2.0.0

A lightweight, idiomatic, composable and modular router implementation with middleware support for the Rust HTTP library
use crate::types::RequestInfo;
use hyper::{body::HttpBody, Request, Response};
use std::future::Future;

pub use self::post::PostMiddleware;
pub use self::pre::PreMiddleware;

mod post;
mod pre;

/// Enum type for all the middleware types. Please refer to the [Middleware](./index.html#middleware) for more info.
/// This `Middleware<B, E>` type accepts two type parameters: `B` and `E`.
/// * The `B` represents the response body type which will be used by route handlers and the middlewares and this body type must implement
///   the [HttpBody]( trait. For an instance, `B` could be [hyper::Body](
///   type.
/// * The `E` represents any error type which will be used by route handlers and the middlewares. This error type must implement the [std::error::Error](
pub enum Middleware<B, E> {
    /// Variant for the pre middleware. Refer to [Pre Middleware](./index.html#pre-middleware) for more info.

    /// Variant for the post middleware. Refer to [Post Middleware](./index.html#post-middleware) for more info.
    Post(PostMiddleware<B, E>),

impl<B: HttpBody + Send + Sync + 'static, E: Into<Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>> + 'static>
    Middleware<B, E>
    /// Creates a pre middleware with a handler at the `/*` path.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use routerify::{Router, Middleware};
    /// use hyper::{Request, Body};
    /// use std::convert::Infallible;
    /// # fn run() -> Router<Body, Infallible> {
    /// let router = Router::builder()
    ///      .middleware(Middleware::pre(|req| async move { /* Do some operations */ Ok(req) }))
    ///      .build()
    ///      .unwrap();
    /// # router
    /// # }
    /// # run();
    /// ```
    pub fn pre<H, R>(handler: H) -> Middleware<B, E>
        H: Fn(Request<hyper::Body>) -> R + Send + Sync + 'static,
        R: Future<Output = Result<Request<hyper::Body>, E>> + Send + 'static,
        Middleware::pre_with_path("/*", handler).unwrap()

    /// Creates a post middleware with a handler at the `/*` path.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use routerify::{Router, Middleware};
    /// use hyper::{Response, Body};
    /// use std::convert::Infallible;
    /// # fn run() -> Router<Body, Infallible> {
    /// let router = Router::builder()
    ///      .middleware(Middleware::post(|res| async move { /* Do some operations */ Ok(res) }))
    ///      .build()
    ///      .unwrap();
    /// # router
    /// # }
    /// # run();
    /// ```
    pub fn post<H, R>(handler: H) -> Middleware<B, E>
        H: Fn(Response<B>) -> R + Send + Sync + 'static,
        R: Future<Output = Result<Response<B>, E>> + Send + 'static,
        Middleware::post_with_path("/*", handler).unwrap()

    /// Creates a post middleware which can access [request info](./struct.RequestInfo.html) e.g. headers, method, uri etc. It should be used when the post middleware trandforms the response based on
    /// the request information.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use routerify::{Router, Middleware, PostMiddleware, RequestInfo};
    /// use hyper::{Response, Body};
    /// use std::convert::Infallible;
    /// async fn post_middleware_with_info_handler(res: Response<Body>, req_info: RequestInfo) -> Result<Response<Body>, Infallible> {
    ///     let headers = req_info.headers();
    ///     // Do some response transformation based on the request headers, method etc.
    ///     Ok(res)
    /// }
    /// # fn run() -> Router<Body, Infallible> {
    /// let router = Router::builder()
    ///      .middleware(Middleware::post_with_info(post_middleware_with_info_handler))
    ///      .build()
    ///      .unwrap();
    /// # router
    /// # }
    /// # run();
    /// ```
    pub fn post_with_info<H, R>(handler: H) -> Middleware<B, E>
        H: Fn(Response<B>, RequestInfo) -> R + Send + Sync + 'static,
        R: Future<Output = Result<Response<B>, E>> + Send + 'static,
        Middleware::post_with_info_with_path("/*", handler).unwrap()

    /// Create a pre middleware with a handler at the specified path.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use routerify::{Router, Middleware};
    /// use hyper::{Request, Body};
    /// use std::convert::Infallible;
    /// # fn run() -> Router<Body, Infallible> {
    /// let router = Router::builder()
    ///      .middleware(Middleware::pre_with_path("/my-path", |req| async move { /* Do some operations */ Ok(req) }).unwrap())
    ///      .build()
    ///      .unwrap();
    /// # router
    /// # }
    /// # run();
    /// ```
    pub fn pre_with_path<P, H, R>(path: P, handler: H) -> crate::Result<Middleware<B, E>>
        P: Into<String>,
        H: Fn(Request<hyper::Body>) -> R + Send + Sync + 'static,
        R: Future<Output = Result<Request<hyper::Body>, E>> + Send + 'static,
        Ok(Middleware::Pre(PreMiddleware::new(path, handler)?))

    /// Creates a post middleware with a handler at the specified path.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use routerify::{Router, Middleware};
    /// use hyper::{Response, Body};
    /// use std::convert::Infallible;
    /// # fn run() -> Router<Body, Infallible> {
    /// let router = Router::builder()
    ///      .middleware(Middleware::post_with_path("/my-path", |res| async move { /* Do some operations */ Ok(res) }).unwrap())
    ///      .build()
    ///      .unwrap();
    /// # router
    /// # }
    /// # run();
    /// ```
    pub fn post_with_path<P, H, R>(path: P, handler: H) -> crate::Result<Middleware<B, E>>
        P: Into<String>,
        H: Fn(Response<B>) -> R + Send + Sync + 'static,
        R: Future<Output = Result<Response<B>, E>> + Send + 'static,
        Ok(Middleware::Post(PostMiddleware::new(path, handler)?))

    /// Creates a post middleware which can access [request info](./struct.RequestInfo.html) e.g. headers, method, uri etc. It should be used when the post middleware trandforms the response based on
    /// the request information.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use routerify::{Router, Middleware, PostMiddleware, RequestInfo};
    /// use hyper::{Response, Body};
    /// use std::convert::Infallible;
    /// async fn post_middleware_with_info_handler(res: Response<Body>, req_info: RequestInfo) -> Result<Response<Body>, Infallible> {
    ///     let _headers = req_info.headers();
    ///     // Do some response transformation based on the request headers, method etc.
    ///     Ok(res)
    /// }
    /// # fn run() -> Router<Body, Infallible> {
    /// let router = Router::builder()
    ///      .middleware(Middleware::post_with_info_with_path("/abc", post_middleware_with_info_handler).unwrap())
    ///      .build()
    ///      .unwrap();
    /// # router
    /// # }
    /// # run();
    /// ```
    pub fn post_with_info_with_path<P, H, R>(path: P, handler: H) -> crate::Result<Middleware<B, E>>
        P: Into<String>,
        H: Fn(Response<B>, RequestInfo) -> R + Send + Sync + 'static,
        R: Future<Output = Result<Response<B>, E>> + Send + 'static,
        Ok(Middleware::Post(PostMiddleware::new_with_info(path, handler)?))