rhiz 0.6.0

A deliberately minimal task runner.


A deliberately minimal task runner.

This is an in-progress-pre-alpha project.

Rhiz executes tasks defined in a "Rhizfile" which contains task descriptions with a Lisp-like syntax.

(task "hello"
  (log "Rhiz says hello"))

;; Comments start with a semicolon
(task "fizzbuzz"
  "Tasks can have an optional description"  ;; Strings with spaces are double-quoted.
  (exec fizzbuzz.exe)
  (log "The fizz was buzzed"))

(task "clean"
  (delete "./output"))

("task" echo
  ("echo" "Bare words and quoted strings are equivalent")))

Task execution

Tasks are executed relative to the directory containing the Rhizfile, not the directory where rhiz is invoked. When rhiz is invoked.

The commands in a task are executed one after the other, and if a command returns a non-zero exit code the the Rhiz immediately exits.
