rocket-include-tera 0.2.1

This is a crate which provides macros `tera_resources_initialize!` and `tera_response!` to statically include Tera files from your Rust project and make them be the HTTP response sources quickly.
Include Tera Templates for Rocket Framework

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This is a crate which provides macros `tera_resources_initialize!` and `tera_response!` to statically include Tera files from your Rust project and make them be the HTTP response sources quickly.

* `tera_resources_initialize!` is used in the fairing of `TeraResponseFairing` to include Tera files into your executable binary file. You need to specify each file's name and its path. In order to reduce the compilation time and allow to hot-reload templates, files are compiled into your executable binary file together, only when you are using the **release** profile.
* `tera_response!` is used for retrieving and rendering the file you input through the macro `tera_resources_initialize!` as a `TeraResponse` instance with rendered HTML. When its `respond_to` method is called, three HTTP headers, **Content-Type**, **Content-Length** and **Etag**, will be automatically added, and the rendered HTML can optionally not be minified.
* `tera_response_cache!` is used for wrapping a `TeraResponse` and its constructor, and use a **key** to cache its HTML and ETag in memory. The cache is generated only when you are using the **release** profile.

See `examples`.


## Documentation

## License