rocfl 1.0.1

A Rust CLI for OCFL repositories
//! Local filesystem OCFL storage implementation.

use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::fs::{self, File, ReadDir};
use std::io::Read;
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};

use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result};
use globset::GlobBuilder;
use grep::matcher::{Captures, Matcher};
use grep::searcher::Searcher;
use grep::searcher::sinks::UTF8;


// ================================================== //
//             public structs+enums+traits            //
// ================================================== //

/// Local filesystem OCFL repository
pub struct FsOcflStore {
    /// The path to the OCFL storage root
    pub storage_root: PathBuf

// ================================================== //
//                   public impls+fns                 //
// ================================================== //

impl FsOcflStore {
    /// Creates a new FsOcflRepo
    pub fn new<P: AsRef<Path>>(storage_root: P) -> Result<FsOcflStore> {
        let storage_root = storage_root.as_ref().to_path_buf();

        if !storage_root.exists() {
            return Err(anyhow!("Storage root {} does not exist", storage_root.to_string_lossy()));
        } else if !storage_root.is_dir() {
            return Err(anyhow!("Storage root {} is not a directory", storage_root.to_string_lossy()))

        // TODO verify is an OCFL repository
        // TODO load storage layout

        Ok(FsOcflStore {

impl OcflStore for FsOcflStore {
    /// Returns the most recent inventory version for the specified object, or an a
    /// `RocflError::NotFound` if it does not exist.
    fn get_inventory(&self, object_id: &str) -> Result<Inventory> {
        let mut iter = InventoryIter::new_id_matching(&self.storage_root, object_id.clone())?;

        loop {
            match {
                Some(Ok(inventory)) => {
                    return Ok(inventory)
                Some(Err(_)) => (),  // Errors are ignored because we don't know what object they're for
                None => return Err(not_found(&object_id, None).into())

    /// Returns an iterator that iterates over every object in an OCFL repository, returning
    /// the most recent inventory of each. Optionally, a glob pattern may be provided that filters
    /// the objects that are returned by OCFL ID.
    fn iter_inventories(&self, filter_glob: Option<&str>) -> Result<Box<dyn Iterator<Item=Result<Inventory>>>> {
        Ok(Box::new(match filter_glob {
            Some(glob) => InventoryIter::new_glob_matching(&self.storage_root, glob)?,
            None => InventoryIter::new(&self.storage_root, None)?

// ================================================== //
//            private structs+enums+traits            //
// ================================================== //

/// Iterates over ever object in an OCFL repository by walking the file tree.
struct InventoryIter {
    dir_iters: Vec<ReadDir>,
    current: RefCell<Option<ReadDir>>,
    id_matcher: Option<Box<dyn Fn(&str) -> bool>>,

// ================================================== //
//                private impls+fns                   //
// ================================================== //

impl InventoryIter {
    /// Creates a new iterator that only returns objects that match the given object ID.
    fn new_id_matching<P: AsRef<Path>>(root: P, object_id: &str) -> Result<Self> {
        let o = object_id.to_string();
        InventoryIter::new(root, Some(Box::new(move |id| id == o)))

    /// Creates a new iterator that only returns objects with IDs that match the specified glob
    /// pattern.
    fn new_glob_matching<P: AsRef<Path>>(root: P, glob: &str) -> Result<Self> {
        let matcher = GlobBuilder::new(glob).backslash_escape(true).build()?.compile_matcher();
        InventoryIter::new(root, Some(Box::new(move |id| matcher.is_match(id))))

    /// Creates a new iterator that returns all objects if no `id_matcher` is provided, or only
    /// the objects the `id_matcher` returns `true` for if one is provided.
    fn new<P: AsRef<Path>>(root: P, id_matcher: Option<Box<dyn Fn(&str) -> bool>>) -> Result<Self> {
        Ok(InventoryIter {
            dir_iters: vec![fs::read_dir(&root)?],
            current: RefCell::new(None),

    fn create_if_matches<P: AsRef<Path>>(&self, object_root: P) -> Result<Option<Inventory>>{
        let inventory_path = object_root.as_ref().join(ROOT_INVENTORY_FILE);

        if self.id_matcher.is_some() {
            let object_id = self.extract_object_id(&inventory_path)?;
            if self.id_matcher.as_ref().unwrap().deref()(&object_id) {
                return self.create_object_version(&object_root);
        } else {
            return self.create_object_version(&object_root);


    fn create_object_version<P: AsRef<Path>>(&self, path: P) -> Result<Option<Inventory>> {
        match parse_inventory(&path) {
            Ok(inventory) => Ok(Some(inventory)),
            Err(e) => Err(e)

    fn extract_object_id<P: AsRef<Path>>(&self, path: P) -> Result<String> {
        let mut matches: Vec<String> = vec![];
        Searcher::new().search_path(&*OBJECT_ID_MATCHER, &path, UTF8(|_, line| {
            let mut captures = OBJECT_ID_MATCHER.new_captures()?;
            OBJECT_ID_MATCHER.captures(line.as_bytes(), &mut captures)?;
        })).with_context(|| format!("Failed to locate object ID in inventory at {}",

        match matches.get(0) {
            Some(id) => Ok(id.to_string()),
            None => Err(anyhow!("Failed to locate object ID in inventory at {}",

impl Iterator for InventoryIter {
    type Item = Result<Inventory>;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        loop {
            if self.current.borrow().is_none() && self.dir_iters.is_empty() {
                return None
            } else if self.current.borrow().is_none() {

            let entry = self.current.borrow_mut().as_mut().unwrap().next();

            match entry {
                None => {
                Some(Err(e)) => return Some(Err(e.into())),
                Some(Ok(entry)) => {
                    match entry.file_type() {
                        Err(e) => return Some(Err(e.into())),
                        Ok(ftype) if ftype.is_dir() => {
                            let path = entry.path();

                            match is_object_root(&path) {
                                Ok(is_root) if is_root => {
                                    match self.create_if_matches(&path) {
                                        Ok(Some(object)) => return Some(Ok(object)),
                                        Ok(None) => (),
                                        Err(e) => return Some(Err(e))
                                Ok(is_root) if !is_root => {
                                    match std::fs::read_dir(&path) {
                                        Ok(next) => {
                                        Err(e) => return Some(Err(e.into()))
                                Err(e) => return Some(Err(e.into())),
                                _ => panic!("This code is unreachable")
                        _ => ()

/// Returns true if the path contains an OCFL object root marker file
fn is_object_root<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> Result<bool> {
    for entry in fs::read_dir(path)? {
        let entry_path = entry?.path();
        if entry_path.is_file()
            && entry_path.file_name().unwrap_or_default() == OBJECT_MARKER {
            return Ok(true);

/// Parses the HEAD inventory of the OCFL object that's rooted in the specified directory.
/// This is normally the `inventory.json` file in the object's root, but it could also be
/// the inventory file in an extension directory, such as the mutable HEAD extension.
fn parse_inventory<P: AsRef<Path>>(object_root: P) -> Result<Inventory> {
    let inventory_path = resolve_inventory_path(&object_root);
    // TODO should validate hash
    let mut inventory = parse_inventory_file(&inventory_path)
        .with_context(|| format!("Failed to parse inventory at {}",
    inventory.object_root = object_root.as_ref().to_string_lossy().to_string();

fn parse_inventory_file<P: AsRef<Path>>(inventory_file: P) -> Result<Inventory> {
    let mut bytes = Vec::new();
    File::open(&inventory_file)?.read_to_end(&mut bytes)?;
    let inventory: Inventory = serde_json::from_slice(&bytes)?;

fn resolve_inventory_path<P: AsRef<Path>>(object_root: P) -> PathBuf {
    let mutable_head_inv = object_root.as_ref().join(MUTABLE_HEAD_INVENTORY_FILE);
    if mutable_head_inv.exists() {
        return mutable_head_inv;