riot-sys 0.7.7

Rust FFI wrappers for the RIOT operating system failed to build riot-sys-0.7.7
Please check the build logs for more information.
See Builds for ideas on how to fix a failed build, or Metadata for how to configure builds.
If you believe this is' fault, open an issue.


Bindings for RIOT system calls

This crate contains dynamically generated Rust FFI bindings to the RIOT Operating System.

Those bindings are inherently unsafe; it is recommended that their safe abstractions in the riot-wrappers crate are used in most applications.

For a newcomer's starting point, see RIOT's documentation on using it with Rust.

RIOT integration

Which functions and structs are present in this crate, and sometimes their details, inherently depends on the RIOT configuration this will be used with. For example, RIOT's thread_t only has a member name if DEVHELP is set for a build, and its flags member is only present if the thread_flags module is in use.

All the relevant information -- including the location of the actually used RIOT header files and flags influencing the ABI -- is conveyed to riot-sys by passing on the compiler and the CFLAGS. This can either be done by passing in th epath to a "compile commads" file through the RIOT_COMPILE_COMMANDS environment variable (accompanied by a RIOT_USEMODULES, as that part of CFLAGS is missing from the compile commands), or alternatively by passing in the C compiler as RIOT_CC and the CFLAGS (both their CFLAGS_WITH_MACROS and the INCLUDES part from RIOT's build system) in. When called from within RIOT's build system, care must be taken to clear CC and CFLAGS, as these would be interpreted by Cargo (Rust's build system) to refer to the host compiler and flags. The flags will be interpreted by libclang based tools; care must be taken to pass in flags suitable for clang and not for GCC.

These steps are automated in RIOT's build system.

The RIOT_CC and RIOT_CFLAGS are made available to dependent crates through Cargo (as DEP_RIOT_SYS_CC etc); see riot-wrappers's for an example. Similarly, custom markers are made available based on the presence of certain defines or features in RIOT as downstream crates require that information (typically to allow a crate to work across a wider range of RIOT versions); see the comments in for details.


Currently, only a subset of all the RIOT headers is processed; all the relevant header files are included in this crate's riot-headers.h header file. If you need access to more RIOT APIs, more includes can be added there.

External build dependencies

This crate's operation depends on C2Rust being installed. As of revision 6674d785, the upstream release is suitable for that. Still, installation is a bit cumbersome as it requires a particular nightly version:

$ git clone
$ cd c2rust
$ rustup install nightly-2019-12-05
$ rustup component add --toolchain nightly-2019-12-05 rustfmt rustc-dev
$ cargo +nightly-2019-12-05 install --locked --debug --path c2rust

Usually, the c2rust binary is selected through the PATH environment variable. The C2RUST environment variable can be used to override this.

The types and constants of RIOT are translated in two forms: through bindgen (to be linked together), and through C2Rust (transpiled, to be inlined). This is necessary because neither can express the full set of useful RIOT APIs.

All bindgen types are reexported in the main module and exclusively public through there. The C2Rust types largely reside in the [inline] module, with some pub used into the root module as necessary or convenient.


This crate is licensed under the same terms as of the LGPL-2.1, following the license terms of the RIOT Operating System.

It is maintained by Christian M. Amsüss as part of the etonomy project, see