ros2-client 0.7.2

ROS2 client library based on RustDDS
use std::{convert::TryInto, time::Duration};

use chrono::{DateTime, Utc};
use ros2_client::*;

pub fn main() {
  log4rs::init_file("log4rs.yaml", Default::default()).unwrap();

  let context = Context::new().unwrap();
  let mut node = context
      NodeName::new("/", "time_broadcaster").unwrap(),
        .declare_parameter("my_param", ParameterValue::String("foo".to_owned()))
        // example parameter validator function
        // Requirement to have exactly 3 chars is just an arbitrary restriction.
        .parameter_validator(Box::new(|name, value| match name {
          "my_param" => match value {
            ParameterValue::String(s) if s.len() == 3 => Ok(()),
            _ => Err("my_param must be a string of 3 chars".to_string()),
          _ => Ok(()),
        // parameter set handler.
        .parameter_set_action(Box::new(|name, value| {
          println!("Setting {}={:?}", name, value);

  // "my_param" can be changed using
  // ros2 service call /time_broadcaster/set_parameters
  // rcl_interfaces/srv/SetParameters '{parameters: [{name: "my_param", value:
  // {type: 4, string_value: "bar"}}]}'
  // read back:
  // ros2 service call /time_broadcaster/get_parameters
  // rcl_interfaces/srv/GetParameters '{names: ['my_param']}'
  // or, more simply:
  // ros2 param get --spin-time=5 /time_broadcaster my_param
  // ros2 param set --spin-time=5 /time_broadcaster my_param bar
  // ros2 param describe --spin-time=5 /time_broadcaster my_param

  let clock_publisher = node
          &Name::new("/", "clock").unwrap(),
          MessageTypeName::new("builtin_interfaces", "Time"),


  // Define at which rates simlated time proceeds vs. real time.
  // Tiacks below are equal in length.
  // This also defines how often simulated clock is updated.
  let sim_time_tick = Duration::from_millis(1000);
  let real_time_tick = Duration::from_millis(2000);

  let mut sim_time = node.time_now();

  smol::block_on(async move {
    loop {
      println!("tick {:?}", DateTime::<Utc>::from(sim_time));
      sim_time = sim_time + sim_time_tick.try_into().unwrap();