riot-sys 0.1.0

Rust FFI wrappers for the RIOT operating system failed to build riot-sys-0.1.0
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This crate contains dynamically generated Rust FFI bindings to the RIOT Operating System.

Those bindings are inherently unsafe; it is recommended that their safe abstractions in the riot-wrappers crate are used in most applications.

RIOT integration

Both the presence of API components and the contents of structs depend on configuration set in the RIOT build system, eg. the presence of features or the CPU used. This does not only affect the preprocessed C code, but also compiler flags that govern the effective sizes of structs and need to be known to Cargo.

Currently, that information is transported in two components: A preprocessed header file that has all includes and ifdefs expanded, and the CFLAGS themselves. (It should be possible to later only use the CFLAGS).

To generate the expanded header file, you can insert a snippet like this into your RIOT Makefile:

for-cargo: ${BINDIR}/riot-expanded-headers.h

${BINDIR}/riot-expanded-headers.h: ../../riot-sys/riot-all.h
	$(Q)$(CC) $(CFLAGS_WITH_MACROS) $(INCLUDES) $< -fdirectives-only -E -o $@
	@echo "You may now run cargo with RIOT_EXPANDED_HEADER=$@ RIOT_CFLAGS=\"${RIOT_CFLAGS}\""

.PHONY: for-cargo

Then, run make for-cargo (possibly with your BOARD= parameter), and prefix the resulting environment variables to your cargo invocations. This crate's script will take them up, adopt the relevant C flags, and populate the riot_sys crate with the raw bindings.

Please note that riot-sys does not make any attempt to alter the Cargo target; it typically needs to be set to thumbv7m-none-eabi for ARM Cortex devices, or to i686-unknown-linux-gnu for the native board.


Currently, only a subset of all the RIOT headers is processed; all the relevant header files are included in this crate's riot-all.h header file. If you need access to more RIOT APIs, more includes can be added there.


This crate is licensed under the same terms as of the LGPL 2.1, following the license terms of the RIOT Operating System.

It is maintained by Christian M. Amsüss as part of the etonomy project, see