rink-core 0.6.2

Unit conversion library behind rink
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use crate::number::{Dimension, Number, Quantity};
use crate::numeric::Numeric;
use std::cmp;
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BinaryHeap};
use std::rc::Rc;

#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub struct Factors(pub usize, pub Vec<Rc<String>>);

impl cmp::PartialOrd for Factors {
    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Factors) -> Option<cmp::Ordering> {

impl cmp::Ord for Factors {
    fn cmp(&self, other: &Factors) -> cmp::Ordering {

pub fn fast_decompose(value: &Number, quantities: &BTreeMap<Quantity, String>) -> Quantity {
    let mut best = None;
    'outer: for (unit, name) in quantities.iter() {
        // make sure we aren't doing something weird like introducing new base units
        for (dim, pow) in unit {
            let vpow = value.unit.get(dim).cloned().unwrap_or(0);
            let snum = (vpow - pow).signum();
            if snum != 0 && snum != vpow.signum() {
                continue 'outer;
        let num = Number {
            value: Numeric::one(),
            unit: unit.clone(),
        for &i in [-1, 1, 2].iter() {
            let res = (value / &num.powi(i)).unwrap();
            let score = res.complexity_score();
            let better = best
                .map(|&(_, _, _, current)| score < current)
            if better {
                best = Some((name, unit, i, score));
    if let Some((name, unit, pow, score)) = best {
        if score < value.complexity_score() {
            let num = Number {
                value: Numeric::one(),
                unit: unit.clone(),
            let mut res = (value / &num.powi(pow)).unwrap().unit;
            res.insert(Dimension::new(&**name), pow as i64);
            return res;

pub fn factorize(
    value: &Number,
    quantities: &BTreeMap<Quantity, Rc<String>>,
) -> BinaryHeap<Factors> {
    if value.dimless() {
        let mut map = BinaryHeap::new();
        map.push(Factors(0, vec![]));
        return map;
    let mut candidates: BinaryHeap<Factors> = BinaryHeap::new();
    let value_score = value.complexity_score();
    for (unit, name) in quantities.iter().rev() {
        let num = Number {
            value: Numeric::one(),
            unit: unit.clone(),
        let res = (value / &num).unwrap();
        //if res.unit.len() >= value.unit.len() {
        let score = res.complexity_score();
        // we are not making the unit any simpler
        if score >= value_score {
        let res = factorize(&res, quantities);
        for Factors(score, mut vec) in res {
            candidates.push(Factors(score + 1, vec));
        let mut next = candidates.into_sorted_vec();
        candidates = next.into_iter().take(10).collect();
    assert!(candidates.len() <= 10);