rhiz 0.5.1

A deliberately minimal task runner.


A deliberately minimal task runner.

This is an in-progress-pre-alpha project.

Rhiz executes tasks defined in a "Rhizfile" which contains task descriptions with a Lisp-like syntax.

(task "hello"
  (log "Rhiz says hello"))

;; Comments start with a semicolon
(task "fizzbuzz"
  "Tasks can have an optional description"  ;; Strings are double-quoted.
  (exec fizzbuzz.exe)
  (log "The fizz was buzzed"))

(task "clean"
  (delete "./output"))

Task execution

Tasks are executed relative to the root directory, not the directory where rhiz is invoked. When rhiz is invoked.

The commands in a task are executed serially, and if a command returns a non-zero exit code the the task immediately exits.

Rhizfile syntax

Rhiz has two primitives:

  • Strings, which should be double-quoted (e.g "Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow")
  • Atoms, whitespace-separated words (e.g. task, log, cargo)

They can be used interchangeably in some places, but not everywhere.

Tasks and commands are built of s-expressions, which are a list followed by one or more arguments (which can be strings, atoms, or other s-expressions).

For example, the expression

(task "foo" (exec foo))

has the command task with the arguments "foo" and (exec foo), which are a string and an s-expression, respectively.
