Module roa::router

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This is supported on crate feature router only.
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This module provides a context extension RouterParam and many endpoint wrappers like Router, Dispatcher and Guard.


use roa::router::{Router, RouterParam, get, allow};
use roa::{App, Context, Status, MiddlewareExt, Next};
use roa::http::{StatusCode, Method};
use roa::tcp::Listener;
use tokio::task::spawn;

async fn gate(_ctx: &mut Context, next: Next<'_>) -> Result<(), Status> {

async fn query(ctx: &mut Context) -> Result<(), Status> {

async fn create(ctx: &mut Context) -> Result<(), Status> {

async fn graphql(ctx: &mut Context) -> Result<(), Status> {

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let router = Router::new()
        .on("/restful", get(query).post(create))
        .on("/graphql", allow([Method::GET, Method::POST], graphql));
    let app = App::new()
    let (addr, server) =;
    let resp = reqwest::get(&format!("http://{}/api/restful", addr)).await?;
    assert_eq!(StatusCode::OK, resp.status());

    let resp = reqwest::get(&format!("http://{}/restful", addr)).await?;
    assert_eq!(StatusCode::NOT_FOUND, resp.status());


An endpoint wrapper to dispatch requests by http method.

An endpoint wrapper to guard endpoint by http method.

An endpoint to route request by uri path.

A builder of RouteTable.


Error occurring in building route table.


A context extension. This extension must be used in Router, otherwise you cannot get expected router parameters.


A function to construct guard by white list.

Function to construct dispatcher with Method::CONNECT and an endpoint.

Function to construct dispatcher with Method::DELETE and an endpoint.

A function to construct guard by black list.

Function to construct dispatcher with Method::GET and an endpoint.

Function to construct dispatcher with Method::HEAD and an endpoint.

Function to construct dispatcher with Method::OPTIONS and an endpoint.

Function to construct dispatcher with Method::PATCH and an endpoint.

Function to construct dispatcher with Method::POST and an endpoint.

Function to construct dispatcher with Method::PUT and an endpoint.

Function to construct dispatcher with Method::TRACE and an endpoint.