rnr 0.2.0

rnr is a command-line tool to batch rename files and directories
rnr-0.2.0 is not a library.


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rnr is a command-line tool to batch rename files and directories.



GitHub Releases

You can download binaries from latest release page, choose the compressed file corresponding to your platform. These compressed files contain the executable and other additional content such as completion files (Bash, Zsh, fish and PowerShell).

Arch Linux

A package is available in the AUR (rnr) to install latest version of RnR on Arch Linux.

From Source

RnR is written in Rust. You can build it from source using Cargo.

From git repository

git clone https://github.com/ChuckDaniels87/rnr .
cargo install

From Crates.io

cargo install rnr



    -b, --backup          Generate file backups before renaming
    -n, --dry-run         Only show what would be done (default mode)
    -f, --force           Make actual changes to files
    -h, --help            Prints help information
    -x, --hidden          Include hidden files and directories
    -D, --include-dirs    Rename matching directories
    -r, --recursive       Recursive mode
    -s, --silent          Do not print any information
    -V, --version         Prints version information

        --color <color>        Set color output mode [default: auto]
                               [possible values: always, auto, never]
    -d, --max-depth <LEVEL>    Set max depth in recursive mode

    <EXPRESSION>     Expression to match (can be a regex)
    <REPLACEMENT>    Expression replacement
    <PATH(S)>...     Target paths

Default behavior

  • Dry-run by default.
  • Only UTF-8 valid input arguments and filenames.
  • Works on files and symlinks (ignores directories).
  • Accepts multiple files as arguments.
  • Accepts a regex to generate matches. These expressions have same limitations of regex crate. It supports capture groups.
  • If max depth is not provided to recursive mode, it is assumed infinite.
  • Does not generate backups.
  • Output is colored (only ANSI terminals).
  • Ignore hidden files and directories.

