rlbot 0.5.0

RLBot bindings for Rust
//! ATBA, short for Always Towards Ball Agent, is a bot that always drives
//! blindly towards the ball no matter what is happening on the field (just
//! like Dory from Finding Nemo).

#![warn(future_incompatible, rust_2018_compatibility, rust_2018_idioms, unused)]
#![cfg_attr(feature = "strict", deny(warnings))]

use na::Vector2;
use rlbot::flat;
use std::{error::Error, f32::consts::PI};

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    let rlbot = rlbot::init()?;

    rlbot.start_match(&rlbot::MatchSettings::rlbot_vs_allstar("ATBA", "All-Star"))?;

    let mut packets = rlbot.packeteer();
    loop {
        let packet = packets.next_flatbuffer()?;

        // check that match is started and not showing a replay.
        // `packets.next_flatbuffer()` sleeps until the next packet is
        // available, so this loop will not roast your CPU :)
        if packet.gameInfo().unwrap().isRoundActive() {
            let input = get_input(&packet);

fn get_input<'a>(packet: &flat::GameTickPacket<'_>) -> flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a> {
    let ball = packet.ball().expect("Missing ball");
    let ball_phys = ball.physics().expect("Missing ball physics");
    let flat_ball_loc = ball_phys.location().expect("Missing ball location");
    let ball_loc = Vector2::new(flat_ball_loc.x(), flat_ball_loc.y());

    let car = packet.players().expect("Missing players").get(0);
    let car_phys = car.physics().expect("Missing player physics");
    let flat_car_loc = car_phys.location().expect("Missing player location");
    let car_loc = Vector2::new(flat_car_loc.x(), flat_car_loc.y());

    let offset = ball_loc - car_loc;
    let desired_yaw = f32::atan2(offset.y, offset.x);
    let flat_car_rot = car_phys.rotation().expect("Missing player rotation");
    let steer = desired_yaw - flat_car_rot.yaw();

    let player_index = 0;
    let controller_state_args = flat::ControllerStateArgs {
        throttle: 1.0,
        steer: normalize_angle(steer).max(-1.0).min(1.0),

    build_player_input(player_index, &controller_state_args)

fn build_player_input<'a>(
    player_index: i32,
    controller_state_args: &flat::ControllerStateArgs,
) -> flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a> {
    let mut builder = flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder::new_with_capacity(1024);
    let controller_state = Some(flat::ControllerState::create(
        &mut builder,

    let player_input = flat::PlayerInput::create(&mut builder, &flat::PlayerInputArgs {
        playerIndex: player_index,
        controllerState: controller_state,

    builder.finish(player_input, None);

/// Normalize an angle to between -PI and PI.
fn normalize_angle(theta: f32) -> f32 {
    if theta < -PI {
        theta + (PI * 2.0)
    } else if theta >= PI {
        theta - (PI * 2.0)
    } else {