Crate roa

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Roa is an async web framework inspired by koajs, lightweight but powerful.


A Roa application is a structure composing and executing middlewares and an endpoint in a stack-like manner.

The obligatory hello world application:

use roa::App;
use roa::preload::*;
use tracing::info;
use std::error::Error as StdError;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn StdError>> {
    let app = App::new().end("Hello, World");
    app.listen("", |addr| {
        info!("Server is listening on {}", addr)

An endpoint is a request handler.

There are some build-in endpoints in roa.

  • Functional endpoint

    A normal functional endpoint is an async function with signature: async fn(&mut Context) -> Result.

    use roa::{App, Context, Result};
    async fn endpoint(ctx: &mut Context) -> Result {
    let app = App::new().end(endpoint);
  • Ok endpoint

    () is an endpoint always return Ok(())

    let app = roa::App::new().end(());
  • Status endpoint

    Status is an endpoint always return Err(Status)

    use roa::{App, status};
    use roa::http::StatusCode;
    let app = App::new().end(status!(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST));
  • String endpoint

    Write string to body.

    use roa::App;
    let app = App::new().end("Hello, world"); // static slice
    let app = App::new().end("Hello, world".to_owned()); // string
  • Redirect endpoint

    Redirect to an uri.

    use roa::App;
    use roa::http::Uri;
    let app = App::new().end("/target".parse::<Uri>().unwrap());

Like koajs, middleware suspends and passes control to “downstream” by invoking next.await. Then control flows back “upstream” when next.await returns.

The following example responds with “Hello World”, however first the request flows through the x-response-time and logging middleware to mark when the request started, then continue to yield control through the endpoint. When a middleware invokes next the function suspends and passes control to the next middleware or endpoint. After the endpoint is called, the stack will unwind and each middleware is resumed to perform its upstream behaviour.

use roa::{App, Context, Next};
use roa::preload::*;
use tracing::info;
use std::error::Error as StdError;
use std::time::Instant;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn StdError>> {
    let app = App::new()
        .end("Hello, World");
    app.listen("", |addr| {
        info!("Server is listening on {}", addr)

async fn logger(ctx: &mut Context, next: Next<'_>) -> roa::Result {
    let rt = ctx.load::<String>("x-response-time").unwrap();
    info!("{} {} - {}", ctx.method(), ctx.uri(), rt.as_str());

async fn x_response_time(ctx: &mut Context, next: Next<'_>) -> roa::Result {
    let start = Instant::now();
    let ms = start.elapsed().as_millis();"x-response-time", format!("{}ms", ms));

Status Handling

You can catch or straightly throw a status returned by next.

use roa::{App, Context, Next, status};
use roa::preload::*;
use roa::http::StatusCode;
use tokio::task::spawn;
use tracing::info;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let app = App::new()
        .end(status!(StatusCode::IM_A_TEAPOT, "I'm a teapot!"));
    app.listen("", |addr| {
        info!("Server is listening on {}", addr)

async fn catch(_ctx: &mut Context, next: Next<'_>) -> roa::Result {
    // catch
    if let Err(status) = next.await {
        // teapot is ok
        if status.status_code != StatusCode::IM_A_TEAPOT {
            return Err(status);

async fn not_catch(ctx: &mut Context, next: Next<'_>) -> roa::Result {
    next.await?; // just throw

App has an status_handler to handle status thrown by the top middleware. This is the status_handler:

use roa::{Context, Status};
pub fn status_handler<S>(ctx: &mut Context<S>, status: Status) {
    ctx.resp.status = status.status_code;
    if status.expose {
    } else {
        tracing::error!("{}", status);


Roa provides a configurable and nestable router.

use roa::preload::*;
use roa::router::{Router, get};
use roa::{App, Context};
use tokio::task::spawn;
use tracing::info;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let router = Router::new()
        .on("/:id", get(end)); // get dynamic "/:id"
    let app = App::new()
        .end(router.routes("/user")?); // route with prefix "/user"
    app.listen("", |addr| {
        info!("Server is listening on {}", addr)

async fn end(ctx: &mut Context) -> roa::Result {
    // get "/user/1", then id == 1.
    let id: u64 = ctx.must_param("id")?.parse()?;
    // do something


Roa provides a middleware query_parser.

use roa::preload::*;
use roa::query::query_parser;
use roa::{App, Context};
use tokio::task::spawn;
use tracing::info;

async fn must(ctx: &mut Context) -> roa::Result {
    // request "/?id=1", then id == 1.
    let id: u64 = ctx.must_query("id")?.parse()?;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let app = App::new()
    app.listen("", |addr| {
        info!("Server is listening on {}", addr)

Other modules

  • body: dealing with body more conveniently.
  • compress: supports transparent content compression.
  • cookie: cookies getter or setter.
  • cors: CORS support.
  • forward: “X-Forwarded-*” parser.
  • jwt: json web token support.
  • logger: a logger middleware.
  • tls: https supports.
  • websocket: websocket supports.


This module provides a context extension PowerBody.


This module provides a middleware Compress.


This module provides a middleware cookie_parser and context extensions CookieGetter and CookieSetter.

This module provides a middleware Cors.

This module provides a context extension Forward, which is used to parse X-Forwarded-* headers.

A general purpose library of common HTTP types




This module provides middleware JwtGuard and a context extension JwtVerifier.

This module provides a middleware logger.

Reexport all extension traits.

This module provides a middleware query_parser and a context extension Query.


This module provides a context extension RouterParam and many endpoint wrappers like Router, Dispatcher and Guard.

this module provides a stream adaptor AsyncStream


This module provides an acceptor implementing roa_core::Accept and an app extension.


This module provides an acceptor implementing roa_core::Accept and an app extension.


This module provides a websocket endpoint.


Construct a Status.

Throw an Err(Status).


A transport returned yieled by AddrIncoming.

The Application of roa.

Boxed endpoint.

A middleware composing and executing other middlewares in a stack-like manner.

A structure to share request, response and other data between middlewares.

A type implementing hyper::rt::Executor

A handle that awaits the result of a task.

Http request type of roa.

Http response type of roa.

A listening HTTP server that accepts connections in both HTTP1 and HTTP2 by default.

Shared middleware.

The Status of roa.

A wrapper of Arc.


The body of response.


Asynchronously accept incoming connections.


Extra methods of endpoint.


A set of method to chain middleware/endpoint to middleware or make middleware shared.

Executor constraint.

The State trait, should be replace with trait alias. The App::state will be cloned when a request inbounds.

Type Definitions

Type of the second parameter in a middleware, an alias for &mut (dyn Unpin + Future<Output = Result>)

Type alias for StdResult.

Attribute Macros