risq 0.4.1

Re-implementation of Bisq (https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq) in rust
# [risq release v0.4.1]https://github.com/bodymindarts/risq/releases/tag/v0.4.1

## Improvements

- Restructure the 'features' `default = ["checker", "statistics", "vendored-openssl", "fail-on-warnings"]`

## Bug fixes

- Update list of supported currencies and markets

# [risq release v0.4.0]https://github.com/bodymindarts/risq/releases/tag/v0.4.0

## Features
- Add `/status` endpoint to get meta data about the state of the p2p module (connections / bootstrap state etc)
- Add `--force-seed=<hostname>:<port>` option to `daemon` command to force usage of a given seed

## Improvements

- GraphQL Api returns 503 when daemon has not bootstrapped
- Change flag `--use-tor=<bool>` to `--no-tor`. Passing the bool value is redundant.

## Bug Fixes

- Fix default `RISQ_HOME` dir (was missing `.risq` part)
- Add in previously unsupported currencies

# [risq release v0.3.5]https://github.com/bodymindarts/risq/releases/tag/v0.3.5

## Bug Fixes

- Fix default `RISQ_HOME` dir (was missing `.risq` part)

# [risq release v0.3.4]https://github.com/bodymindarts/risq/releases/tag/v0.3.4

## Bug Fixes
- fix Volumes query

# [risq release v0.3.3]https://github.com/bodymindarts/risq/releases/tag/v0.3.3

## Improvements
- Add formattedBtcVolume and formattedBtcAmount to OpenOffer query

# [risq release v0.3.2]https://github.com/bodymindarts/risq/releases/tag/v0.3.2

## Improvements
- Only bootstrap from @wiz seednode so as to not add load to the other seed nodes
- Handle removing offers when receiving RemoveDataMessage

## Bug Fixes
- Fix issues causing slight differences in returned data vs that of markets api

# [risq release v0.3.1]https://github.com/bodymindarts/risq/releases/tag/v0.3.1

## Improvements

- pick up `RISQ_HOME` as root data dir
- Expose / remove code when `target_os = "android"`

## Bug fixes
- Add capability to handle new TradeStatistics hash

# [risq release v0.3.0]https://github.com/bodymindarts/risq/releases/tag/v0.3.0

## Notice

- minor version bump due to breaking change

## Improvements

- Demoved `depth` query from schema. The same data can be fetched via the `offers` field.

# [risq release v0.2.0]https://github.com/bodymindarts/risq/releases/tag/v0.2.0

## Features
- add `ticker` `volumes` and `depth` query. Now feature complete with bisq markets api.

# [risq release v0.1.1]https://github.com/bodymindarts/risq/releases/tag/v0.1.1

## Improvements

- test build for arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf target (eg. raspi) and attach binary to release

# [risq release v0.1.0]https://github.com/bodymindarts/risq/releases/tag/v0.1.0

## Features
- add hloc query to graphql

## Improvements
- better responsiveness of api during bootstrapping via bulk insert of trade history
- test that there are no warnings when building without any features in ci pipeline
- automatically commit version as <version>-dev in Cargo.{toml,lock} after a version bump

# [risq release v0.0.7]https://github.com/bodymindarts/risq/releases/tag/v0.0.7

## Improvements
- Logging only for the `daemon` command. Default log level is `info`, this can be changed using the new flag `--log-level` ([#12]https://github.com/bodymindarts/risq/pull/12)

## Bug fixes
- Fixed timestamp bug in price nodes ([#15]https://github.com/bodymindarts/risq/pull/15)

# [risq release v0.0.6]https://github.com/bodymindarts/risq/releases/tag/v0.0.6

## Features

- removed `/offers` api endpoint and added `offers` query to the [graphql schema]https://github.com/bodymindarts/risq/blob/master/src/api/schema.graphql
- updated cli to hit the graphql endpoint and add `--market CUR` arg to the `offers` sub command (to filter offers by non BTC currency)

## Improvements
- incoming messages that Add / Refresh offers are now cryptographically verified
- some scenarious where threads would crash have been fixed

## Bug fixes
- fix issue with the ci pipeline release process