rjo 0.1.6

A small utility to create JSON objects.
# rjo

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A small utility to create JSON objects.

The origin of this package is [jpmens/jo](https://github.com/jpmens/jo), and was inspired by a Golang ported version , [skanehira/gjo](https://github.com/skanehira/gjo).

## Installation

Only installation from souce is supported. You may need Rust 1.30 or higher. You can then use cargo to build everything.

$ cargo install rjo

or, clone and specify local directory:

$ git clone https://github.com/dskkato/rjo.git
$ cd rjo
$ cargo install --path .

## Usage

Creating objects:
$ rjo -p name=jo n=17 parser=false
    "name": "jo",
    "n": 17,
    "parser": false

or, arrays:
$ seq 1 10 | rjo -a

$ rjo -p -a Rust 0 false

A more complex example:
$ rjo -p name=JP object=$(rjo fruit=Orange point=$(rjo x=10 y=20) number=17) sunday=false
    "name": "JP",
    "object": {
        "fruit": "Orange",
        "point": {
            "x": 10,
            "y": 20
        "number": 17
    "sunday": false

## See also
* [jo]https://github.com/jpmens/jo
* [gjo]https://github.com/skanehira/gjo

## License